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Everything posted by kmills0705

  1. Mike, feel free to make me some homemade pizza to test it out again!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  2. Good post. I too have been looking for photo's of Mals that I can print and laminate. I have found 4 of decent quality - line twist, two out, streamer and Canopy Damage. Let me know if you would like me to email these to you. I have found some laminated and ready for FJC but the cost is ridiculous. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  3. You can upload the video to YouTube which is a fairly easy and straight forward process and then post the link to the video here on the forums. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  4. Here are your own words from a previous thread you posted to: "Anyway I loved the first jump, had a good climb out, good arch, good canopy ride, then forgot all on landing." "Heres a link to my little sis's great landing and my friend and I not having the same luck. " So, let me guess. You have worked out all your issues in your whopping 10 jumps?! I am glad you have your dz listed in your profile. If your instructors are letting and advising you to jump an elliptical at 11 jumps then this is a place I will never jump at. I am glad you know your body and it's limits. But I am here to tell you that you have NO CLUE what this canopy is capable of and what it's lack of limits are.... I can't help to wonder if this is trolling because of the sheer lunacy of this post. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  5. Mike Gruwell wrote a petty good article on canopy prices, might be of some help. Great Reference! Thanks for posting. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  6. Awesome photos PilotDave. Aside from the obvious cold jumping in the snow is awesome! Under canopy you think to yourself "Damn, it is cold. Man this f'ing sucks" Then when the next load is getting ready to go up you think "Ah, it wasn't that bad - let's go!" Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  7. My grandmothers Syrian cooking. Most amazing food and I will definitely never forget. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  8. I really like it. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  9. Same here... was way too much fun. Not being able to partake in the festivities involving alcohol kinda sucked, but so worth it!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  10. I have never heard of St Louis style pizza. But when I was down in Sebastian this past November I had pizza in Cocoa Beach at a little place called "Bizzaro's". Oh my gosh hands down best pizza ever. You would think you were in Italy. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  11. I had a 75 gallon that I listed on Craigslist for $100 and it sold same day. Others were going for $200 or more. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  12. Not that it helps much, but someone in the tent came back with an altimeter they said didn't belong to them but packed on accident and was looking for theirs. Have you called manifest? Maybe they turned it in. Thanks Martlet. I have not called manifest but will give them a call today. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  13. (cough) OOPS! I MET BOLAS WHILE I WAS THERE! Sorry! Damn you Bolas for not staying longer!!!! And you for not getting there sooner... Damn sorry I mised you. My plans for the boogie got compromised by family We should all be at Fitz.
  14. Good ideas! Thanks guys and girls!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  15. Packin Cathy has an engraving tool that she carries around with her to boogies. Last year at Fitz, I borrowed it and engraved my name on the back of my alti. People can probably borrow them from their local dz. Ironic thing was right before I left I logged all my serial numbers and asked a couple people if they had an engraver. I am not without an altimeter. Just have one where the strap is pretty much shit and will need replaced. I noticed it right before one of the night jumps. I had to pull out my sewing kit to fix velcro. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  16. Hey, I was in ZHills for New Years and sometime during the day on New Years Day I ended up with a different altimeter very similar to mine. I have (had) a blue Altimaster Galaxy and somehow ended up with a Turquoise Altimaster Galaxy. Anyone out there end up with a slightly different altimeter? Normiss/TK: There was a kid from the Indiana Group who was renting gear and my stuff was close to his. Anyway to tell if ZHills possibly ended up my altimeter and I ended up with one of the student/rental ones? Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  17. (cough) OOPS! I MET BOLAS WHILE I WAS THERE! Sorry! Damn you Bolas for not staying longer!!!! And you for not getting there sooner... Good Point! Roaming Boogie! Be there! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  18. (cough) OOPS! I MET BOLAS WHILE I WAS THERE! Sorry! Damn you Bolas for not staying longer!!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  19. Hmmm.... my weekend numbers are not near as interesting. ;10; ZHills Christmas Boogie: 2 Helicopter Jumps: $120 3 Night Jumps: $90 5 RW Jumps: $125 Meeting Normiss: Priceless :) Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  20. I did too down in ZHills. Normiss is just the best as well as Olympia!!! Good times. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  21. I agree. So far a weird, interesting, somewhat sad New Year. Time to say goodbye to the past and be open to what the future brings. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  22. The three night jumps kicked ass!!!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  23. Today was an amazing day at ZHills. Couldn't ask for better weather!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  24. Got to ZHills in time to do a helicopter jump. Didn't get on the sunset load. Where are all you people. Come up and say hi if you see me! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  25. I bought my bf a Neptune 3... I need to remind him how lucky he is! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I