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Everything posted by marks2065

  1. i don't understand this? you cannot preplan how a war is going to play out. they had several things figured and adjusted as things went. it isn't like they had a dirt dive to work out the bugs or a practice jump to debrief. the people of iraq have more now than in the last 20 years of sadams rule. electric, running water, a fairer government, less persicution. all in less than 8 years. WOW partially rebuild an entire countries infrastructure in less than 8 years while rebuilding the entire government. it take 10 to 20 years just to build a highway in this country. it takes a year just to get a house built from planning to move in day. don't people see what has actually happened over there and the scope of what has been acomplished!
  2. we are here now and need to finish. mistakes were made and some fixed, others not but we stepped into this and need to finish the job we started and make things right with the people of iraq. we need to give the troops what is needed to do the job right, and the time to complete it, and support the president to finish it. we stood tall and proud in wwII with the president and we need to again now more than ever to show the world that we are the greatest and best country in the world and we won't stand for the shit that some might throw at us.
  3. he gets crap from the generals about needing more and gets crap from the country about sending to many. somebody needs to make a decision and he did. since niether side was happy it must have been a good decision.
  4. sadam had 10 years between wars. i guess another 10 years of talk so he could build his military further could have been reasonable. come on people WAKE UP, sadam did have wmd's and did present a problem to the world and the frech and sioviets were helping him build his military back up to strength. we know he had wmd's because we gave them to him which he used against his own people and iran. just because we didn't find them doesn't mean anything. the gi's that went in first saw alot of stuff that made them feel they did the right thing by going into iraq.
  5. just because things got hard doesn't mean you run and hide. is completing something you started that hard for americans to do anymore? are we just a bunch of quitters in this country?
  6. alot of the GI's that are killed is because of the hold fire until given the ok. the troops need to be able to fire first and not wait until shot at before reacting. i apreciate the service his family gave to this country and hope for the best for his family. we are free to live our lives because of sacrifices like this and nothing we say or do can leason what this family must feel, but i know none of them would want all their hard work and sacrifice to be in vein by leaving the job undone and have things go back to how it was before the war.
  7. it is never good to see death. the people of our military don't want it anymore than we want it. that being said the troops know what may happen when they go to war and have still willingly volunteered for the job and go do their job till it is done. makes you feel kinda sad that they paid the ultimate price over there and the people that live under the freedom they provided can't finish the easy job here becuase they run away from the issue because they can't stomache what they started.
  8. bush, even knowing the problems he would face and the posibility of not getting reelected like his dad, still went forward with what he thought was the right thing to do. we elected him to run this country and he has done that to the best of his ability acording to his beliefs and morals. if a majority of the country didn't agree with how he was doing things they should not have reelected him. the president probably has the toughest job in the country with every person having different thoughts of what is good and bad. i get pissed when i see all the people jump off the band wagon whenever things get hard or unpleasant. alot of people in this country fold under a little pressure and won't finish a difficult task. we as a country elected bush, backed him in the war, and alot ran out on him when things got a little unpleasant. if people want to not agree with bush that's fine, that is your right as an american. but we elected him, backed him to go to war and should continue to support him and give him the tolls needed to finish the job to the end. instead of bashing the president lets give him ideas and tools to improve and finish what is started. alot of people in iraq are mad at the US for leaving before the job was done in the first war. we backed out under U.N. and local pressure and alot of iraq's local leaders were slaughtered by sadam. The people of iraq don't trust the US because of this and they wait for us to abandon them again. lets not show that we are quitters a second time
  9. the majority was in favor of the war in iraq now the majority is is not in favor of the war. what did those that changed their mind think was going to happen ? the U.S. would go over and say stop and they would go ok and all would be fine? everybody is afraid to get their hands dirty nowdays. as someone once said " the pusification of the US is almost complete
  10. i have talked to imagration police and they have their hands tied. very few of the illegals get deported because of red tape like this. we need to put in place and inforce a law that deports first not litigate first and if their is a problem they can work it out on the other side then be let back in if ok
  11. sorry i meant the bush's since this is a continuation of bush #1's war - i don't know if you have talked to any people that have served in iraq but i have and they all agree with bush and his policies and get "pissed at the pussies that cry about the war" (an actual quote from a GI ) most people wanted the war but when things got tough the weak minded started running. war isn't pleasant nor wanted but sometimes it is needed and i am glad that our troops and president had the guts to go defend our country and will support them till they see it through to the end. we have seen how far talk has gotten in other ares of the world (nowhere) and at least the people of iraq are getting services we take for granted like power, running water, and a much better legal and government systems. things are better in iraq now than in the last 20 years of sadam's rule and getting better every day. to bad the news won't show the good things about what is going on over there because the ratings would drop . people here want to see bad things on the news so that is what they show to get ratings up. news stations like wgn have tried to put positive things on but canceled those kind of news stories when the ratings droped (as per wgn reporter) the people need all the facts to make good judgements and the only thing they get is a one sided story from the news or a democrat trying to get elected so before you make judgements you need to investigate the other end so you can see the good things that are happening
