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    South Africa

Everything posted by Meso

  1. Your logic is flawed good sir, As the commonly stated saying goes "Atheists only believe in one less God than the rest". If, as you say to be an Atheist you must have studied all religions and aspects of life, then the same must be said about Christianity, or any other religion. If you are to be a believer in your religion, what is to say you picked the right one without studying all the rest? You came across it and it felt right? You just knew? It's no different from Atheism. In fact if anything I feel the opposite is true, Christians much of the time are raised as such and do not study up on scientific facts or question their belief system. They are far less educated than the Atheist who spent most of his life as a Christian. I've got news for you though, In Christians eyes the majority feel Agnostic and Atheist are the same thing. And both are burning in hell, Christianity for example requires an indepth relationship with Jesus and a lifestyle that accompanies it. I was agnostic for a while, but then I realized it's not just black and white. Sure there is no one on earth that can be 100% sure a God doesn't exist, that doesn't make all those people Agnostic. For example, If I tell you there is a floating teacup in space that originally created all life, using a teabag. There is no way you can possibly know this is not true. But by using common logic, you realize the chances are so small that you are willing to plainly state you don't believe such a thing exists. The same with a God. I am not 100% sure that a God doesn't exist, no one is. But by being 99.99% sure, I don't believe in it- and therefore are Atheist. If anything is a cop-out it is the Agnostic view, a fence sitter who is fucked either way. If there is a God he goes to hell, if there isn't, he lived cautiously incase there was and was never free from that. Though Agnostics for the most part lean much more towards the Atheist side. So if there is a God, I`ll see you in hell partner :)
  2. A wise, intelligent choice to leave religion. I was in a similar boat, it took me most of my life to figure it out too, but when you start having doubts and actually look at things it all begins pretty clear, as I'm sure you know. I too know the bible fairly well, and would debate against anyone who suggested Christianity was not right. As for your first question about what's after life and all. It's probably the question that leaves so many people religious, the fear of the fact that when you die that is that and you're gone for eternity. It is a sad and depressing truth, but one you learn to accept. Which granted, can cause more pain in the idea of life to some, worrying about dying- But at least it's the truth. You will also now get people telling you that you were never Christian. Though what can be expected from people who manage to go their entire lives without seeing that something is fucked up with their pattern of thought. In my experience, once you have doubts and are willing to openly look at information the fact that there is no God will just become more and more apparent. Kind of like you've been brain washed for years and you're only now beginning to break through it and see reality from a point of view that isn't dictated by someone else. You see as a Christian you are told what to believe and think, and many churches discourage questioning and examining evidence. Saying things like "that's the devil leading you astray". The only fair and equal way to look at religion is from not believing in it. Atheism isn't the opposite of religion, just the lack of it. But welcome to the world of reality ;)
  3. It isn't exactly rocket science. I'm sure you are well aware of the demographics for both imprisonments, wealth and general social troubles. But I often forget that people like to just pretend the poor don't exist and choose to pretend like there isn't an obvious racial correlation. Yeah, pretty much. That's it for me. Unless the racism becomes an actual problem. Are you going to sit there and say you actually get offended or your life changes in any way by these anti-white racist comments. Because then I'd love to have seen you put up with complete oppression and social segregation and then STILL have people going at your colour. I don't support it either way as I said, but I think if I were black I'd feel after decades of oppression and still being treated like shit I'd earn the right to take a few shots back at 'The man'. So it basically boils down to, are you really offended when black people say racist things. Which if you are, fair enough... But then I'd hate to have seen you go through what they went through.
  4. I can't believe anyone would be okay with such sentiments. There is no way to justify what the NBPP leader said. My problem is that the posts about racism against whites are usually about 1 single incident. Can you imagine if I decided to post a thread about every racist (towards blacks) happening in the world... There would be nothing else on this forum. As I said before though, it's not like whites in the US have a rough life on average compared to the average black man. So when I see threads about whites bitching about some isolated racist incidents it pisses me off, considering their lives are aces compared to the lives of most of the blacks who complain about racism. I feel blacks have the right to complain because of the fact that they are in a far more oppressive state than the average white. Whites complaining about a black man making a racist statement is annoying, if they were to catch up for the amount of racism that gets thrown their way they'd have to be spewing anti-white racism every second, but in general they don't. So to me it's just looking for things to complain about
  5. Where do you come to the assumption that I was okay with what the NBPP said? I think the leaders of the NBPP are very much racist. It goes both ways and I'm not afraid to admit that. I live in South Africa for Christ's sake, there's plenty of racism going both ways here. In fact it's basically the opposite of the US. It's harder to find a job if you're NOT black. Racism is equally retarded going both ways. But with that said, if I were black I'd hate whites too for the way they treated my forefathers. Whites just tend to like to moan about nothing. And as much as I appreciate the gesture with that race card, I think it'd be more appropriate given to he whom CREATES the race debates, not he who comments on them.
