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Everything posted by BelskyBlueEyes

  1. You mean like people wondering why your screen always has showing?
  2. candles.... dripping wax.... you should try it sometime.
  3. Are you sure it is just a virus? Or is it food poisoning? I think there is not too much you really can do. Probably resting and not moving around too much, try to stay asleep. The best relief thing is not to fight it, if you feel you are going to lose it, let it go. You will feel better afterwards. Even if you have to camp out in the bathroom. I have had gallbladder attacks and it is miserable. One thing that did soothe me was a bath. Or, a heating pad on my belly. But if you have a virus thing, it may not be the same kind of relief. Last, make sure you dont get dehydrated. At least small sips of water. Or, even better Gatorade. You need to keep your electrolytes balanced. Feel better!
  4. Mushy bananas are a good thing though, I use them to make banana bread. Yummy!!! Glad you found your video stuff, we can call you yardhappy.
  5. You could try the over the counter stuff like "Sleep Aid" I think is the one I got. It worked for me just as good as any prescription. Actually, the prescription stuff is too much for me, made me too groggy.
  6. I have a hard time drinking sugary drinks period, even when it is natural sugars like orange juice. But the sugar free stuff- tastes like metal to me. It leaves a really bad after taste, so I don't eat or drink anything that is sugar free. I eat pretty healthy for the most part, so a little sugar isn't going to hurt me.
  7. Oh I am a quick learner. Only been a couple weeks. I observe. I notice things. I notice many things.... I cant imagine what would happen if I really did start posting after a few drinkie drinks.... Maybe, posting ass pictures?
  8. I know! Things like the Pink Pony got brought up, many many things, and well, I got scared when it was so quiet. You are screwed though, a few days missing would be like trying to explain 2 seasons of LOST. Cut your losses and move on. There will be no catching up.
  9. So I wonder what kind of candy she imagines you to be? Red Hots? Snickers? (it really satisfies) M&M's (in your mouth, not your hands)
  10. At least I can laugh when someone burns me. I may need to write something on that thread "what did you almost post" I cant find anything clever to say. Dammit. Someone must got something to torch him back. Anyone?
  11. Sugar free? You would rather slurp down chemicals that trick your body into thinking it is sugar. Artificial sweetners have things like chlorine added, yummy. Wonderful side effects like headaches, heartburn/acid reflux, loose bowels (sorry folks). If you are diabetic, that is one thing. Dont be fooled into thinking sugar fee is 'healthy'. Pros and cons to everything, but the best bet is to try and avoid sugary drinks if possible. And people wonder why our nation is at an all time high of obesity and diabetes. Many of these young children! Not good.
  12. He put Vicks Formula 44 cough medicine in the empty Jager bottle. I am sure no one even noticed.
  13. Do you know how much sugar is in an energy drink? Red Bull- 1 can (8 oz)= 7 tsp= 2 generous tablespn Rockstar- 1 can (16 oz) 12 tsp=4 tablesp= 1/4 cup CocaCola- 1 can (12oz)= 7tsp= 2 generous tablespn Did you know you were drinking that much sugar? And what is the difference between CocaCola and Red Bull? A few amino acids like Taurine, some B vitamins? Most of the rush is from the sugar. Which is bad for you anyway. 1 small can Red Bull is 7 teaspoons of sugar!! No wonder why it tastes so horrid.
  14. That's right!!!!! Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up. Oh, and some of that yummy grape vodka. Well, maybe I should buy the lime vodka this time....
  15. Heyyy. I want to be happy too. What do I need to do?
  16. Tyler Florence. yummmyyyyy. Too bad his show "Food 911" is not on The Food Network anymore. Tyler can do anything he wants in my kitchen. Or even out of the kitchen. And he really is a great chef, very creative. Emeril Lagasse, eh, too Hollywood. Bam this, bam that, whatever. He is too sloppy. For you men- check out Giada DeLaurentiis. She is very charming, and is a hottie. You would definitely want her in your kitchen. And everywhere else! (she is married tho)
  17. East? Do you mean south? Or west? Do you mean SDA or The Farm. Not sure exactly what I will do yet this weekend. My original plans have changed.
  18. Silly me, guess I went to sleep before all the crazy stuff started happening last night here. But the weekend is nearly upon us. Oh so many choices of what to do....
  19. You said a nut was involved. Nuttin boobies?
  20. vodka, cranberry, nut. Hmm. What is this drink called?
  21. Stoli's for me mostly. Stoli's orange. Absolut for me seems very acidic Three Olives grape- my newest favorite. Like kool-aid! I was pretty amazed. Ciroc amazing smooth, Belvedere very good. Grey Goose, ok.
  22. What brand of vodka is your favorite?
  23. Rugburns? Did you run out of toilet paper again?
  24. Wait, I think this is a secret message- "Seriously. If I dont get some help soon they will take me. I'm poisoned. What can you do?"