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Everything posted by Sangi

  1. I always wondered how is it that in the US you can sign up in the ARMY at 18 and go around shooting/killing people, but you can not go and buy a beer until you are 21... Gotta agree, quite retarded laws... Europe is way cooler, at least in my country you can legally drink from 18 (even though everybody drinks from whatever age they want to lol) and start jumping from 14 "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  2. Doing a tandem jump is as safe as riding a roller coaster (kids don't understand the dangers of roller coasters either).. I don't see a problem with kids doing tandems (as the guy above me said, as long as they fit correctly in the harness) if they wish so.. Very good comparison with the driving a car at 16 (in Lithuania you can get a drivers license at 18 and yet there's horribly many car accidents involving driving teens..) and shooting a gun.. My brother did two tandem jumps when he was 13, there are kids in my DZ who just finished their AFF's and they are 15-16... "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  3. Actually it does. If you don't want to wait forever on the optimum, order the Speed reserve, it packs even smaller than the optimum and has the main like flying characteristics.. X-fast ( also is the same type of reserve, low pack volume and main like canopy flight characteristics.. "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  4. I've got that "textile" reserve handle on my Atom Axis.. offers really cool hooktable cutaway handles
  5. So much for the "nothing even comes close" slogan... "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  6. It probably means you're paranoid.. "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  7. hahaha, so true and yet disgraceful and disappointing at the same time "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  8. So what are womens weaknesses then? "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  9. Here's the coolest one I've ever seen so far "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  10. Well this is disgraceful and disappointing "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  11. Well this is my home DZ, this is where everything started, so I might be a bit biased in my opinion, but hey, it's home! :) Kaunas Skydiving Club (Pociunai) is an absolutely beautiful place surrounded by peaceful nature further away from busy civilization.. The weather most of the jumping season (from spring to autumn) is amazing, hot sun, blue skies with white puffy clouds, you can get a nice tan or take a cooling swim in a pond behind the club (including the other swooping pond if you fail your swoop haha).. The DZ is surrounded by the curvy river Nemunas and lush greenery of pines and other vegetation... The airfield is absolutely huge with one side of it belonging to the skydiving club and the other to the gliders club (so if you feel like you can even take your first fun flight in a glider with an instructor, just by going to the other side of the airfield!). Our DZ operates L-410 turbolet (even two of these during the annual summer boogie july 10-19th) 90% of the working season, also the vintage russian biplane AN-2 100% of the time, sometimes we also get a MI-8 helicopter and theres plenty of balloon jumps during the boogie! Professional instructions for beginners in english and russian languages (AFF, SL, Tandem), so if you're only a student wanting to experience skydiving do not hesitate to come! Professional manifest work. All kinds of experienced jumpers, from freeflyers, belly flyers, swoopers to wingsuiters, you will always find to jump with someone and have fun! We also have professional riggers and packers for almost any kinds of unexpected needs :) We also have a bar where you can enjoy traditional lithuanian meals, get some refreshing drinks (includes beer!), watch TV, listen to the music or chill out with your PC (WI-FI internet available!). Club bunkhouse is available for overnight stay (with prepared bed sheets and top notch toilets and showers, however it is not big and during busy times it will most likely be fully occupied so it is advised to bring full camping gear just in case). Awesome people, awesome chill out evenings in our special chill out zone ;) I could write and write, but there probably wouldn't be any space left haha.. Cons? What cons? Don't believe me? Come and visit, everyone is always welcome, see you there!
  12. Since I came to study in Scotland, I needed somewhere to occasionally get a jump in, so I contacted my uni (of Dundee) skydiving club and thus made my way to Strathallan.. One of the biggest pros of this DZ is the friendliness of people, I don't know about others, but I had nothing but pleasure of spending time with these people, learning various things, they don't hesitate to answer any silly questions and it's good to have a laugh along the way.. The scenery is great here, it's fun to have a ride with the clubs buggy and many other small things that make it a great place to be in... I haven't made much jumps lately due to weather and money issues, but hopefully in the future I'll be a frequent visitor and full fledged member of the Scottish Parachute club :) The cons... Well the biggest con is the weather (rainy, very windy and very cold winters) I guess, but that's not the clubs fault, it's just how Scotland is.. Also it would be nice if Strathallan had a full time turbo prop plane for higher altitudes, because 10k feet burn fast if you're trying to freefly.. I haven't spent much time in Strathallan as I wanted, but all in all I think it's a great place to be in the end, cause the people make it worth it :)
  13. What canopy model/size were you jumping and how much do you weigh? "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  14. Right back at ya, LOADS of people use Advances here in Lithuania and I love the detail and quality of the container, I haven't jumped it, but I tried one on with a 79 VX inside, it was an absolute dream, like an empty weightless backpack.. IMHO best looking container in the market as well (but that's just my opinion..). "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  15. Best is having the best of both worlds.. Alti-2 + N3 on your arm "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  16. Defo freefall, I see people with less than 100 jumps doing good sitflying and shit, yet you never see them swoop "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  17. To each their own, I for example want to get Advance (from myself...
  18. When I was on my AFF I used to be terrified of "the door", when it opened I was scared shitless, when I got to the edge I was in somekind of euphoria where the fear absolutely consumes you and then you just burnout and when I jumped the whole fear just disappeared so I relaxed more... It took some time to get used to this thing, but now, I love it.. I specially take up the seat in the way back of L-410 and open the door myself and watch the tandems and other people exit by popping my head through the open door.. For me it's just the general getting used to things, at first it's bad, but later it just gets better and better.. "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  19. Will you guys ever stop this nonsense? I mean here most of you are respectable people and yet you still get into these retarded brand war / mine's better than yours fights.. Some will find they love one product, some will find they hate it, but there will always be options to chose from... These kind of product flamefests are pretty pointless, unless you're talking about major flaws of the product, which could impact someone in some serious ways.. Peace "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  20. You guys go into such detailed bla bla bla scientific mumbo jumbo.. The guy only wants to know if his magnetic riser covers will work properly when he jumps during the winter "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  21. Only Vectors and Javelins have the skyhook, I heard Mirage is working on somekind of copy of skyhook as well.. "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  22. Thanks for sharing this, gonna definitely try this next time I get into linetwists
  23. I'm no expert, but I've heard eyesights do magic (if he ain't using one already)
  24. So why marry one in the first place? "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean
  25. Yey brand wars... People will always say that the product they're using is the best and everything else pretty much sucks.. Go and try those containers for yourself to see which one you like best.. "Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean