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Everything posted by Driver1

  1. I'd be interested in comparing the cost of Gun Violence to the cost of vehicle wrecks using the parameters in the article. I bet it's significantly more for vehicle wrecks. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  2. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  3. I love this shirt. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  4. We should regulate cheetahs more. You could try putting up a sign that shows a parent holding their child out over the guard rail with a big red line through it. I was thinking the same thing about the horse in that other police chase incident. I think the horse kicked one of the cops in that incident. Good horse! There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  5. Or they'd already been fed. But then again, their thinking is probably "Huh? You give us a fucking baby? Come on! Give us something we can actually chase!" There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  6. Just the ones that got caught. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  7. It is CNN's youtube page. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  8. Remember when Michael Jackson dangled his little baby over the balcony? Now imagine if he'd accidentally dropped it. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  9. You can say that again! There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  10. So in your eyes Bridgestone Arena is the NRA. Get your facts straight. You won't ever get straight facts from a German. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  11. ANDREAS LUBITZ!!!! There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  12. Yes, I've tried posting to Dizzy from an iPad/iPhone, and it was a PITA. You can say that again! There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  13. Yep. He lied his ass off to his lawyer, made a fool out of him. That's certainly grounds for severing the counselor/client relationship. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  14. There IS one complaint of excessive force on Sigler's file, one that he was, predictably, exonerated of, never mind the witnesses they refused to take statements from, etc. His actions in that incident are disturbing as well. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  15. Yeah, there are times when certain people in their positions need to shut the fuck up. This is one of them. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  16. For your gun-loving mother, or perhaps, for the liberal anti-gun nut you can't stand? There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  17. Be an informant, or go to jail. It's your choice. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  18. Agreed. The victim's dad speculated that he fled because he owed child support and didn't want to go to jail. But still... the cop had no reason whatsoever to shoot a fleeing person in the back. LWOP would be the appropriate punishment. He won't last a month or two in prison before fellow inmates take his ass out. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  19. If you can't feed them, don't breed them. Of course, no employed parent EVER lost their job in the great recession. 1) Unemployment insurance is not an 'entitlement.' 2) The first condition of welfare should be that any recipient (to include covered offspring) must be subjected to a reversible sterilization process. 3) If, during one's childbearing years, one cannot afford the reversal process, one sure as hell cannot afford children. 4) If the potential for unfettered reproduction is more important than the check, good for you. Addressing poverty and overpopulation in a single policy is the way to go. No more 'kids as a cash crop.' If you love them, spay them. BSBD, Winsor Fully agreed. It's fucking ridiculous for a parent to be on welfare AND spew more kids out. It's one of the abuses of the welfare system IMO. You get a certain amount per child. If a parent needs welfare to make ends meet, then do it. Just don't add more kids to the mix while on welfare. Raise what you already have, and get a job. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  20. Well, I have 4 cheeks. I'd probably turn and tell them to kiss one of the rear cheeks. Well, in my dreams . In real life, if someone were to punch me in the face, I'd probably duck and figure out WTF was going on, because I generally don't do anything to deserve that. Wendy P. No you don't. You're a real sweetie on here.
  21. The video seems pretty clear cut to me. Black dude's running away. Cop doesn't want to give chase so he pumps 8 bullets in a row. Black dude falls down. Cop walks over, checks him out. Then jogs back to where he was shooting from, picks up the taser, walks back and while a fellow cop is checking on the dude on the ground, the shooter casually drops taser on the ground near the body. Of course, the statement released by his lawyer doesn't match up with what the video shows. It's pretty damning. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  22. You are saying there are no laws on the books in this country that are based on Biblical Law.....? Back to school for you counselor What would you have instead? Edit to add: Leviticus is in the Old Testament. You know this. Jesus himself said the Mosaic laws were bogus. mh . He also said to love your enemies and turn the other cheek. I don't see that as a conservative Christian value. So you're saying you'll turn your other cheek if somebody punches you in the face? There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  23. There's nobody alive that's qualified to throw the rock There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  24. Leave Remi out of this. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  25. I am with you Grue but I think it is a flawed argument to say we need to start eliminating the things we disagree on as people. That's not feasible. I am not a fan of anyone who "pushes" religion or the belief in nothing on anyone either. I really try to not do that. I prefer to let my actions speak but I am human and that does not always work out that well. Maybe it's better said as eliminating the reasons we disagree to actual disagreements vs. disagreements because an unprovable deity or deities and/or some ancient text tells them to. Sure people will always find a reason to argue and disagree but the more intelligent and relevant those reasons are...