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Everything posted by BelskyBlueEyes

  1. I am about 135 lb, I cant imagine how I would ever be able to flare anything larger then a 200! I guess you land slower because of all that canopy above you, but even harder to flare? Gee! It is definitely an enigma, I'm not a little wimpy weak girl, never have been, but for some odd reason apparently must have weak arms compared to other female skydivers. I do my own yard work, home projects, strength has never ever been an issue. Tore out my lawn and even laid my own sod. Go figure!
  2. Do you realize all those 'poof' drinks are just as strong, if not stronger then most of the beer the "manly men" drink? Lots of the poof drinks are 5-7%, beer is 4-5%. I like the hard ciders, my favorite brand being "K", and it is 7%. So, before you mock the drink, first find out if it is even stronger then your Budweiser or Bud Light. Heinekein is one of the stronger beers out there, it comes in about 5.4%. But Budweiser 5%, Bud Light 4.2%. Even those Smirnoff "Green Tea" coolers are 5%. Hey, it may be 'girlie' or poofie, but alcohol is alcohol. Whether its Tequila or Peach Schnapps, it will still get you drunk when you have enough of it.
  3. Hey folks, I just said my arms are bruised and sore, it's a minor thing. Actually, I believe the bruises are from a rig that does not fit me right, and there is nothing I can do to stop that until I buy one that is made to fit me. I was just wondering if anyone really knew for sure was it from the rig sliding around, or wrong body position somehow on deployment. I still throw that question out there. I'm not saying I am a bodybuilder or aerobics instructor, but I am in great shape compared to women my age etc. By saying "great shape" I meant I am not overweight, can run a mile, do physical activities, take care of my body. I am not going to take that line out of my myspace. People think I am 27 years old, there is good reason for it. I agree, I can use some strength training for my arms, they are the weakest muscles of my body. I do have decent lats, very strong legs and upper and lower back, overall I am a lot stronger then people think. (used to throw shot put in high school actually.) In just a few weeks my office moves right next to my gym, so I will get back to a solid routine again.
  4. Actually, you probably wish you were in NJ instead of where you really are.... Probably not something we should be joking about. Here's to you making it through healthy and keeping alive. And to going back to your home ASAP.
  5. New Jersey is the Garden State. The entire state is not a small dirty city like around the airport. Just like any state, airports are not usually put in the most desirable location. Yes, there are many beautiful parts of the state, parks, farms, beaches. Did you know most of your blueberries come from NJ? If you drive to the western part of the state you will pass many farms. I grew up going to the beach, hiking and canoeing at the Delaware Water Gap, camping, fishing, going to NYC to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or Museum of Natural History. So much is available if you live in Central NJ! I dont know why people love to pick on it so much, it was a great place to grow up. And I think I turned out just fine. I will add though, I am only second generation American, and my parents are much older, so I was raised in slighty different mindset. Anyhoo, make fun of NJ all you want, but I know it can be a wonderful place to live, and I am proud to be from there. PS- not everyone from NJ is Italian. In fact, the area in which I and my parents grew up were the Hungarian, Polish, Czech's etc immigrants settled. And, I am told Hungarian women are some of the most beautiful in the world.
  6. I posted this after my first AFF, but I am going to do it again. They put me on a 200 this time, back in October I was on a 190. I already had trouble getting a complete flare because it is so hard to get the toggles down, a bigger canopy is not helping matters. Yes, I did what everyone told me, hold the toggles in close to body, etc etc. I still have trouble. It seemed easier to do it with my arms out to the side, which I know they say don't do. I did several practice flares, and it is not easy. However, they say on landing I am doing great, holding out the flare and getting nearly complete, but I tend to start a little early. I think I do it because I know I need that few seconds to really pull/push down and I get nervous I won't have enough time. Any advice? Yes, I have very weak triceps, that is a fact. I only did 2 jumps, a few practice flares, and I feel it in my triceps! Although the bruises make me feel sore too. I get nasty bruises under my arms and/or on the bicep area. Why? It looks really bad. Hopefully no one thinks I am getting beat up or something. Anyone have any ideas? Some sort of padding I can wrap around my arm under the jumpsuit??? I am pretty sure as long as I jump rental rigs, I will have issues. What to do?
