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Everything posted by Royd

  1. I thought you open minded, Blue Staters were so above all of that.
  2. I was in Sam's Club, a wholesale warehouse, in Jacksonville, Fl., the other day. As I sat and ate a piece of pizza, I watched and listened to people who passed me. I would say that no more than 1/3 of the people could be labelled as 'white american.' I probably heard a minimum of 4 languages in a 30 min. time span. My thoughts were along the line of, "Hmmm. Very interesting." I also saw a lot of dark skinned women with American men.
  3. Psychology has it's applications but it doesn't provide the answers. edit: Can psychology explain and answer the reasons for the demoralisation of the Western world? Apparently, the end results of evolution are failing the system, miserably.
  4. Isn't that what science trys to do? Many people hate the thought that they have a prescribed timeline to their given lives, whether they decide to live in a rubber room or throw themselves out of airplanes. The Grim Reaper is always standing around, pressing his bony thumb against the end of his scythe, just waiting for orders.
  5. I'd prefer one of his smokin' hot angels.
  6. Exactly how do athiests explain situations in which they have no control, but still come out on the other side? What they do have, is being born in a time and place where the confluence of knowledge and technology have come together to provide the ability to save lives. If one claims that it is sheer luck, then he admits that there are curcumstances beyond his control that has allowed him to live. I recently heard a story about a young woman who had a bad heart and it did not look like things were going to happen on a proper timeline. Someone decided to experiment with O2 saturation. The woman's heart completely healed. All things came together in one moment of time for these things to happen, including the thought that popped into the doctor's head that said, "Hmmm, why not give it a shot?"
  7. As I recall recently, didn't you go through some kind of serious health crisis? You are not dead. Was it pure luck? That won't work. Was it just not your day to die? That won't work. All of the people who helped you, were there for a reason? That won't work. Even the fact that you were born at a moment in time when medical science was able to arrest and turn around your situation cannot be claimed to be fortuitous. Exactly how do athiests explain situations in which they have no control, but still come out on the other side?
  8. Especially if they refused to get off of their lazy asses and get the hell out of town, with a week's warning.
  9. Royd

    Minor Accident

    If you'd been using that mirror for a proper merge, you'd know who hit you.
  10. Maybe they're counting rollover minutes from last year.
  11. Basically, you're an agist. Just a bigot of another sort. I guess wisdom counts for nothing in your book?
  12. If there is no moral authority , why choose moral behavior when amoral > behavior would better serve our species survival and evolution. Since the amoral crowd likes situational ethics so much, thus removing the concept of guilt, why should there be any punishment for murder or theft? The arguement that they cause someone harm won't fly. Many of the things that we now pooh-pooh as normal human behavior, and therefore, shouldn't bother correcting it, causes someone harm. We just saw the results of this last week, when a bunch of ten yr. olds conspired to harm their teacher, because she did something they didn't like. This is the end result of not teaching a solid set of moral laws at an early age. I quess that's one of the failings of evolution. We do resort to survival of the fittest.
  13. Socialism is working. There was an equal division of labor. The teacher should be proud.
  14. Being in Pennsylvainia, she thinks it's time to play the Rocky card. Yoh, Adrianne!
  15. The patch is satisfactory. As for painting one stripe over the previous paint job showing up, it can be a couple of things. Paint has to cure. What you put on yesterday will stand out from what you did 4 months ago. You may have put on a heavier coat. You probably didn't feather the edges into the existing paint job. Did you prime the ceiling with a stainblocking primer when you originally painted the ceiling? Does anyone in the household smoke? Nicotine stain is evil. If it's not washed off or covered with a stainblocker, it will bleed through the new paint.
  16. Those must have been the days that they had Punctuation Class.
  17. I'm in agreement. One generation or another is going to have to step up and take it on the chin. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if it happened today. I just don't want to pay in for another ten to fifteen years, and be told, "Sorry."
  18. For the good of the party? Yes, it would help. They'll have four years to stock up on botox.
  19. They think nothing of tossing around a few million years here on earth. Why should 1 yr. of light speed make a difference?
  20. And if they ever found Noah's Ark, what kind of song and dance do you think unbelievers would be doing?
  21. Proof or supposition? Let's hope when you go on a date, you're a little more precise with your timing.
  22. but I do have a problem holding the "scientific orgins" myth as some >how more true than the Intelligent Design explanation. I just heard on the news this morning that two major cholestrol lowering drugs just aren't doing the job. I think my scepticism about the scientific community is justified. It's more about the money than the truth.
  23. I just watched the article on Good Morning, America. It's obvious, by the very fact that there are death threats over a 17 min. movie, that the statements are true.
  24. Because, before men on the moon, men always wound up carrying the luggage. Women didn't care until it was their burden.