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Everything posted by BelskyBlueEyes

  1. Has everyone ignored the fact that yes, Paris has a huge inheritance. BUT, she is working and earning her own way. Whether you call it talent or not, she does have a reality tv show, her own brand of perfume, jewelry, is a spokesmodel. I believe her sister has her own clothing line. Like it or not, these girls are popular, but they are not just sitting around getting money from daddy, they are trying to earn things on their own. Do you believe everything the media says? You know people love drama, they love to hear celebrities are 'bad'. Jealousy breeds all sorts of evil. Don't we all wish we were rich enough to buy ourselves out of trouble, or take any vacation we wanted, or buy any rig we wanted! Go ahead and hate Paris if you want, but at least she is not so spoiled that she makes no effort. She has done charity work too, you got to have some respect for that, right?
  2. If your dog is clearing a room often, try changing the food you feed it. Usually it is a sign they are not tolerating something. My dog did not tolerate Pedigree brand dog food, and I believe it was the soy. Just like people, dogs can have food allergies. Also, if you think about it, dogs are not built to eat grains and corn, like most food is made from. It can upset their digestive system. I ended up feeding her Nutro brand, and no more clearing the room.
  3. I had a beagle for 13 years, she unexpectedly passed away last August. She was extremely gentle, very intelligent, loved babies and kids. She would get excited if she saw a stroller! She knew to walk up and not run up and knock a kid down, and she would stand there and not lick them, but rather let them pet her etc. She loved people, had many 'human' traits. Never saw her nip at anyone or any animal, except a rare time when another dog went to go after her food while she was eating. But I could grab a bone right from her mouth, put my hand in her dish, she never ever once growled or snapped at a person. She did not dig nor did she bark a lot, it is all in the training of what you let your dog get away with.
  4. what modifications? I am curious. You can PM me. Oh, and I was at GZ of sorts at Dublin, wasn't I? I do remember seeing the leprauchan while I was sitting next to you.
  5. I agree, I would like to see ground zero. I like living on the edge.
  6. I'm with ya on that J. If you are going to drink up someone else's stash, at least have comparison to barter when it comes your turn to share. I always thought whatever you bring to share, you should want to drink yourself.
  7. "all the details they tend not to edit too much... the permanent body details... " Oh don't be fooled, they edit EVERYTHING. Amazing what makeup will do too.
  8. Smoking is bad for you no matter when you do it. And, it can cause more then just laryngitis. How about cancer? If you choose to smoke, so be it. But I cant see any logical reasoning behind is it better to smoke now or later. The damage gets done regardless.
  9. On my AFF4 the instructor could not believe how fast my fall rate was, he did not expect it at all. Said he might wear weights if he jumped with me again. He was telling everyone about it. He has well over 10,000 jumps. Was just curious- is this a good thing, bad thing, doesnt matter? Would it lend me to be naturally inclined for any particular kind of jumping? I have thought I guess one advantage is I will be learning how to slow down or speed up to keep up with others, right from the get go, which is good. (I know it is because my arch. Never thought having too much arch might be a 'bad' thing!)
  10. I read through the complaint. What do they mean he became drunk "involuntary"? Someone opened his mouth and forced him to drink? Even if he was visibily affected from alcohol, how did they know he would drive? It is not a crime to serve alcohol, nor drink it. It is not a crime to get drunk. It is a crime to get drunk and drive. It is not their fault he got plastered and still decided to drive. I still say it was his responsibility to do the right thing. If you went to a liquor store, went home and got drunk by yourself, got in your car and had an accident- is it the fault of the liquor store for providing you alcohol? I think not.
  11. I would not say "scumbag", because yes, the dad has suffered a devastating loss and is just reaching out. I do feel for his loss. However, I do not agree that he has any reason for a lawsuit because his son is totally to blame 100% for this tragedy. He had the ability to say no when they gave him drinks. He was the one that put the alcohol in his body, no one forced it down his throat. Offering someone a drink is not a crime! A bartender can not possibly keep track of everyone and what they drink, each person has a responsibility for themselves. He also had the ability to call a cab, or anything other then get in his car. He knew how much he drank, and whether he should drive or not. What would have happened if he killed the tow truck driver or motorist on side of the road? This accident was not due to the car, the road, or anything or anyone else. It was bad judgement on part of the driver, period. It is not easy to deal with a death of your child, but trying to sue everyone is not going to make the pain go away. I hope someone can talk sense into the dad. Or, if it does go to court, there should be no settlement. There is no just cause.
  12. BelskyBlueEyes


