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Everything posted by kmills0705

  1. I say apple!!! :) Sooooo much easier! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  2. Definitely the best!!! We should all have a little LisaH in us!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  3. Wow. Are you on this flight too?!?! Now, if I could get them to drop me over Deland.... Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  4. I am on Delta and got the free wi-fi deal. Yahooo. Not sure about the whole virtual mile high club!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  5. I LOVE in flight wireless. I am heading back down to Deland. I left Monday to work a day and a half and am going back down to spend Turkey Day there. How are you all doing today?! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  6. I did!!! A four way with us would be too much fun!!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  7. I am thankful for that too... I am sure the wine store next to my office is thankful for me. I just bought more wine yesterday and I think 1 more bottle of that chocovine left in the store. I cant leave it there all alone without friends... Hey Deedy and Skymama - it was so great to meet you over the weekend. Did you just say chocovine... one more bottle... hmmm... are we going to have to fight for it?! That stuff was good!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  8. Does anyone know of anyplace in Florida flying a helicopter this weekend? Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  9. Happy Birthday Brandon! Hope you have a good one! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  10. Just get back in the air with your AFF Instructors. Screw that tandem shit. I had tib/fib/ankle break and was back in the air less than three months later (3 weeks after second surgery). Never contemplated how to get back in the air... Maybe you are just not ready mentally... Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  11. +1 Kim you know you are a hottie! Your awesome Rob, but I am no Sarah!!! She is hot. I am average!!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  12. He is just the one that sticks out most as thinking that if a woman is a size 10 or 12 she is overweight... ugh! Sorry Shah for picking on you... well not really but I am trying to be polite. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  13. FWB - Friend with benefits. Some people who have FWBs are actually FRIENDS and do, in fact, talk about things other than sex. And there's nothing wrong with that... +1 Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  14. I'm not down on my looks and I'm not looking for compliments. I just figure us less-than-perfect people can all get naked and bump nasties .. leaving the pretty people out. I was just curious if anyone would claim the Ugliest Skydiver title. Also, I wonder who has the most ghetto rig here. Hey Dave... most of us are less than perfect (well except for Shah of course!) and honestly... who wants perfection (except for Shah of course)? Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  15. Wow, nice fucking attack asshole. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  16. Is that what you were taught on your FJC ? Has anybody here carried out a canopy transfer ? or seen one ? there's a lot of shit swung around here in this thread.. Hey VB... glad you feel so strongly about giving advice without any training as an instructor... from the USPA SIM: d. If it is too low for a safe cutaway (below 1,000 feet) and the canopies are uncontrollable, both jumpers should deploy their reserves. This is in reference to a canopy collision... but yes. Below 1,000 feet and you suddenly have a damaged canopy, you would disconnect your RSL and pull your reserve. You want to challenge that. Seriously? What would your advice be? Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  17. Wow.... gotta love Thanks Mark. Exactly what I was saying. Below 1000' no student should EVER cut away and if a canopy is questionable on landing it at that point you should disconnect RSL and pull reserve. VB: If you are questioning that and my ability to be an AFF I then you are also questioning the most highly rated I/E's as well such as Bram Clement. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  18. Downright hot!!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  19. Yeah, I've been waiting for the flood of posts from other people, all claiming to be ugly, each with a flattering photo attached. I don't think I am ugly, but don't think I am hot either... I think I am just a real person with flaws and imperfections and I am ok with that. There are people (ahem like Shah) who are really the minority in thinking that women must be gorgeous and have a perfect model like body. Otherwise we are worthless. I am not one to believe Shah represents the male population and for that I am thankful. But it does tend to screw with our minds when we hear a guy thinking such way. Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  20. Actually... with an amazing body like that I don't think we need to see the lower half - imagination is good!!!! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  21. Does this work [drool] Nope I guess not! How YOU doin!!!!!!????? Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  22. Well, it doesn't have an AAD, so not until you get an A license without one. Have no idea what kind of 170 it is. While size DOES matter, so does the type of canopy. Are you 120 pounds or 190 pounds? That also makes a difference. Too many factors left out for anyone to take your post seriously. Have you ever made a jump? Why are you buying equipment for a sport you are not actively involved in? And why are you not in contact with dz/instructors with these questions. Are you going to trust what people say on a skydiving forum?!?! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  23. When did you snag that last shot of me?!?! Just kidding. Nice photos! Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I
  24. This has got to be such a troll post... Kim Mills USPA D21696 Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I