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Everything posted by JohnnyD

  1. As someone who works in the medical industry... A physicians practice is his private business. He is responsible to to keep it afloat and turn a profit just like any other small business owner. Many physicians don't take patients that are apart of the state funded program medicaid. Why? Too much paperwork and too little reimbursement; if they even get reimbursed. And your point is?
  2. I would go elsewhere regardless of who I voted for. Personally, I want my physicians to care more about medicine than politics - or at least make me think that they do.
  3. How in the world would you come to that conclusion? I would think its exactly the opposite.
  4. Have to balance the budget. I'm sure they would cut everywhere else first, but it has to be done. Sidenote - My first job out of college was auditing school districts. Very eye opening. I've never seen a group of people do less with more. That's not directed at teachers because it's out of their control.
  5. There is no possible way you're going to get a good answer to that question based on the info in the post. Do you use a CPA? If so, that is the person to ask.
  6. I know when I am hired by a newspaper for an assignment, my contract specifies that they own all the photos I take during that shoot (whether they use them or not). If the photographer was hired by someone else, good chance they own the copyright on the picture in question, not the photographer. At any rate, it certainly isn't owned by your friend. Also, your friend saying "no problem" isn't a good enough safeguard for commercial work. Whoever wants to use the photo needs to get permission from the copyright holder, and a signed release from the person in the photo if he or she is recognizable. Thanks for the reply. Great info.
  7. It doesn't have anything to do with skydiving. Just a good picture of a guy standing with his arms folded. I posted it here because I thought I would get some good info - and I have.
  8. One point of clarification that may or may not make a difference. The picture wasn't handed to my friend by the photographer. It was pulled out of an "extras bin" by someone who recognized him. At the end of his assignment, the photographer threw all the randomly snapped pictures that weren't part of what he was contracted to photograph into the bin for anyone to take. Any difference there?
  9. The greeting card guy has never used a photograph before. Everything has been his own illustrations. He just thought the picture was really cool. Thanks for your response.
  10. Yes, I read the link in the FAQs Facts: I have a picture that was taken in 1989 of a friend. The photographer thought it was a good picture and gave it to my friend - not a for hire situation. He was working on something else and just snapped the picture off and thought it was good, so he gave it to him. Fast forward to today. I have another friend who owns a greeting card company. He saw the picture and wants to use it. The guy in the picture said no problem. Obviously it's been more than 20 years since we've seen the original photographer. Just want to be sure there are no problems using the picture.
  11. Point of interest... A guy I went to high school with was the safety eng. at the chemical plant in town for 20 some years. Few years ago he move down here to where I'm at now, few blocks away in fact, and was working at an oil plant south of town...he dropped dead two weeks ago. Did a contract cleaning job there in the 90s during a maint. shutdown. They were looking for someone stupid enough to get in a harness and be lowered into the tanks and clean them out by hand. I needed the money, but thinking back on it - damn that was stupid. I hope you've brought it up to your doctors and I'm wishing you all the best bro. Still hoping to hoist one back where they sell the "world's largest ham sandwich"
  12. We didn't grow up in Texas
  13. In all seriousness, very very bad stuff there. People couldn't give away houses there.
  14. The amount of environmental remediation going on in the 90s where we grew up was staggering. I have also thought the rate of birth defects was downright frightening. Something to consider. I know a number of people who lived out on the edge of town have received settlements already. Who would you like to play you in the movie?
  15. Come on. Does the DOE provide security? Does the DOE supply teachers, librarians, cafeteria staff, janitors, maintenance workers, administrators, athletic staff, etc., etc.?
  16. I'm comfortable leaving it to them to best know what they need. I have no idea what kind of training these guys receive or are required to receive, but they operate in a series of buildings - all rooms and corridors. Shotgun seems far more logical than a rifle.
  17. Exactly. We don't arm campus police with checkbooks.
  18. The link didn't specify any schools. Public state schools receive federal funds. Campus security is a part of that - hopefully a very small part.
  19. Source: And now the Dept. of Education is getting in on this sawed-off shotgun action. School kids, beware! The next time you start throwing spit balls at cute little Susie, the DOE SWAT team may bust in with shiny new sawed-off shotguns to stop you! I guess you think campus police should be unarmed.
  20. If you have an iphone, you can get the app and just plug it into your sound system. Works like a charm.
  21. He doesn't 'really' have an answer, just vague platitudes about 'tightening things up'. In the meantime, he uses any incident to try to beat gun owners over the head with, while ignoring any mention of defensive uses. What is yours? I am genuinely interested.
  22. I have never been a fan of that term. It's just a different time. Different enemies. Different technology. Same Corps. Always. I had a Master Gunney with a little statue on his desk of a Mongol warrior wearing an animal skin and holding a club. It had a little plaque on the bottom that said: If this was not your basic combat issue, shut the fuck up about the New Corps.
  23. As do people joining Scientology or Krishna. My "point" is that I don't think people always realize what they're getting into. I find yours and Rookie's reaction hilarious considering the topic of this thread and your first post in it. Brainwashing? That's a little dramatic. Years ago, I would agree that people didn't really know what they were getting themselves into. Now, I would have to disagree. If you do your homework, there isn't a lot about bootcamp that you don't already know before you get there. You can practically watch the whole damn thing on the history channel. As for the brainwashing comment: I will agree that the psychological component of Marine Corps bootcamp is more prevalent and important than physical conditioning. You can get in some sort of shape in four months, but the conditioning level you are ultimately going for is going to take years to achieve. The psychological part is not intended to brainwash or turn kids into unquestioning followers. Drill instructors (often just one) have to maintain the appearance of control over 75-100 young men at all times. Not an easy task. The daily schedules are set down to the minute. There is an enormous amount of training that happens in Marine bootcamp and time is of the essence. I wouldn't call that brainwashing. I would call it achieving the stated objectives in a manner that is the most efficient and also safe for the drill instructors. There is a training evolution at the end of Marine bootcamp called the crucible. One of the functions of the crucible is to promote decision making skills. It's actually extremely important for today's Marines to be able to think and make good decisions. We're not standing in straight lines and shooting each other until the last man standing wins. We're street to street and building to building in the middle of civilian populations. A brainwashed Marine is a very poor Marine.
  24. And this team did. They returned to the ice more than an hour after the medal ceremony to celebrate. The arena had already cleared. Their only mistake was not kicking out the "journalists". Once in a lifetime moment - drink it in.