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Everything posted by Gato

  1. That's exactly how I feel - I am nervous as hell until the plane climbs to 1k, then I'm ok. I'm sure it's because I'm more confident in my ability to save myself than I am in the plane's ability to stay aloft. As you said, it's an odd friggin' thought. T.I.N.S.
  2. Yes, there are too many guys trying to get Pam Anderson to blow them on camera. T.I.N.S.
  3. Sorry to hear Vegas didn't pan out for you - unfortunately, there seem to be more drummers in LV than any other musician looking for work. Might I suggest you post a profile/membership on Musician's Contact? It's a nationwide musicians' referral service. Be warned - there are more drummers available for work than any other musician. Hmmm - I see a pattern developing...... Seriously though, you're in one of the party band capitals of the US, and I'm sure, if you're any good, someone will pick you up. Don't give up, and keep practicing those 40 rudiments...... Good luck, Gato T.I.N.S.
  4. (The wife just called and said she's coming home to show me some kitty fur. What does that mean?) T.I.N.S.
  5. Damn, and I was so ready for co-dependence. Once again, you've shown me the light, Turtle.
  6. Congrats to you, too sir. Losing 15 lbs. is very difficult, and very cool! Thanks for we need to "Turn and face the strange...." T.I.N.S.
  7. You got a cigarette for me, Turtle? T.I.N.S.
  8. This post is actually about 3 earlier topics/posts....... I'm soooooo happy right now - I got a call from the CT lab, and the results of my chest scan were clear!!! No disease or apparent damage in my lungs, and my EKG shows normal heart function. I'll have my stress test next week, which I'm pretty sure will go well. 2nd Reference: A few months ago, I posted "I quit smoking 20 minutes ago," and promptly started back again a few days later. However, my "doctor of the mind" has started me on 100mg of Wellbutrin, and it's friggin' amazing! I went 9 hours without a cigarette the other day, and had zero withdrawal symptoms, which is just unbelievable to me. So my last day as a smoker is this sunday (recommended that I pick a date to quit). As of monday, April 14th, I will be a non-smoker again!!!! Hoo-fuckin-ray!!!! I never, ever thought I could be excited about quitting smoking, but I sincerely am. 3rd Reference: The 90-day Fitness Challenge is going very well for me - I've lost 5.5 pounds since starting (3 weeks ago?) by eliminating all refined sugar and most of the starch from my diet. For exercise, believe it or not, I alternate between "Core Secrets" one day, and a Tai Chi & upper body Qi Gong routine every other day. The results are going to be spectacular. Everyone will want to nail me. Really. I also eliminated all caffeine with the exception of the morning joe, which is cool, because I lived on Diet Coke. My sleep has improved 100%, and I'm sure my kidneys appreciate the rest. So thanks for reading, and for all the words of encouragement I received from you all. I feel fantastic, and I know it's going to keep getting better. (Thinner) Gato T.I.N.S.
  9. No one has addressed this point - that you hid your actual weight from your instructors. It may not make that much of a difference in Z Hills where you'll be in bigger aircraft, but if you were to do that at a Cessna DZ, I would think they'd be pretty pissed-off. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but lying about your weight (Yes, even a lie by omission) might be a dangerous thing. Regardless of what canopy you were flying, those weight restrictions are there for a reason, aren't they? Weight is a factor in aviation, yes? I don't mean to bash you, AK - I'm very glad you're on the mend, and I hope you can jump again, if that's in the cards. T.I.N.S.
  10. Well, I can tell you that this dream was a one-time event. I wasn't worried about her beforehand, and she had no idea that I even liked her. I don't know if it was a premonition or not, but to just say, "No." makes me wonder how you know. T.I.N.S.
  11. I think Bill Hicks said it best: "If I was gonna legalize a drug, it sure as hell wouldn't be alcohol. Question: 2 guys at a football game get into a fight - are they drunk or are they high?" (Edited to remove unrelated quote.) T.I.N.S.
  12. No. There is another. < Meditating........ T.I.N.S.
  13. Ummm, I'm pretty sure he didn't say anything about regulating what you can shoot. However, I think it's prudent to keep you from having full-auto weapons, grenades, and mortar launchers. T.I.N.S.
  14. When I was in the 6th grade, there was a girl I really really liked, and one night I had a dream that she was very ill, and I visited her at her hospital bed. The next day, I went to school and found out she actually was in the hospital with a severe case of strep throat. Freaked me the fuck out. I never told her, because I was certain she wouldn't believe me. T.I.N.S.
  15. That's my personal preference, but there is a reason: EVOO imparts a bit too much flavor in some dishes, so I very often just use regular olive oil. I won't go into production differences, but the main difference (for us) between the two is the intensity of flavor, and EVOO is less acidic - regular o/o is often better suited for the cooking process, and EVOO for drizzling, and flavor enhancement. I know Rachel Ray uses it a lot, and that's cool, but I prefer the less-intense character when combined with certain foods - you don't always want everything to have the EVOO flavor. YMMV. Hope that helps. T.I.N.S.
