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Everything posted by tspillers

  1. Everything is confirmed. September 24-26 (Friday - Sunday) Paul's Newest CASA will be here Thursday Night. Mary (FlyAngel) Santangelo will organizing. Dudley's Friday Night Our Dual tapped kegs as usual High Altitude Catfish's Downplanes and CRW organizing Raft Dives Freefly etc etc etc email [email protected] for more info. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  2. That was a tackle? NO wonder none of you guys played for a football team. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  3. I just remember stopping it and almost having to break someone's wrist to keep them from killing the other. I would hate to break Brains's wrist I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  4. Remember what happened the last time something like that started up at the DZ..... I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  5. So you can finally use that line in truth now I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  6. Sex...... No bragging. Married 11 years says enough. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  7. Thank you, Dave. You are right, we did not even get a decent metnion on local news. We have still been busy ever since. We weren't helping to get publicity. The way I saw it, this was great for our sport. I know 41 really wanted to do AFF, but I think it helped our sport more that he did a tandem. USPA mentions a drop zone. I wish there would have been more national coverage talking about him making a jump at a DZ rather than at his library party special event. Everyone I have talked to says they are busy since the jump, so it still helped everyone despite the inaccurate reporting. I am glad you had a great stay here. Maybe next time you are down this way you won't have as much of a schedule to keep up with. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  8. Yup, Happy Birthday..... I agree she is good for him, but poor Morgan I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  9. Actually, I believe that was in Yuma (military base). This is according to the Director of his library (also a jumper) I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  10. Yes, my understanding is that RWS doesn't have a problem with you mixing. They do however become less interested in helping you with opening issues when you are mixing items they did not test in their system. That is understandable though. I personally love the Sigma mains. I haven't had a problem (knocking on wood). I don't mind the toggle pressure and I love the openings and get great landings. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  11. With Sigma at least, you still have the user agreement. I believe you sign that they can fine you $1000 per incident of breaking that agreement (ie jumping after they revoke a rating, taking and under age student, etc.) 20 or 30 jumps could get really expensive. They have a lawyer on retainer too. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  12. They have made some changes to the Sigma Canopy Drogue Attachment Point (they even changed the name a bit). calling Egon.....He should be able to explain.... Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  13. I am soooooo happy to be using Vector student gear. We have 2 DZ's nearby that had to take or ship gear for inspection. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  14. The minimums are just that MINIMUMS. Many people get their rating at the minimums. Why is someone qualified at 500 jumps, but not 490, or 3 years, but not 2 years and 8 months. The minimums must be set somewhere. Unfortunately, you can make a tandem, wait 2 years and then do your 500 jumps in a year and meet the minimums. According to TK Donle, it wasn't the intent, but it meets the requirement. I think the minimums are too low for some, but others are ready before that. You just can't pick and choose. You must set a rule and follow it. I have actually had to fail a candidate before. I used to not think it was possible. Live thtough the course and you pass..... It didn't happen that time. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  15. As Bill mentioned it is already in their user agreement to not allow anyone under age. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  16. Thanks for putting it all together. We had a blast. I think I am recovered now. Oh, and I will work on getting that tandem fall rate up for ya if you still insist Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  17. Not correcting Aggie Dave, but Aggieland's answer is I don't know. I have to consult our lawyer and see. My suspicion is that it will be the same as before due to the risks and taking them without a waiver. We don't currently take anyone under 18. I would like to change it, but unless things have changed on the legal side, I doubt we will. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  18. Nice job, and thanks for jumping with us. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  19. Or people that want to gripe and be negative when people are talking about great times they had. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  20. Not to mention T-shirts, LO's, ect. If I don't want the t-shirt and don't use the LO's, can I get money back?? Being sarcastic only to prove a point, not to be mean. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  21. I want to say I had a blast. I enjoyed meeting new people, seeing old friends, and being reminded of which names go with familiar faces . I was put to work some and one of my student's name was Spillers. That was wild. I enjoyed getting to help on so many SCR's, especially Queen B's. Hope to see everyone again soon. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  22. Queen B has 6 CD's of pics that she took. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  23. I just want to say I had a blast at Skyfest. I enjoyed meeting new people and seeing old friends (and being reminded of what names go with what faces) I was put to work doing tandems and one of my students was Dean Spillers. We aren't sure of the relation, but I am sure some where down the line, we are probably related. I had a blast be able to be involved in so many SCR's. I especially liked getting Queen B her's. I hope to see everyone again soon. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  24. Ya, wrap that with the write-in thing. Someone has already found that humerous. I don't plan on changing it though. Ask Queen B.... I can be good, but when I'm bad, I'm really good. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  25. I don't think that would be fair. You know, like the Olympics. Once you have been paid, you can't compete with the ones who do it for fun. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.