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Everything posted by toolbox

  1. I feel much the same way you do.
  2. >9000+ gun murders..... Divide 9000 by three hundred million(the number is closer to 325 million people in the US) just to make it easy, and you get something like 0.000003% of the population murdered with guns. Not letting the knee jerk emotional response get the best of reason,this is a very small number. Over 100,000 people die from prescription drug problems each year. Now add in the people who die from outright prescription drug abuse,or the people who are killed by others under the influence of drugs while operating equipment,or driving,ect.... It is illegal by the way to use any substance that may impair your senses while operating any equipment,yet it still occurs,hmmmmm....... Doesn't sound like the laws are 100% effective at stopping shit. But considering how many guns there are,and how many people there are,and how many batshit crazy people there are,guns are not used to kill as many people in the US as any realistic person would think. Lets just look at the children,because if we can just save one child it is worth it,and there are six children who are killed by child abuse in the US everyday or 2190 of them who die of abuse each year on average,mostly at the hands of a parent. The average number of children who die from all gunshots on average in the US is 791,and many of those are accidental self inflicted gunshots. It is said that at 20 weeks a human fetus can survive outside the womb,yet there are almost 11,000 babies,who are completely helpless,that are killed in late term abortions (after 20 weeks) each year in the US. Hmmmmm........ If we could save just one life.One of those aborted children could have been a great scientist or leader.
  3. I did not say we were living under the modern equivalent of a fascist nazi regime,but this doesn't mean that some tyranical force from without,or from within, couldn't come to be. The nazi's didn't just use gun registration to confiscate the guns of german citizens(starting with the jews by the way),the nazis used the gun registrations of the countries they invaded as a road map to confiscate those guns,and to also eliminate any people who might oppose their agenda(free thinking gun owners) by rounding up those they felt to be a threat of resistance and shooting them. These are historical facts,and it is said that history repeats itself.
  4. >registration has never led to confiscation,except in NY,CA,MA,and pretty much anywhere else it's been enacted...... Do not forget the list of registered guns and gun owners that the nazi's used to confiscate guns not only from german citizens,but the citizens of the countries they invaded, in their attempt to crush any opposition in their quest of world domination. I'm pretty sure Hitler was a socialist,hmmmmm.......
  5. I know you feel we need more laws to keep guns out of criminals hands,but they do not even enforce the gun laws we already have on the books. Last year over 40,000 people were caught lying on their background checks,and only a small percentage were prosecuted for this. You will not stop criminals,or emotionally unstable people from getting guns no matter what laws you legislate. The use,sale,and trafficking of drugs is illegal in almost every country in the world,and yet even in places like russia and china where individual rights are much weaker,and the state more poweful, they have street drugs. The genie is out of the bottle when it comes to firearms,and they are here to stay until people find something easier and more effective to use in there place. The handgun replaced the sword,and the rifles replaced the arrows and the spear. You can take the humans out of the jungle,but,so far the jungle has not been taken out of the humans.
  6. >private security officer...... Was this guy ex US infantry,recon,Navy seal,Delta force,Para rescue,Air force special commando,ect? Was he even ex military? I know a couple of security officers who were never in the military at all. I also know ex army rangers,navy seals,and marine recon snipers who work as plumbers,electricians,and EMT's. Besides,there is always a risk of harm from everything, or any activity in school. Hell just recently a kid in san diego was killed by a softball to the chest in gym class. When I was in high school we had 5 kids die and several more permantely disabled playing high school football here in washington state.
  7. >The liberal mind is so fascinating............ Yep! It works very well for them in truth twisting, incitement, and propaganda.
  8. >Drinking the NRA's kool aid? I don't drink koolaid, or the fancy koolaid they call sports drinks either,and besides koolaid is only cool with cults and college campuses it seems. At least it seems like most college professors are alot like cult leaders and push alot of it,and the kids have to drink it to be cool.
  9. >No-one is seriously attempting to BAN guns. How about the UN?