  16. Your idea of stuffing the mushrooms with the salmon is cool, but keep in mind that salmon is an oily "earthy" fish, and portabellos tend to be "earthy" as well. To some (me), two "earthies" might be a bit much. Regular button 'shrooms might be better, if you're insisting on using salmon. Contrast in flavors is what you're after. As far as spices, definitely use garlic, and maybe some coriander or cumin. Also try chives and SPANISH capers (bigger and less intense). Here's my mushroom stuffing: Blue crab, lobster, mayo, chives, a little chili powder, salt & pepper, and a bit of shredded provolone cheese. The crab and lobster are cooked beforehand, then chopped. Note: Be sure to season the mushrooms with a little olive oil (Not EVOO) and salt & pepper on both sides before adding the stuffing. You want 'em to taste good without the stuffing, you know? Bam. T.I.N.S.
  17. I like what my wife said about skydiving gear: "You know, $1500 isn't that much for something that will actually fly." We were talking about mains, reserves, and wingsuits, etc.
  18. From one Chris to another - thanks very much! I think I should get the report on tuesday or so. T.I.N.S.
  19. I feel honored that you actually took the time to do that. Most impressive! T.I.N.S.
  20. Believe me, you are glad that won't happen. I didn't have a bung-scan, anyway. T.I.N.S.
  21. So I had 2 chest x-rays in the last 2 weeks because the radiologist is seeing something anomalous in my left lung. Subsequently, my doctor tells me to get a CAT scan of my chest, just so they can be sure it's nothing life-threatening. Note: I had a pretty severe rib/sternum injury from landing weird on a trampoline many years ago, and we're hoping that's what is behind whatever the radiologist saw. At 9:15 this morning, I go in for my scan, and they prep me for an IV of contrast solution (iodine compound, I was told), and then the nurse takes me into the room with the big white donut. They have me get on the table, and take a couple of pictures without the contrast solution, then she swings the IV machine over to me. Now, the funny part: The nurse says, "OK, I'm starting the contrast now, you're going to feel a kind-of warm flush, and maybe a metallic taste in your mouth. It'll go away in about a minute or two." Sure enough, I feel the flush starting to warm me up all over, THEN EVERY BIT OF HEAT IN MY BODY SEEMED TO TRAVEL AND ZERO-IN ON MY ASSHOLE!!! Of course, this happens exactly at the same moment they ask me to hold my breath. I didn't get the metallic taste, and the warmth went away just after the IV stopped. Amazing - I didn't know butthole pleasures were a part of CAT testing protocols. Just a side note - I'm asking for good vibes from you folks; let's hope the results aren't detrimental to my survival. T.I.N.S.
  22. I was SURE the OP was joking when I read his first post - my mistake. As a noob, it never ceases to amaze me how much I don't know, and most of the time, I relish the opportunity to learn something new, even if it means I have to eat some crow. I account my ability to do this to my age and experience in other areas of life. In my younger days, I know I would not have been open-minded to such things - my ego would not allow it. It seems to me that those folks who survive for a long time in this sport have developed the ability to make correct decisions. In fact, my flight instructor has told me that flying is all about making the right decisions, on the ground and in the air. My favorite saying of his is this: "There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots." I wonder if folks who make the decision to rapidly downsize are aware that they have an influence on noobs such as me. They are basically telling us to listen to our instructors and more experienced jumpers, then absolutely ignore all that information when it suits me. So here's a noob question for you, Jeepdiver: I've been learning on a PD300 student canopy for the last 12 jumps - would it be ok for me to go ahead and drop down to a Sabre2 210 for 20 jumps, and then go for that Stilletto 170 I've been admiring? (Yes, I know I'm a student in skydiving, and probably have no business even having a conversation about wingloading. But, aren't you still a student, as well?) As another very wise skydiver told me, "In fact, I've always believed that noobs like you shouldn't be allowed to skydive until they've had at least 500 jumps." T.I.N.S.
  23. Eddie's on a US tour right now! My wife and I are going to see him at the Uptown Theater here in KC on May 31st. Can't wait! Jtval, what are you talking about? Has Robin been accused of act-stealing, or is it Eddie? Just curious. T.I.N.S.
  24. I don't really know how to describe the pain - but it's kind of dull, next to my sternum on the left side. It feels sort of like a muscular pain, but I don't have any injuries (recently) that could account for it. I suppose (hope?) it could be psychosomatic, as it started popping up around the time winter hit, which also coincides with a major drop in my income, no jumping, and fucked-up sleep. Excercise has helped a lot, though, and getting myself checked-out has made me feel a lot better about the situation. Since the working out thing has been back in full swing, sleeping has improved. I didn't mean to take the thread down the road of cardio-detrement, I was really just wondering if anyone else had experienced the same thing after regular consumption of the monstrous beverages. It kinda sucks - I really, really dig the taste of the Blue Monster. I have to go to bed, now. No caffeine after noon. 'Night.