  6. Asking such a question on a forum primarily filled with wealthy white people, much of whom are republicans isn't going to exactly produce fair results. I don't know if it's just so much the prison system as it is the whole social system.
  7. Not at all... But show me a list of black people using who constantly make race related posts. Oh right, sorry... Just because every second post is race related doesn't hint that there's racism in that person. There's no evidence for that... What a silly assumption. Here I was thinking I could use logic... Clearly that's not the case, I guess I'll need to go catch people in KKK costumes burning a cross.. Wait... that still proves nothing- oh well, guess there's no hope for proving my accusations. But you're totally right, there's far more chance that there are no racists on this forum rather than people pretending they're not.
  8. The issue of the legalization of drugs is one that I'm extremely torn over. First off, I'm not religious, but I don't touch alcohol, tobacco or drugs- and never plan to again. (was never an alcoholic or junky). First off, half of me wants everything banned- the reason for this being the suffering of innocent kids who end up being in an abusive or neglected household due to drug or alcohol abuse. And if people can't control how they use it, they shouldn't be given the option to. Half of me feels as though if a child has to see their parent doing drugs they are more likely to follow suit. You see, I don't give a fuck about people who make stupid choices and then stick with them, we've all fucked up, the difference is many of us learn. So they can do what they like, their deaths aren't on my conscience, it was their decision. I also have no pity for them. But I definitely have pity for the innocent ones involved in that persons life. Their children, parents, friends and family. On the other hand, I want to give people this option to make their own choices, even if they're bad ones. I'm very much against any government being able to tell people what they can and can't do. There is also the thought that if drugs are made legal it will lower the crime associated with the drug trade. The war on drugs is nothing but a political ploy. It has never worked, and never will. And we all know how prohibition failed. The current drug strategy which has been going on for ages isn't working, clearly... It's time to take a new approach. Whether that means legalizing, so be it. Some times things need to be tried and tested, you won't really know the impact until it's tried- it can always be changed again back to the usual crap if it fails. Trust me, there is nothing more I'd like to see in this world than a world where 14 year old kids weren't out snorting coke and 15 year olds weren't out shooting smack. Where 12 year old girls weren't getting drunk, passing out and getting raped at parties. But currently nothing is changing that, so as I said a new approach is needed- and it may need to be a radical one. But also, as I said- I am extremely torn between my desire for kids to live decent lives and my passion for allowing people the right to do as they please. As for weed, there is NO logical reason why weed is banned while cigarettes and alcohol are made legal. I'm sure most of us here can say we were surrounded by all of these at some period, and I'm sure most can agree that weed is the least dangerous of them all... Fuck you just need to look at death statistics to realize this. So while I'd rather have people doing nothing, I'd rather have someone I love smoke weed than cigarettes or drink alcohol.
  9. Hi, I'll speak to Sangiro about this idea.
  10. It's quite funny, it's pretty clear many posters on here are racist. But the thing is they all just refuse to admit it, the question isn't whether they are racist or not- it's whether they are denying it because they've really made themselves believe otherwise or simply because it would get them hated on. It isn't difficult to pick out the people who let their true side show when they're with their friends in the comfort of their own living room, or in a bar. But they will continue to deny it, over and over. Yup, no one on this forum is a racist. Because no one ever admits it, we all live in a perfect world here where everything said is all non-racial. Not going to try say a certain thread is a 'racist thread' but it's pretty clear to see all those who have all the vented up racial issues inside them, but at the same time try to appear as though they aren't racists. If you're going to hate, hate everyone- it's far more effective.
  11. *cue Anti-Flag's - "1 Trillion Dollars"* I must say though, when I look at Reagan, the financial details would have been the least of my worries. One tends to pay less for oppression.
