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Everything posted by jmpwme

  1. I hear ya on that. But how many really try to do the jump and dash any more? I'd be curious to know. Having been on the AE side of things, I do know its nice to have a more active DZ and maybe some folks at the awards. Betsy at Eloy probably has the proposed schedule already. It should have been part of their bid package. Steve.
  2. Ben - This baloon was floated several years ago as well. Agruements on both sides. But, strictly lookin at 4-way, how much does it matter in terms of the number of days you take off work? If you are doing a purely fun team, yes, it probably matters. You travel on Friday, register on-line, likely make no practice jumps, compete Sat. and Sunday, fly home Sunday night, assuming no weather day. 3 days total, 1 day off work. If you take a day on the back end for weather and to enjoy the party on Sunday night, its 4 days total, 2 off work. More likely you travel on Thursday, make a few jumps and get settled on Friday, compete Sat. and Sunday and save Monday for weather and/or travel. 5 days total 3 days off work. This would seem to be the most standard approach for even fun teams. More serious teams would take even more time at the front, but lets use this as an example. Now, look at this with a Mon. Tues schedule: Travel Saturday, practice Sunday, compete Mon, Tues, travel/weather Wed. That is 5 days total and 3 off work. Granted, the quick, in and out approach above would not be possible, but otherwise, its roughly the same. As we know - its always a gamble to not allow 3 days to complete 4-way. Steve.
  3. "Bring it" That would seem only sporting given that the series is tied at 1 all. Steve.
  4. In addition to the plan you have outlined above one effective tool is to divide the season in to thirds. First third - coaching, second third on your own, final third coaching. If cash is shorter, use 1/4's with coaching 1st and 4th or 1st and third quarters. In any case, front load the coaching to get block technique down, be sure to take notes!!!!! Steve GT
  5. Oh, just as an aside - GT just might have to move up so we can take another swipe at you guys!!! Or, since its the same draw - maybe we'll stay in Advanced and come up with nice side wager! It seems that 4th to 1st is very popular.
  6. Ben - did you say "voice as a USPA member"??? I agree with you that "rules are rules". We really don't have a choice in the matter anyway. If you want to compete, you compete under the rules. Its that simple. As I said above, bring your best, play fair, and let me see if I can beat you. I may not like the team that somebody has put together for any number of reasons, but I don't think any less of anybody as a competitor based on those reasons. I am, however, not shy about voicing opinions if asked. But - Do we have a voice? The voices were screaming as loud as ever a few years ago over the PC issue, but the elected folks changed nothing, not even some of the inequities that exist in the system that wouldn't really effect the PC issues (ie: does it really make sense that two members of Defiance can't do an Advanced team, but Gary Beyer and Hammo can????). This is a simple change to the 25% rule and doesn't hamper the PC issue at all, but USPA has failed to react. I think the theory is good (its the american way), but the practice has fallen a bit short given how USPA committees and elections take place. Then again, I voted for Bush and he only occassionaly does as I ask. Bottom line, go compete and have fun. Thats what its all about anyway. Steve GT
  7. Blane - Well said. I like the banana comment. Steve GT
  8. For those of you into High Definition television, I was stunned to see that the Skydiving Classic Movie of ALL Time, Cutaway, was put into Hi Def. Much to my surprise on Direct TV last night, in brilliant color, there was Dennis Rodman throwing all 6'9 of himself out of a skyvan. FYI - those canopies look pretty cool in hi def on a plasma. It was also a good kick in the pants watching the Knights try to act and seeing Tom Baldwin cutaway using the reserve handle. Gotta laugh.
  9. Ron - you guys jumped in the right spot this year and rocked. Seriously impressive. I think you took honors for best weekend team in the country. Ben - you guys were also in the right class this year and last. No explanation required in my book. You kicked ass (especially ours) and deserved. But Ben - are you saying that there really is no such thing as sandbaggers in Intermediate and Advanced (PC issue aside)? In otherwords, are you saying "Rules are rules, if you're eligible, jump where you want and do so without being held up to "politcal" standards? (I'm not judging here, just trying to better understand your point to foster debate). If that is your point its certainly a legitimate one. Its the conclusion I've reached with respect to Advanced. Having given up on the PC fight, I've adopted a more positive attitude. Bring your best and let me see if I can beat you. This year - it didn't finish exactly like I had in mind, but the two-season long race sure was fun and I made some great friends in the process. Steve GT
  10. Based on my personal standard (with respect to which reasonable minds may differ), Ice and Divewirkz are on the cusp. They each have higher averages than Equinox ever had at a previous Nationals (their best I think was in the low 10's or high 9's). Personally, if I were those teams and staying together, I'd move up. If they were to do the 15 avg., it would be chicago revisited. In chicago, the Juggs had been doing 13+ in the AAA draw for the NSL season, then went intermediate. That was just plain wrong in my opinion, but it was legal under the rules. Accordingly, in my opinion again, they were booed loudly on the podium. Two members of that team did go on to win a very well respected Advanced class gold. Now - if ICE and Werkz replace bodies and open the season at an honest 8 average - I guess I'm not so offended. I do think, however, if those teams stay together, they will move up AND be competitive in Advanced. If either team was to ask me, I'd suggest they move up. BUT - I'm just a guy with an opinion and nobody asked me nor would I expect them to either ask or listen to my opinion. Bottom line really is rules are rules until they are changed. This, however, will not change public opinion which, in our sport, is often a heavier hammer. Edited to add: To Ben - Well Said. Steve GT
