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Everything posted by danornan

  1. Jumping with Jerry was almost like having video. No matter where you were in the formation, he could tell you on the ground what was going on and why. I was lucky to start jumping at Z-Hills in the mid 80's when Jerry was there and didn't know enough to take advantage of it. He still comes out to talk about skydiving..... Dano
  2. Regardless of who is behind me, if I don't know them, I would refuse. If they thought something was amiss, I would have someone that I know check the pin. Dano
  3. Several flights lately with no problems carrying it in a small gear bag and then stowing it in an overhead compartment. I've even forgotten about the metal hook knife attached to a leg strap and it too passed TSA screeners. I have also seen several people on Delta flights actually carry their parachutes on their back to the plane and then into the overhead compartment. I wouldn't do that because of the possibility of a handle getting pulled accidental. Dano
  4. Yep! It's amazing how he and members of his family, (Dad's wealth from illegal rum running) seem to create a public that idolizes them. Ted never maned up to the death of Mary Jo. Dano
  5. We'll watch it from out driveway in Tampa, about 90 miles away. If you have never been to a night launch, it is worth what ever it takes to be there. You see it and feel it. Just a side note, the only woman on the launch is from Clearwater, Fl. Dano
  6. This entire discussion will never have an ending because you cannot use LOGIC in a debate or question concerning someone's BELIEF! Belief and logic will never agree. It is a belief and there is nothing logical about it. It doesn't have to be logical. Dano
  7. Mike, It is a shame that you let one incident destroy your chances of having a good time at one of the most friendly DZ's in the country. Just about anyone can arrive at Z-Hills and get on a fun load with organizers that are not paid, but enjoy what they are doing to make all guests feel at home. You do not have to pay politics at Z-Hills to have a good time in the air. Maybe you should just suck it up and give it another try. The season at Z Hills will get into full swing around the end of September, 2-3 Otters will always be available and no one sits on the ground! We have great packers, a concession stand, a gear store and lots of load organizers.... Dano
  8. Thanks Eric..... and it was great to make that 2 point 107-way with you! See you at the next big one.... Dano
  9. I don't know if it is practical, but it sure would be nice if drop zones would rent weights. As an example, I'm flying to Chicago this weekend for the 100-way and would gladly pay to rent weights instead of having to carry 20 pounds of lead through the airports and contend with TSA. Anyone in Chicago want to rent 20 pounds of lead for the weekend? I've got the belt.... Dano
  10. TK, You and Your Staff from Manifest to Nylon City, the Packers, to the Sunshine Factory on site and Paragone Rigging and all the riggers, do a lot behind the scenes and out of the lime light that make skydiving at Z-Hills mostly transparent to the skydivers. I know that many times you’all ( West Virginia expression from my roots) and the Staff will do things that many skydivers never see or hear about, but make their carefree day of jumping a pleasure. Can't forget the Organizers either. They make the day for many skydivers like myself who sometines have a hard time finding some to jump with who won't laught at them! "Little" things like refunding a load that must come down because of the weather are sincerely appreciated, but sometime easily forgotten. Thanks to your staff and everyone who works at the "Hills" for making skydiving so much fun and friendly. Dano
  11. Congratulations on the skydive - Now I think it's time for a DIFFERENT formation for ALL of the big-ways! Is it just me? Not to digress, but this wacker formation seems to be on a broken record and it's Ground Hog Day at every big way Camp and Record attempt...... again, Congratulations on the record.... How many practice jumps did it take? Dano
  12. I'm still waiting for mine! Oh wait a minute, I just subscribed....... sorry! Looking forward to it's arrival ........ Dano
  13. Not drinking is OK, just remember that when you wake up in the morning, that's as good as you are going to feel all day! Dano
  14. Spot, You will get better! 9 1/2 years ago I too was stupid and crashed, had five operations, 1 1/2 years of rehab and physical therapy out the wazoo.... Relax and take the pain meds as often as necessary. Don't wait for the hurt, take every 4-5 hours to keep it from hurting and then do the PT EVERY DAY, even when not with your therapist. You will get better and heal, it will just take time. Don't believe all the bad things the doctors say either! They don't know you! They said I'd loose my leg and I didn't. They said I'd need a knee replacement in five years, and I don't..... Try to relax, take the pain meds and then do the rehab hard. You will get better and jump again. Dano
  15. It's really simple. Get the one that fits. Cost is about the same when you amortize it over it's life. I personally prefer the way the Z-1 fits and just recently replaced the visor. TRY them on....... Dano
  16. Bottom line, don't put anything on Facebook or any public Internet media that you don't want on the front page of any newspaper in the world, for the rest of your life. It will never disappear and will follow you to job interviews and family affairs...... I am amazed at what people want to follow them for the rest of their life. It is not private! Dano
  17. I have not read this entire thread, but I feel that it is still the RESPONSIBILITY of the person jumping out of the airplane to know what is necessary to do it safely. YOU made the decision to do what is not normal ( it is not normal to jump out of an airplane!) and therefore took that upon yourself. If we would stop blaming others for our own actions and consequences, life on this planet would be be far easier and cheaper. Dano
  18. Thanks Laura and Oren for a fun day of 4-way..... Even thought my team did not exactly win, it was fun and for me a learning experience. Thanks also to TK and the rest of the DZ for the pig roast and super support. Dano
  19. Measure it - 45" is the "general rule." X x X x X should be 45" or less. Height X Width X Length. You can also look up the airline too. Dano
  20. "The BigWays were instructed: "If you are landing in the state of California, you will land in the same direction as the first man down (usually Dan BC) if you do not, you may be sat down AND banned from ALL future events". " I was out there for the 100-way invitational and the above quote is accurate. It was stated numerous times to adnausium! I personally had a problem landing downwind, but in the words of several organizers, "Suck it up cupcake!" The two above quotes kept people alive. Unfortunately, I don't know what was told to the fun jumpers. Holding in breaks until you like what is below, might kill someone! The winds were changing constantly and it was impossible to set the landing direction for the first jumper and allow the last to land the way they may have preferred. If you jump at Perris, be prepared for changing winds and downwind landings. It would be had to land far enough away to always land any other way. If you are unpredictable, you might kill someone. Again, I did not like landing downwind, but the only safe way to land is by following the first one down. Dano
  21. I'm looking to either get a ride to the DZ or share a rental from the Ontario CA Airport. I'm attending the P3 100-Way Camp May 7-10, 2009. I arrive on Wednesday around noon. Dano
  22. The group running Skydive Deland, along with the plane captains are to be commended for keeping the cost of the record skydives as economical as possible. NO registration fee, 5 airplane formation jumps to 18,000 feet and oxygen, all for 29.00 a jump! Simply amazing! Skydive Deland ROCKS..... THANKS......... Dano
  23. Don't forget the proper gear.... Best bike for the first several 1,000 miles is similar to the one's she will be riding in th class. Buy it used and cheep then sell it after several 1,000 miles. Best way to learn. Tell he she is invisible and TOTALLY responsible for everything that happens around her, regardless who is to blame. If she needs to use her horn, she is not being proactive. Dano