    anyone know when the finale will be shown again? I dont have Tivo, and my VCR didnt record right, so all I have is a blank tape.
  13. For me, Absolut and Ketel One are very hard on my stomach. Stoli's has always been my favorite and never have a problem with it. One thing is many people mix vodka with orange juice or cranberry, or grapefruit. These are high sugar content and very acidic. Something to ponder. It may be the mixers, not necessarily the vodka
  14. Ok I guess he can pour the beer in his mouth rather then stick out his tongue and put it in the glass.
  15. Are you sure you want to see J sitting around soaking his tongue in ice cold beer? Not sure that is a good thing or a bad thing to see.
  16. Point #2. She recently just became single, right? This guy has been interested for awhile, so have you. Maybe she IS dating both of you, and that is not wrong in this circumstance. You are not married. You are not exclusive. It could be she is out meeting different guys, and eventually will decide who she wants to eventually exclusively date. But you have to let her do what she needs to do. Maybe in the end she may not choose you, or maybe she will. There is nothing you can do except sit back and let her make the decision. You have no rights to her and have no business telling another guy anything. Sure, it sucks to think the girl you like is out with someone else, but at this stage in the game, I feel there is nothing you can do. The only person that needs to be telling this other guy to back off is her. And if this guy is being 'creepy' or too much, she certainly wouldn't be going to his birthday party and let him tell everyone that she is his girlfriend. It just does not sound right to me.
  17. If they are just friends, and you two are dating, why didnt you go to the birthday with her? That would have made it very clear. Did she invite you to the birthday party?
  18. Uh oh, there will be some competition tonight at Whirlyball! This is going to be fun!
  19. Someone mentioned dont go to the shows. Go try everything. If you dont like it, you can always leave. We had comedians, and they were great!! The dance show- it was good. Maybe cheesy for some, but they were very talented. If they have a class or something, go! If you are bored, leave. No one forces you to do anything. I did excursions, wandering around town in Grand Caymen and Cozumel was very touristy, I did not see any big deals. That bored me But I did not venture far. I did the party booze cruise to Senor Frogs, that was fun, and made for a fun night when I got back on the ship. Not sure I have ever been that drunk. hee. I smuggled in rum in water bottles. Worked like a charm. You are allowed to bring a six pack of water with you. I bought the alcohol in Tampa before boarding the ship, did not carry it on the plane. The food was ok, I was on Carnival Inspiration. However, I used to be a chef and worked in Atlantic City, and I know 5 star food. However, for the average person, they were impressed with most of it. Take advantage of trying foods you never have. If you dont like it, that's ok. At least you tried it! The escargot was yummy! Try it! If you have any questions, PM me if you like.
  20. BelskyBlueEyes


    He said he has never used meth, and in fact knew of it's dangers and told her not to ever do it. She has a sister that is an addict, do you think maybe the sister was the person she got it from? (hmm, maybe!) He did not introduce her to it, she found it herself. So how can he be to blame? She is the one that wanted to try it, she sought it out, and she got herself addicted. I dont understand how this can be his fault at all?
  21. BelskyBlueEyes


    I do not think it is far to blame methsucks for introducing her to meth. She had her own mind, she could have just said no. If the rest of the world can can say no, so can she. He has enough trouble with the guilt, don't make it worse. She is not taking the responsibility for her decisions in trying to blame you for what has happened. Typical of a drug abuser, blame the world, but do not look at themselves! It's easy to make others feel bad, takes all that feeling of their back. Do not fall for it, do not feel guilty. Again, all she had to do was say no. At least he realizes he needs to do something about his own life. He can not help her if she does not want help. The only way she will ever get better is if she realizes herself that she has a problem. I have experience with a friend that is a different person now, and this person just does not get it. Meth addicts are not capable of seeing their problem. Please dont let her problem tear your life apart. She did this to HERSELF. What she put in her body was HER decision. Prayers and hugs to you, it is a long hard road full of tears for you, I pray you survive it just as much as she does. The both of you are capable of getting beyond this, you do have the power within. I know you do! I'm not saying it is easy, but you CAN do it. You have to want it bad enough. Feel free to PM me if you like.
  22. I turn 40 in October, and have just STARTED skydiving, still in AFF. The funny thing is everyone thinks I am 27. It is bizarre, that has been the magic number they have guessed all these years. I dont know what I will do when someone finally guesses me at 29 or 30 something, Ive been 27 for 12 years! Thank you mom and dad for the strong genes that keep us looking young! (they dont look their age either!)
  23. When you take care of it, do it late in the day, after sunset or at night. They are less active at night and probably wouldnt even come out of the nest at all. I had to do this once, and I sprayed the stuff into the hole and ran like a bat out of hell. I was not about to wait around and see if any wasps came flying out. (this was a ground nest of wasp's and one did get me when I was cutting the grass. My whole leg turned red.) Next night I sprayed more in there, just to be sure.
  24. I loved my Big Wheel!! Get going really fast and pull the brake thing and slide out to a stop. When I was a bit older, my purple Huffy bicycle. Then older yet, the royal blue bike with the sparkly banana seat. I did have a skateboard, way old school, I think it had metal wheels. Amazing I did not kill myself going down the one road that was straight downhill. I was a bit of a tomboy, as they say, when I was a kid.
  25. I can do turns ok, it is just getting it down all the way to a complete flare. Maybe I am just being a little paranoid since not flaring is what caused me to fracture my knee in October. I think with jumping more I will naturally just get stronger and especially doing some extra workout in the gym. I just wish I could get that last bit of lift to really make a nice soft landing, but even with what I did, I cant complain. More like a slide almost stand and sat down. No bruises on my leg/hip/butt so I did good. It's just the beginning, I'll get it figured out soon.