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Everything posted by JohnnyD

  1. Any solution must first and foremost address the behavior of the people surrounding the area. Other than that, it's specific to the situation.
  2. Absolutely. In fact, all the time. I also appreciate your concern. It warms my heart.
  3. Potentially a very dangerous situation to be sure. If you turn the redneck faction of the fightin' 101st keyboarders loose out there with weapons, I'm reasonably certain you could expect that they WILL shoot some things. Maybe coyotes, rabbits, squirrels, dogs, neighboring houses, empty beercans, etc. Problem is, this is not a solution to the problem. It's just an excuse to indiscriminately shoot animals close to a residential area. After the coyotes come back and people say "look they're back, they must be hungry", you will be in exactly the same position you started in. 999,999.99 times out of a million, the answer is not shoot first think second.
  4. Right. You possess exactly the kind of character I would be looking for if I were going to allow an armed man on my property near my family.
  5. Form a committee to enlist a study.
  6. > Fact 1 - Ritter was a weapons inspector Related fact: He was right about WMD in Iraq. > Fact 2 - Sorry quade, but he was a darling of the left Your opinion and thus completely irrelevant to any factual information. > Fact 3 - Cho Mo. Although I'm waiting for the "But he hasn't been convicted of anything" argument Don't look now, but you are the only one saying that. Whether he is convicted of the crimes he is charged with now will not change the fact that he was right about WMD in Iraq more than a decade ago. > I assert that his disregard for statute can be correlated to his motivations and thus his analyses in the past. Calling them into question. You are making a correlation between two completely unrelated events. Its just ridiculous. Its like me saying its cloudy today, thus Microsoft shares will go up. It makes zero sense. If you refuse to see that, no amount of evidence to the contrary will be enough to convince you. So, you win. Scott Ritter is a pedophile, therefore WMD were in Iraq. You'll be famous. Make sure they get your good side for all the interviews.
  7. I'm actually trying to understand you, but you're not making sense. Essentially what you are saying is: You have proof of WMD. Scott Ritter was actually wrong and the revelation that he is a pedophile validates it. Its a little more than a stretch.
  8. I didn't think you could possibly come back and make less sense. Congratulations. I'll probably regret this, but you are insinuating that while you were at an OP on the Syrian border you personally gathered intel that was proof of WMD. Further, that intel has something to do with Scott Ritter's current arrest and pending trial. I realize I'm leaving out the "darling of the left" angle here, but I can't come up with any way to get it in there. Wait, I got it: You intercepted radio transmissions of him soliciting underage Syrian boys after his nightly broadcast on Air America? It only sounds stupid because it is.
  9. You don't even make sense. >I personally question most of his findings based on... ??? With the lovely benefit of hindsight, we know that his opinion was correct. You may question his motives or his methods based on what we now know about him, but nothing is going to change that he was right.
  10. All politics aside , he was right about Iraq. All politics aside - appears he is in for a hopefully long and painful prison sentence.
  11. Lumping two completely separate things together takes away from both. He was right about Iraq. Doesn't mean much now, but it's true. He's probably going to prison - the bad kind - for a long time. If the allegations are true, I hope he never sees the light of day again regardless of what his job was eleven years ago.
  12. JohnnyD

    Help Haiti

    Apparently that rumor is false: Thanks for posting that. I took it as true because it came from a commercial pilot. Go figure.
  13. JohnnyD

    Help Haiti

    A commercial pilot/skydiving friend passed the following: AMERICAN AIRLINES is taking doctors and nurses to Haiti for free. If you knowanyone who would like to help in this way, the number to call is 212-697-9767.
  14. ??? Do you seriously think Rush is filing a Sch C? There is no way in hell that's happening.
  15. Maybe I'm missing something, but this makes zero sense to me on a couple of levels.
  16. Appetizer was Rattlesnake and main course was Yak.
  17. The same one. Why are you clinging to a man who is clearly unavailable? / Dr. Laura is an American radio personality/author if you have no idea who I'm talking about.
  18. *sigh*.. dunno.. I don't know what to say exactly. He knows I'm excited for him on the job front and I think it's great that he's going for it... And he must know I'm very fond of him because I'm like the *worst* person in the world for hiding my feelings even if I don't say anything.. But have I told him my heart is breaking a little at the thought of him leaving?? No. Just don't have the courage to own up to that yet. Is this the same guy that has very recently fathered a child with an ex?
  19. I know where you are just by reading that.
  20. If it is, they sure did take a lot of time to make a good website. The only things I didn't see were: How much is it and where can I get it?
  21. Were you there for the whole thing?
  22. Clearly all that fap time in your mom's basement makes you an expert on the lives of heiresses. I defer to your learned judgment. Can you point me to an article that says it was most likely diabetes? Were you with her last night when she died? Are you a friend of hers and she told you she's clean now? For someone who claims others don't know what they are talking about you sure aren't offering up a whole lot of evidence to support your claim. Exactly. I'm claiming nothing because I don't know. Before today I had never even heard of her. You were the one claiming they all did drugs and partied all the time. I guess the only thing I do know in relation to this young woman's death is that you don't know anything about it, other than what the National Enquirer or whatever other equally reputable source your information is coming from tells you. That and statements such as they all do drugs is just stupid. eta: Quicker than I can keep up with. Good source.
  23. Clearly all that fap time in your mom's basement makes you an expert on the lives of heiresses. I defer to your learned judgment.
  24. It is very likely that is the case. It's just a pet peeve of mine when people say is "an idiot" or "fucked up" when they're clearly wrong or have no idea what they're talking about.
  25. She also had a history of being hospitalized for complications due to diabetes. Of course that would make looking down your nose at her slightly more difficult with your foot sticking out of your mouth.