  7. hmmm. Ok, I got that wrong. I was somehow thinking 0-0-0 = fri, sat, sun. So I am confused- what do the numbers represent? Weather prevented me from jumping Sat. So, I did my AFF1 & 2 on Sunday. Actually, they let go of me on AFF1, which I thought I noticed, but was not sure. In the air I was like, umm do I see what I think I see... hey thats pretty cool! Actually now I have 2 tandems, then my original AFF1 & 2, an IAF about 1 month ago to get my head back into it after injury.
  8. 0-0-2 My re-entrance back to the skydiving world!! YAY!! (I fractured my knee back in October on AFF2). Since it had been so long since I jumped solo, I am back to AFF1. But made it through excellent, and I will be back for more.
  9. I don't mind if they use toys on me... Is that bad?
  10. So is that why all the drunk ones are banned to outside the trailer, wandering aimlessly trying to find your big deck?
  11. That is exactly it, nature's way of keeping other nature off the rhubarb. Bitter toxic leaves, so no animals disturb it. From what I researched on the net, it can make you very ill and can be fatal, so yea, no leaves!
  12. Beware! If you use rhubarb, only use the stalks. Do NOT eat the leaves. They are poisonous. I don't know if it is enough to be fatal, but definitely would make you sick. I always thought that was weird, but there is some sort of chemical in the leaves that is toxic. Weird stuff.
  13. How's bout Key Lime Pie. Me likey. Pecan Pie made with bourbon and chocolate, heated just a little so the chocolate is all melty... Apple Pie with some homemade caramel/cinnamon ice cream (can you tell I used to be a pastry chef?)
  14. I actually was talking plastic, but now that you mention it, I guess there are even more "toy" options from which to choose if I really wanted. Being a female does have some perks.
  15. But of course, I am all about being fair
  16. So, is the plural of "penis" penises, penis's or is it peni? Whatever the case, I have several models to choose from. (is that bad?)
  17. Did I just read that right? "A Hippie in bed for breakfast?" Hey yeaaaaaaaa woo hoo, bring it on!
  18. I guess his mom is a pimp too? Animal print fur, macked out stereo, a dance pole. You have one modern mom! It's "The Furrv" (those of you in Atlanta may know The Fur Bus)
  19. You would think.... I have not had a boyfriend in 6 years. So when you find out where the good guys in Atlanta are, please let me know! (Have been on dates etc, but no one that was relationship material. Atlanta is a city of the 'quick fix'. I find both many of the men and women are commitment phobes. Many are just looking for the good time and don't have any real intentions.)
  20. I have taken the over the counter stuff, I think it's called Sleep Aid. You can take 2 capsules, but even at 1, I am out solid. However, I have no trouble sleeping ever, so it is almost too much if I take anything to enhance sleep. The natural/herbs things you can try would be or valerian root or passiflora/passion flower. In fact, a few years back when I had extreme stress and anxiety when I was between jobs, I took passiflora liquid extract, and valerian root capsules, it worked like an anti-anxiety med. And it did work. One time I had not been to sleep in about 42 hours and finally it helped me relax and I was able to sleep. I still keep a bottle of valerian root in the medicine cabinet in case I ever have a sleepless night.
  21. Mine are real, and they are fabulous! I don't think they will ever be saggy or anything, I am very blessed. Can't prove it with photos currently, as my home computer finally died, and I do not keep anything like that on my work computer. So you will just have to believe me, or feed off comments of anyone that has met me
  22. You shouldnt be worried about me, since I did work as a chef for a living, I am very careful about sanitation etc. You need to be more worried about the people that don't even think about it! Actually, used to be a Pastry Chef, so if you want to pass up on brownies, cakes, chocolate peanut butter rice krispie treats... just leaves more for the rest of ya.
  23. Hey, I was at the Halloween boogie at SDA Oct 2006! Didn't know you then. I barely knew anyone at that point, had just done my AFF2 on Oct 15. Funny, many of you crazy cast of characters were there, but I didn't meet most of you until Dublin.
  24. So no one has ever cooked a meal at home and found a hair in it? Yes, it was YOUR hair. Oopsie! Or maybe even a cat hair or dog hair? For all the people that let their cats run all over the counters, you can guarantee once in a while a hair will get in your mouth. Big deal. You will not die from a hair in your food. It happens. I used to be a professional chef, and believe me, a hair is the least of your worries.
  25. It is not about length, it is about girth. Better to scrape sides then hit bottom. If a guy was long but built like a pencil, it wouldnt really feel like much. If he was short and could barely fit in, I promise you, it is going to feel a lot better. And if he is short and has girth, he may hit the g spot better. Now if he has length and girth, well...