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Everything posted by wildblue

  1. wildblue

    100. . .

    Right behind ya... I've made 80 jumps in the last 2 months. I don't really want to do the math on that....
  2. depends on a few things. type of plane, where they're at, if the door's open. Obviously if this happens in the back (front?) of a Casa, you're not going to shove them all the way down the plane and out the door. First thing is yell "RESERVE OUT!" (even if it's a main, just yell "reserve out") If you can flop yourself on top of anything that's deploying, get the door shut (if it's open) ... if something starts getting out the door, help them on out! Then say a little prayer that either the reserve deploys clean or they have a hook knife; and the reserve clears the tail of the plane.
  3. Around 21-22k agl (not sure, altimeter stopped working somewhere around 18)
  4. wildblue

    FF update

    Get some bar risers, textile jacket, helmet with better ventilation, ride faster, and maybe a corbin seat and a throttle lock. Can't help you with the numbnes you get from the vibrations though. Oh, and a MP3 player makes the long trips a little easier too. Ok.. might be cheaper to go buy a Kia.
  5. I just wanted everyone to see that line again. That's one of the most beautiful ways I've ever heard that put.
  6. I've bought stuff from Sky Kat a couple times now. Always great service and good prices. Had one little goof with the rig I just bought, but they're fixing it!
  7. wildblue

    Sex in Spokane

    Slow weekend 0:12:0 I think I'm still recovering from a few weeks ago
  8. Don't listen to them! C'mon, all your friends are doing it... it'll make ya feel good.. c'mon man, the first one's on me! Just one time, what could it hurt? Join us, together we could rule the universe!
  9. Was the pin holding the gripper to the cup? Or was it holding the gripper together? I was thinking of a setup like this the other day, then saw your post. I was thinking of having the pin keep the gripper together though. Having it keep the gripper on the cup seems like the pin would be poking you in the chin. The grippers themselves havea pin through them that the spring goes around, it holds the part that actually grips the strap to the channel that the strap goes through.... if that makes any sense.
  10. I actually thought about it. I was gonna see if I could hitch a ride on the Casa, but seeing as how it left this morning and I had a dr's appt.. oh well. It sounds like it'll be a good time, and the weather should be damn near perfect too.
  11. got a mindwarp, dbox, and chin cup all sitting here.... anyone ever mount this stuff before? Any tips before I start poking holes in this thing?
  12. ha! I don't think you'll have to ask, because you are a playmate, not a form of skydiving. That, and I can't find it as being a registered trade mark.. at least not in the US, so don't worry about it
  13. Can the "don't remember" go in the other columns too? Specifically the first one... or maybe just use "" instead of "?" to get a better idea. >10/>10 : 10 : 1/>2
  14. Well said FreeflyPlaymate, but you forgot to put (tm) after "Freefly"(tm) There I go again, pissing off the world, one person at a time....
  15. Anyone used this? Is it worth the $60 or whatever to upgrade?
  16. You people need to get busy! (Take that however you will) Those are some sad numbers! I want to see improvement next weekend! Now go practice!
  17. Just imagine Cartman saying "sweeeet" And if you need any product testers, I'm still free! Hey, just looking out for you, I wouldn't want you to be managing the selling of inferior products!
  18. I bettered my prediction, that's all I know... damn fine weekend....
  19. wildblue


    ... and that's all that really matters! skies blue
  20. Hehe.. try a DZ with a grass runway. Makes night jumps interesting too. Get a hold of aerial photos, pick out landmarks (roads, building, railroad tracks, groups of trees, parking lots, etc) If there's wind, feel which way it's pushing you, you should be upwind of the dz. Look out the window! I use the sun a lot, it's usually there when skydiving operations are going on. Besides using the sun to take note of direction of wind in case of off DZ landing, use it to figure out direction of dz - is the plane flying into the sun on jump run? Assuming an upwind jump run (can always ask the pilot!) then the sun should be at your back when you're flying back. If you're not doing much on the first jump, try to spot the dz in freefall. Once you do spot the dz, get a good overall picture and find your "outs" for future reference.
  21. No sneaking out to the dz for me. I'm tired, sore, and poor. (I think I broke the meter... )
  22. HA! You're not there until you just completely blow off the softball team (which I have already done) Someone asked me if I was going to be there to play and I said "Are you kidding?! Do you know how nice it's going to be this weekend?!" I'm not sure they completely understood. I have yet to make it to a game. I guess I knew I officially lost my mind when someone asked if I had any non-skydive related clothes and I couldn't understand why someone would ask a question like that.
  23. I've heard that before, I've also heard "front riser through it!" I'd like your opinion on this, I've seen/heard it other places, but this was all I could find right now -------------- From http://www.ranchskydive.com/safety/article5.htm Another common mistake is to respond to fears of impacting in turbulence by flying in slower flight, in partial flight with the toggles somewhat depressed. This will tend to alter the rigidity of the canopy (which needs to be much like a fixed wing, not a bed sheet over your head) by changing the angle of attack into the wind and slowing your canopy down making it more susceptible to the turbulence rather than less so. You need speed in order to slice through the turbulence and therefore spend less time there, making your way either to cleaner air if there is any, or to the ground and completion of the flight. Full canopy flight and a rigid wing are the best ways to get back safely. It requires trust and a bit of faith to simply let the canopy fly. -------------------
  24. You probably should mention you sell these/work for them.. whatever your capacity is there....
  25. hehe.. I like it. This last weekend 0:11:1 This weekend I predict 10:10:2 - if so, it should be a damn fine weekend! :D