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Everything posted by Mac

  1. thanks Tom, I was unable to find it on the CR site, but I was probably being over lazy in looking for it..... Thanks for the info Michael
  2. Can anyone tell me? I cant find the data... Thanks Michael
  3. I have tried looking around, but I am unable to find the pack volume of a sabre (old sabre) 170.... anyone know where this data can be found? (or know what it is?) Thanks for any help Michael
  4. been suggested before, been tried before, many many times if you want to keep BASE to the BASE jumpers then you either continue to post to BLiNC (which people have chosen not to do for one reason or another) or maybe try out the UK board as this is up and coming (more and more non UKers are starting to join in) and nothing like this place where skydivers are comfortable to give advice on BASE jumping issues..
  5. "Differential stow" I would be interested if this knowledge is still being carried forward with new jumpers... Has the TG made this knowledge worthless? or do you think this is something worthwhile knowing?
  6. Mac

    vent/no vent mod...

    Direct control is taking a bite of your slider to a band connected to your inner C line Indirect control is the bite you take as you stow your lines into the tail pocket...
  7. Mac


    hearsay and assumptions are 99% wrong and damaging to the sport..... think about the people actually doing something postive toward the up keep of the sport......
  8. I have heard from a handful of people that direct control has caused them harder openings rather than just using indirect. Not a great sample, but what do others think about this? Have you spoken to R&K about this?
  9. something worthwhile having is decent first aid training.. this will be appreciated by jumpers who you ask to GC for them. Being able to communicate accurately the conditions on the ground is a need. What you have to understand is most of the time GC is made up of other jumpers who are able to offer good assistance to the jumpers, so you have to be able to match the assistance that these people give.... do a search on the BASE forums available as this question has also been asked alot in the past and there are some good responses to it rather than the skydiveresque muck you seem to get in this forum recently.....
  10. Thanks for your reply.... I find it frustrating I can find tables of what I want year on year for the US and Kazakhstan, but cant find the same simple tables for the UK – looks like I have to wade through all the documents / links ….. No lazy way at all! :o) Thanks again for your help Michael
  11. I am in the process of trying to collate historical information year by year (2002 - 2005) on the following for the UK: GDP % Inflation Interest Rates Unemployment as % of population National Average House price I have looked over various sites and searches trying to find this data but I am being bogged down in many many documents. Does anyone else here know of any of these stats or know where I can easily access them? I have trawled through the and national stats sites but these figures seem to be harder to find than I thought.... Thanks to anyone in advance that can help collate this information Cheers! Michael
  12. Mac

    Choice of PC?

    Dont ever accept one persons opinion on something... (you dont have many peoples views on this issue). just because you may respect a certain person, does not mean their thoughts are correct.... (no disrespect Tom, but just trying to get people into the habit to question everything) One persons idea of a perfect set up from that height is not automatically the perfect set up from that height for you....
  13. thoughts to everyone effected by this.....
  14. I posted this on the UK BASE board as I am looking specifically to cover BASE, but was hoping that there maybe some UK skydivers that read this board and not the UKBB that maybe able to point me in the right direction (I am not sure about whether skydivers have issues with this too): Thanks for any help or ideas Michael