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Everything posted by SmilingPhoenix

  1. Ya gotta give us more than that man, what'd she do? Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  2. SWEET! Only 10 months left boys, sign up while you can... hmmm, with the number of crazy guys on this forum, this calendar might need to be extended - oh wait, I looked at some of those pictures - never mind, there's nothing we can't fit.... Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  3. Cool Idea, Hey - any fellow PFLAGers out there, we should organize a jump at the Boogie! PFLAG = Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (it includes transgender and bisexual as well, but we already had the name and you can only have so many letters in an acronym
  4. Does this string hold some sort of record - 4 years and still getting new posts... I'm also curious about when we are going to pull all of the images together and make a calender - who want's to be Mr. November? Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  5. Maybe I like being locked in cages Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  6. OK, so how often have you found yourself spending an ungodly amount of time on this forum in a day just trying to avoid reality?
  7. Come on skyrad, you know the story... People who speak 3 languages are trilingual... People who speak 2 languages are bilingual... What do you call people who speak one language? American! Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  8. I consider myself a non-smoker - mostly because I'm not addicted. Smokers hate me. I can smoke a pack over a weekend and then I'm done for 3 months and just have a few at a party and then again nothing for a while. But after reading these posts, I'm oddly in the mood for a smoke... Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  9. Me too! So if you are on the East Cost - there's your answer. So, I guess like milking a cow or finding a sheep by a cliff - you just gotta know where to look... Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  10. Oh come on, even those of us with hearing remember all of those elementary school kids standing around learning some cheesy hippie song in sign - You are my sunshine - or The sun will come out tomorrow - or Yes, Jesus loves me - or something! Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  11. Eh, anonymity is fine. It’s up to me how often I post and how much I say. I wouldn’t say anything out here that I wouldn’t expect everyone at the DZ to know the next weekend. So, maybe the guy packing next to me read my posts, maybe he didn’t – doesn’t really matter. As for those people posing as something they aren’t, I figure there are probably two options. One, they are living out a fantasy and like to play at being something else for a little while, no harm done. Two, they are intentionally trying to deceive people for some reason and for those guys, I just feel sorry for them – what a sad life. As for me, I’m pretending to be a fun, thirty-something, who is happy, hopefully a little witty and has this crazy thing about jumping out of planes… oh wait, that is who I am… SWEET! Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  12. I am fully expecting my best birthday gift to come this year... Since I just started jumping, this will be the first time I can jump for my birthday, so I plan to find something I've never done before and fly, fly, fly... Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  13. My initial draft was simply "Most Christians I know are closed minded idiots", but that need for political correctness is just engrained in me these days... damn... so I figured a question would be less offensive for those who might not know I am Christian, I just think many people in organized religion stop thinking for themselves. Ok, soapbox calling... Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  14. And that would be different than Christianity, uh, how exactly? (oh, damn, I am going to get my ass kicked for that one...) Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  15. I'm actually doing my MBA online. It's a good program, not just what I always thought of as a mail-it-in diploma from those commercials on TV. I'm actually taking it via University of Houston - a fully accredited university. It's great for me since I travel so much and couldn't be in a classroom as much as I would need to in order to get through the whole program. It can be very difficult when there are things you don't understand - but if you are in a good program you can usually set up an appointment with the professor to go over anything in person - that was all that saved me during my Statistics class - God that was HELL. The worst part about these classes is that some of these professors want you to experience group dynamics so they make you do these group projects - not unlike the live courses - but having to connect with students you have never met and work with them on a project can be a strain. I'd say to look into the specific program and see if you can talk to people who have taken those courses - you know, just like back in high school where everyone knew who the good math teachers were. Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  16. To me it's like anything else, we each have to make the decision of what we want to get out of the sport. I did 4 coached jumps yesterday with 3 different instructors. The first one rocked. He reminded me of all that I had stopped thinking about and gave me some great tips. I would have gladly paid $100 for that course because I learned as much as I did in any of my AFF classes. After that the next two instructors didn't focus as much on the training ahead of the jump, so maybe I didn't learn as much. But the fact is that after the first one, I had absorbed a lot so maybe there just wasn't any more room in my little brain. On one of the jumps I landed feeling bad - I mean, glad I was alive and all - but disappointed in my performance - you only get so many jumps in a weekend and don't we all want them to each be amazing? So I went and sat on a picnic bench alone after the debrief and just played it over a few times in my head. I decided I couldn't end the day there, it was time for one more. So the last jump I had filmed to put it all together. That video is priceless to me. Aside from the fact that the images are amazing and I can't wait to show them off - I learned more watching that skydive than I had even learned from the first instructor. I could see my body and know what it was doing and how it reacted to different movements - and how the instructors body moved as well. So I guess what I learned is that it may seem like paying to jump with people isn't always worth it - but even the jumps that feel less-than-successful can teach you that in skydiving, each person you jump with is different and has different capabilities - coaches and hotshots alike. Whether sitting with the long-time jumpers and talking to them about jumps and (SOON) participating with them or finding out what some of the newer kids have to say. Everyone has an opinion, a perspective, and something to add - even if what they add for you is - Don't EVER Do THAT. Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  17. What's a Rocky Bar? Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  18. I used to donate regularly, a two gallon member in this state, a few more in Cali and FL. BUT since I travel so much now, they won't take it. I'm in with the crowd that doesn't get the restrictions. They test it anyway, so what's with all of the questions? Of course, better safe than sorry I suppose - it's gotta suck to get a transfusion and find out later it's what kills you. Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  19. Wine makes me sleepy. Beer just makes me giggle. Vodka makes me sleep with men I would not otherwise. Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  20. I hate the term oral sex cause it's NOT sex. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________ ~Sunny Oh honey, I'm sorry... to me, oral sex can be some of the best ever. To watch a man's face - and on the other side - to feel those waves - if you had someone who really knew what they were doing - trust me, it's sex. It's REALLY GOOD sex. Yeah.... ok, I need a cigarette... Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  21. Adults with braces are AWESOME! Wanting to improve your self-image at any age is admirable. More power to ya! Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  22. If you aren't in a hurry, wait until holiday season. Last year HP ran a promotion with Wal-mart and had these great $600 laptops with all of the bells - even QuickPlay (launches the DVD player WITHOUT Windows). I'm sure they'll have a similar sale again this year, so if you want more bang for your buck, wait for the holiday season. As for the Mac users - yeah, they are great - you get what you pay for - and you can get a PC for A LOT less. Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  23. Reach in, pick it out, take a look... If it could be tasty, chow down. If not, hope no one notices as you flick it onto their floor. Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  24. Answering a question with a question usually means you are avoiding the answer! Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!
  25. I'm on a business trip, so since the company's buying - I'm going for a filety mignon and some kind of frilly girly drink to go with it... uh, I mean, a reasonably priced dinner that our investors would be pleased with... Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!