  11. The current system works as it sits. Self policing is really the only way to make it work for reasons that make my head hurt as much as the whole PC issue. We all saw what happened in Chicago. It was ugly to say the least. We should all keep in mind, Nationals is not the NSL. This is what makes the NSL so great. Nationals is the US Championships. Teams should expect to pay their dues to win in any class. This is what makes Nationals so great. There is great pride in working your way up the ranks in any class. The Move-up rules, although they could be improved to remove some inequities, are liveable as a means to prevent sandbaggers when combined with self-policing. For the younger jumpers, the current state of play represents a huge improvement over what it used to be. Back in the day (when I walked to school in the snow, up hill, both ways, with only socks . . . .), there was only intermediate and open. Talk about sandbaggers there!!!!! Currently, when asked - I tell teams in Intermediate if they are consistently 13+ on the intermediate draw, they should consider Advanced. Anything over 14 is baby killer time. For Advanced - the general rule is 15+ to consider open and 16 move up. These are just my guidelines based on current standards, but I think they are shared by many. To Ben - Well said! Steve GT
  12. Tongue in cheek notwithstanding, having watched all of the Intermediate teams develop over the last few years (Especially Equinox), IMHO there were no sandbaggers on the podium in Intermediate this year. Steve GT
  13. I'm sure there will be another "team building" event at Elsinore. I've also heard that there is a team building weekend at Perris on the Friday before turkey day, but check the calendar or call BC at Perris. The Perris event is usually very good for all levels and they provide for jumps with a coach and those you are considering as teammates. At both the Elsinore and Perris events, there are usually seminars about team building and the speakers are some of the most experienced in the business (Hammo, BC etc.). Gravity is also a great resource, as is Fury at Perris. Steve Elsinore GT.
  14. In response to various - Not only the northern teams got screwed this year. Weather in Socal and AZ was lousy this year. Almost bad enough to put east coast and west coast teams on equal footing. I have to agree with Ben on the train smarter concept. Longer camps are great. If a team has the cash, use as much coaching as possible and work in the tunnel sessions to hammer out communication and random work. This will allow dollars spent on jumping to focus on exit and blocks. Don't forget your video guy when working on a training plan. I hear so many teams complain about video busts out the door. Remember, this is a 5-way event. More exit practice usually means better video and be sure to include your video person in the decision making process when planning a camp. A perfect exit does you no good if its not on cam. Be efficient with both your cash and your season strategy. I would suggest having a very experienced coach help a new team plan that out. This plan should be a flexible plan that is revisited as the season progresses. Most importantly - make sure all team members are on the same page with respect to the plan and the expenses involved. To Ben - smarter does mean Better. But "Better" means "Better" too!!!! Steve GT
  15. I'm a bit stunned at the prediction. A US sweep??? Very patriotic and it might hold true in the end. I would have gone Fire, Airspeed, Black Cats (or whatever they are called now). Of course it looks like I have the benefit of several rounds, but this would have been my prediction all along. REALLY, it would have
  16. Ron - Is this your prediction (US sweep) or just the listing of US teams? Steve.
  17. 18's can be done in the Perris tunnel, although not super realistic. I've seen smaller sized teams do them more easily Chris - didnt Topher have you guys do 18's? At Eloy we did everything except straight 1's, 4's, 19's and 13's.
  18. How's this for a launch point.
  19. For those following the issues surrounding Skysurf and those who were interested in instruction in this discipline, please see the incident report from France involving a Skysurf fatality. She was on a beginner board and pulled on her belly while unstable. Info is not yet complete, but there is likely much to be learned from this very sad event. [Perhaps somebody can post the link here] Steve Elsinore Boardwalk.
  20. I agree with Bill on testing yourselves on a draw. You might also talk to some of the experienced TSL 4-way guys (Scott Latinis, Alex Pincus etc.) and see where they think you should jump. Its admireable that you are concerned about this. Talk to the other competitors and jump where you will have fun and have the best competition. If you are the ONLY rookie team, jump in the AA class. Steve GT
  21. That was low!!!! We feel bad enough about that one. It was Ms. Nature that got him though, not us!!! FYI- don't land there this weekend. S.
  22. By implication - does that mean that you don't wish good luck to the Advaned teams from the 'Snore????? Can't exit, can't exit, can't exit.
  23. I think they got better with Bill, at least judging by last weekend's cup competition. They looked pretty good. = ). The Alloy v. Equinox rivalry is heating up, just like Gravity v. GT. Saturday is gonna be fun!!!
  24. who was that Glove bet with anyway - it wasn't me, which team did you bet? Steve GT (Did I just put Bill in the same class as bobo and Shannon???)
  25. Wow - didn't expect all of that!!!! But, I'm as cheap as the next OC resident. I saw an opportunity to call on the free beer and took it!!!! Other than the absence of said beer, I'm not sure anybody cares about the line violations (other than perhaps Lob). FYI - its not your fault if the landing area can't contain you!!! (excuse once used by both Shannon Pilcher and Ian Bobo). I saw the distance on some of those. Cup suspension is hereby lifted. Caitie - thats awfully brave talk about the Cup. The word "Never" is very strong. While I admire your confidence, I call your attention to the infamous Glove Betting Incident - Dom, care to comment?? S. GT