  12. everyone seems to forget that we are safer now then at the end of clinton's term and all the fighting is in the middle east not here sounds good to me. i like the way things are, if there is to be fighting over there sounds good to me. also if the people over there would do as they said they would there wouldn't be this shit happening. i like what bush is doing and everyone should be thanking the GI's for thier service to our country. Bush has done more with the fewest causalties of any president before him that has had to deal with a war. do i like war - no - but talk doesn't work with the people in the middle east and never has. they will say what you want to here but keep on doing what they said they would stop and it has been that way for as long as i have been alive - i think a nicely placed nuke would work great but then we would suffer from the radiation so this i feel is the best way to handle things and we should stand behind our president and our soldiers and support them. and the pussy protesters should get a job and become viable members or our country instead of drains on it
  13. my thought is that you fingerprint the rugrat send them all back and let the rugrat back in when it is 18 and can speak english
  14. why would they protest arms coming back? if they are starting to return isn't that what they wanted ? maybe they should get a job and start becoming a productive part of workforce
  15. the crime rate and cost for medical, schooling, welfare for illegals in this country is staggering and i am tired of paying for deadbeats and criminals in this country and a very large percentage of illegals in this country are deadbeats and criminals
  16. i would have no problem with that if they became americans first - arrive here legally, learn english, paid taxes, and not abused the support systems of america - these future voters will know spanish as a first laguage, hear stories from their parents about how they hid to not be deportation and how they used welfare and the free medical system or how they got arested deported and just came back over thwe border and how the american system alows freeloaders - and you want these people to vote for your kids future and your retirement ?
  17. i guess that congress really likes what bush has done because they could have the troops pulled anytime they wanted but they don't vote that way - remember that the next time a candidate tells you how much they hate the war and so should you and if you vote for me i will fix it - they tell you what you want to hear and then do what they want - the democrats control congress but things haven't changed and the american people are still told lies by them - dem or rep they all lie cheat and steal and we continue to vote them in - bashing bush isn't the answer - voting out the well known and long term politicians is the way to start a change - the unknown candidate may not be the best choice but at least it has a chance for someting new
  18. the problem is worse than most people think - one of the big reasons to get a drivers lic is to get a voters card - one of the news personalities on cnn or fox ( can't remember ) had this subject on one of their programs - the mexican vote is a strong vote now because of the illegal voting - they are using the loop holes in the system to vote in the mexican candidate and help their cause - the poll at the time was about 70% of the mexican voters were voting illegally - the democrats coun't on this percentage of votes to help push them over the edge on close elections that is why they overlook it as much as they do as proved by the article provided by millertime - the illegal mexican vote has gained enough strength to tip an election in the favor of the candidate that is easy on imigration laws or suppliing free food and medical to the illegal population - this is a very serious situation and does have a big impact on elections just because of the large numbers the illegal voters carry - the main reason for alot of illegals get a divers lic is to get a voters card and vote - they seem to understand how a democracy works better than us and use it to help themselves when ever they can - they have gained enough power to almost vote themselves into legal status by electing the popular mexican candidate - if the people of the US don't stop it soon our national language will be spanish not english and our government will be run by the mexican president - as of right now 1 out of 5 kids born in america have mexican heritage in their blood - now i'm not real smart but i think that would make a 20% mexican vote in less than 20 years
  19. becuase it is always someone elses fault - you never hear a guy complain the seat was left down -
  20. what happens when the s&ta is the dzo ? it is that way at many dz's - it the dz's and dzo's need to be spot inspected by the rd's to keep things on the level
  21. with trying 2 different pilot 150 canopys and niether fitting i would asume that this pack tray is smaller then the other container - what was the fix for the the problem ?
  22. the price of getting an A lic has gone from $1000.00 to about $3000.00 in 15 years of me being in the sport - mostly because of the new aff program not to mention all the coach jump costs after getting an A lic - all my training after jump #10 was free just had to have fun jumping with other people
  23. Hi Ron, thanks for posting that things got fixed, however i would like to know what ended up being the real issue, what did they do to fix the problem? thanks
  24. it is a shame that so many people don't understand what the uspa does for them - yes they do have problems and the system isn't perfect but to say the money on membership is a waste because you will never hit a car or they haven't done anything for you personally is a narrow minded / selfish view - my opinion is that the uspa is guided more by dzo's and not the general membership and in that lies the problem - some of the guidlines they pass are directed to make the dz's more money and this is not helping the new jumpers because they have priced the new jumper out of the sport - but they do help us keep dropzones open by getting airport access, defending lawsuits, insurance coverage, setting bsr's to keep us safe and promoting our sport by advertising or promoting events - people that can't look beyond "what's in it for me ?" need to step back and do some thinking about things outside themselves and start offering ideas to improve the sport through uspa before we get what canada is getting already, government intervention
  25. it is easy in reverse but not in drive