  12. Nope, In the same boat. I used to trust people, but lessons learned. Even if people 'prove themselves to be trustworthy', I discovered it usually just means they are better at hiding things than others and are better liars. Sometimes you can think a person is trust worthy for years, decades in many cases. Many of those cases that person has just been hiding it well.. One just needs to look at some married couples, where one side truly believes their companion is trustworthy and it eventually turns out not so much.. The kicker is that in my experience all the people that weren't worthy of being trusted would go on about how "trust is everything" and "you need to trust me". There are people I trust more than others, but I`ll trust no one completely.
  13. Probably why now days the term 'bate' is used more often... Or maybe that's just in the circles I lurk...
  14. Shhhh, the court doesn't need to know that. I just want to see some of them behind bars
  15. Of course the Republicans care about the people! ... Just as long as they are rich people.
  16. Wait... You mean it's possible to get laid without lying about your feelings to her!?
  17. I wonder if I can get some of my ex-girlfriends arrested for rape too, for lying about their age..
  18. Great way of using the easiest way out of any argument. It can be used against anyone at any time... I think there's actually actually a children's equivalent... oh yes! "I know you are, but what am I". You got me. Not to mention the fact that makes no sense, trust me... I'd love there to be a God, I hate the idea of dying and just rotting.. It's just a sad reality. While the freedom of life without religion is great, I'd swap the freedom for 'eternal life' any day. But I am without a doubt that God does not exist... So I can either... Man up and face the cruel truth of death, or lie to myself and try make myself believe in a God- which is impossible since I know it's not true. So no, definitely not convincing myself of something which I hate. Except I don't waste my life, I do what I want and live it how I want. That's not wasting. What happens if I'm wrong and you're right... I burn in hell, but at least lived my prior life how I wanted. What if you're wrong? You rot and spent your only life worshipping a non-existent God.
  19. Well it's my thinking that it could be the email client. You can test by copying and pasting the whole address you receive in the email into the address bar and seeing if that works. If that's not the problem then we do need to look into it anyway. But if you or anyone else using a gmail (I'm assuming it's gmail from your screenshot) can just confirm that the error is in fact that gmail client only making the link clickable up until the ';message' in the URL. :)
  20. I don't have to worry about asking for forgiveness every time I commit a 'sin'. I don't have to keep worrying about whether or not I am living my life according to "God's" book of rules. I can lust over whom I please without guilt. I can be jealous over what other people have without worrying about it. I can show my true feelings towards people without having to try stick to lines of kindness. In fact, I quite enjoy sinning. Though it's not even about what one does with their freedom, it's that they have the option to.
  21. I'm sorry, I was never a Christian? That's quite hilarious. I was just as deluded as you are. Only difference between me and you is that I opened my eyes instead of continuing to live blindly for the rest of my life. Your logic fails miserably... I suppose everyone who was a Muslim and then converted to Christianity was never really a Muslim either? OH WAIT! No, let me guess what you will say- "No because that's not the real God, they hadn't found the power of Christ yet in their lives... Once you experience Jesus Christ you will never turn back". To which my reply would be... "Once you delude yourself enough YOU will never go back because you've convinced yourself". I honestly pity you, if you haven't realized religion is bullshit by now you're probably going to go the rest of your life living for something that doesn't exist. And in the end rot in the ground like the rest of us... No second life of opportunity... You'd have just wasted your 1 and only life. And you're just bitter because you're still trapped by your oppressive religion while I live for me and only me.
  22. True words. Religion is oppression. *Cue 'I'm free as I can ever be in the Lord'*. Biggest regret I have about being Christian for most of my life thus far was that I was too scared to do what I wanted. God, I waited until I was 18 until I got laid for something that doesn't even exist! One can never truly be free, but without religion you are that much more free. PS: For those thinking about posting philosophical religion ridden messages about only ever being free when you find the Lord, save it. Because I've been there, that's not freedom. And since I'm going to be rotting in the ground when I die- I'm cool with not being free after death.
  23. This is odd... First thing I notice is that the URL is different to what I receive in my mail box when I get an alert. Is that the link you get directly from the email or is that a redirect. If you go to your mail client and copy and paste the URL does it appear like that or does it look like this -;message=17658... etc ? Because that's what I receive via email, where the ;message=# is the end of the URL pointing to the message. And without that you will get an error. Which means it may possibly be something with the email client not treating the ; as part of the URL.
  24. I've forwarded the bug to psmarais to look at.