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Everything posted by PWScottIV

  1. If she can't respect and support the things you do for enjoyment (unless they're excessively dangerous or harmful to others), then why would you even want to be with her? I'd try to explain/prove to her that skydiving is relatively safe compared to just about any outdoor activity... If she doesn't get it and still wouldn't support it, then I'd get the hell out. NO person is too important to not follow YOUR dreams. Not to sound like an ass, but honestly, you'll be happier in the long run. If it wasn't skydiving it would be the next thing you wanted to try like, scuba, riding a motorcycle, or whatever might appear "scary" to her. Gravity Waits for No One.
  2. Sure, how about this: Freeflyers = Dominant RWs = Oppressed Gravity Waits for No One.
  3. RTM Thanks Gravity Waits for No One.
  4. Crap. How do you make a clicky on here? Can't you just use HTML? Gravity Waits for No One.
  5. NOTHING compares to Hard Candy (2005) OK, I guess it wasn't really crying, it was more like extreme cringing. Gravity Waits for No One.
  6. Yeah, I've had them for about 6 years and they just totally FUCKED me! I just moved to go to school and right before I left, they recommended I switch to automatic payment... I had never gone over before, so I figured, what the hell, why not? Well, seeing that I was away from all of my friends, I started using my phone a whole lot more. Apparently they made my change of address wrong and I wasn't getting the bills... Not a problem until I looked online and saw my bank statement... Over 3 months my phone bills totaled $666!!! I called them, but seeing as I had paid already, they said there was NOTHING they would do... Completely fucked! I've been a good paying customer for this long and now they're fucking me like this... Unbelievable. Anyone know if I have any recourse? Gravity Waits for No One.
  7. Yeah, I don't know why they don't have an option to just put in your first jump date... It would automatically update then... Just as if you had put your age in, so I'm sure there must be an easy way of modifying it. Gravity Waits for No One.
  8. Yep, I'm in Los Angeles and my mom was in the car. Got it in the mail...her pic, my car. I'm having a difficult time getting this taken care of. Hopefully you haven't been to court yet... I've been in court when they've dismissed those cases if the owner wasn't the driver. At least in the court I was in, all you had to say was that it wasn't you and you don't know for sure who it was... If it's obvious that it's not you, then they'll probably dismiss it. Gravity Waits for No One.
  9. Yes... I worry about it all day long... I worry that those precious bullets are gonna be wasted on children while they could've been used on you. Gravity Waits for No One.
  10. I think it depends on your target market... You might want to make two different designs... One for Fun Jumpers and then one for DZOs (with a tandem image). Just an idea, but it might be nice if you could use a picture of a hybrid for the Fun Jumper version as it might be more effective for both RW and Free Fliers)... I assume you're gonna have these printed on photo paper or similar, right? Gravity Waits for No One.
  11. Yeah... Apparently you like people who "whine" on here... Oh, wait, I think I have that the other way around. Gravity Waits for No One.
  12. I dunno about you, but that gave me a woody... Gravity Waits for No One.
  13. I'm sure it is... Doesn't one of their student canopies have a patch where a bullet penetrated it? Gravity Waits for No One.
  14. I was told he had some sort of cable attachment... He also hangs from the leg straps for a long time while under canopy... I seriously doubt anyone is crazy enough to pull that sort of a stunt without some type of safety cable. If he let go of the rig by mistake while in freefall, there's still a small chance he could hold onto one of the camera guys... While under canopy he wouldn't even have that small luxury. Maybe I'm wrong though... Does anyone know for sure? Gravity Waits for No One.
  15. Lol, yeah, trust sartre... She has quite a bit of experience with these things. Gravity Waits for No One.
  16. Gravity Waits for No One.
  17. From:;quote=1;parent_post_id=2706348 It would be nice to think that things always worked out like that, but history has proven that is NOT always the case... Take Hitler for example... Do you think he got what he had coming to him? Not even close. I agree that people who screw others over usually have something bad happen to them, but on the other hand there's plenty of perfectly innocent people who have VERY bad things happen to them all the time... So in my book, karma is not an effective method of punishment... Nor is relying on the law to take care of it (especially if this crap has been going on for as long as it has)... By the time things are settled legally (if they ever are), there's gonna be a lot more damage to our industry's image. These assholes are sitting back reading about us complaining on here and probably laughing their asses off... Why not give them something that they won't laugh about? A DDOS attack would take care of everything. Their business is NOTHING without the websites. Anyone wanna? Gravity Waits for No One.
  18. Why doesn't someone shut them down? I'm sure there's gotta be a programmer on this forum who could make a DDOS program that would constantly overload their servers. And I for one would be cool with losing some of my bandwidth to have it run 24-7 on my system... I'm sure there's plenty other members who would run it too... Any takers for writing and running? I can't say that I haven't been tempted - but issuing a denial of service attack is not the solution. Fighting poor ethics with poor ethics just adds to the problem. I guess... Sometimes you really DO have to fight fire with fire. There might not be an effective ethical approach to the situation, or it might just be unreasonably difficult. One of the reasons that they get away with so much probably has to do with how different this industry is compared to just about anything else... Therefore, I assume there hasn't been much progress with respect to defining legal guidelines for it... Just my guess though. Apparently nobody is interested in investing the time/money to change the laws, so why not try something quick and dirty... There's no way they're gonna prosecute thousands of skydivers for running DDOS software... We should do it! Gravity Waits for No One.
  19. Why doesn't someone shut them down? I'm sure there's gotta be a programmer on this forum who could make a DDOS program that would constantly overload their servers. And I for one would be cool with losing some of my bandwidth to have it run 24-7 on my system... I'm sure there's plenty other members who would run it too... Any takers for writing and running? Gravity Waits for No One.
  20. Are there any pictures of the hand-off anywhere? I can't imagine someone doing something monumental like that and not documenting it... Gravity Waits for No One.
  21. Yeah, no shit! Did he have a main too or JUST the reserve? Gravity Waits for No One.