  10. >Professional skydivers too,I'm sure. Yep,professional skydivers,recreational skydivers,cheerleading coaches,musicians,anti-gun activist,pro-gun activist,firemen,actors,lawyers,professional athletes,amature athletes,men and women,ect... Point is that sex offenders are a very diverse group, and there seems to be alot of them,so many that the system has a real tough time keeping track of them. Many times when they catch sex offenders,they get less punishment than someone gets for drug possesion in some states. So I can see how some offenders could find their way into situations where children are present. Hell, recently in oregon they arrested a guy( who was registered as a sex offender back in 2007) for raping an unconscious minor he met at the cheerleading accadamy where he was working as A COACH yesterday.
  11. There are alot of sex offenders out there thats for sure. You find them in law enforcement,in politics,in church,in schools,in the boy scouts,in the athletics departments,the boy scouts,ect..... I bet there are even a few college professors who are sex offenders in hiding as well.
  12. What are the NRA guns? Are they semi-auto,pump,or wheel guns? I can't find any of these so called guns the NRA is selling on their website.
  13. >Could it be that putting lowest -bidder armed guards in elementary schools........ Just because someone is a volunteer does not make them inferior. Some of the most decorated military personel in history were volunteers(Audie Murphy,Eddie Rickenbacker as examles) who served their countries not for money(like professional body guards),but rather for honor and duty. Do you think only the high priced mercenaries are capable of doing the job?
  14. So all the politicians should get rid of their armed guards before one of those guards has an accident and shoots them. All the children of politicians should get rid of the armed guards,if it could just save one of those kids from the inevitable accidental shooting by one of their own armed guards. Some might say that the risk of having armed guards for the children of politicians is outweighed by the danger posed to them because of the position of their parents,but,it seems that there are not many cases of mass acts of violence in these schools with armed guards when compared to the public schools without full time armed guards,so it seems that the poor kids without armed guards are really at greater risk than the rich kids with armed guards. Hmmmmm..... Could it be that the poor kids without armed guards at their public schools are easy targets compared to the heavily protected rich politicians kids in their private schools with armed guards? Hmmmmm......
  15. >Yep no risk there. There's no way that putting an armed ex mititary type could actually increase the risk of a child being shot. I didn't say just any ex military,I said good ex military people. People who are mentally and emotionally sound,with a high degree of training and discipline that is sought out by not just our politicians as body guards,but,by the wealthy as well. I'm sure there are many such people(men and women)who are not just willing,but would be honored to protect children and their teachers. I know several ex military women with children of their own who would make great school guards.
  16. >And the gun nuts want to give guns to people who couldn't even make it as cops to "protect the children" What makes you think they ever wanted to be cops. I'm sure there are many good ex military people who would make great guards for kids,as would many retired police officers. I personally know two guys who are ex military and are now armed body guards for very wealthy and influential people and their families. I'm sure they both would be more than qualified to protect a school,and they never had any desire to be police officers.
  17. >The level of stupidity exhibited by some cops with their guns is absolutely amazing. I know four people who have shot themselves by accident,and three of them are cops. Then there are incidents like the cops looking for Dorner and shooting the two women delivering papers in california. And the anti-gun liberals want us to give up our guns and let the cops protect us
  18. >If a veteran calls me a fucking liberal bitch,........ That could be their way of getting a date. But if you hear banjo's it could be bad news,unless you like that kind of stuff.
  19. you are joking right? If you are serious,then ......................................
  20. >Is this a great country or what? I sure love it here,but I've never lived in another country,just visited a few. It's pretty awesome that we can express so many opposing views and not suffer any punishment for doing so. I often times even express views I do not fully agree with simply to play the devils advocate,because I can.
  21. That is some horrible cruelty,and legislating against taping it for purposes of exposing these acts to the public is yet more corruption. I'm not surprized by proposed legislation against exposing these inhumane acts since there are already laws in some jurisdictions that make it a crime to video tape public officials in public who might be doing unethical things.
  22. >They had those black and white cookie guys..... I thought the green chicks were pretty hot.
  23. How does the word infidel = muslim eliminator? From what I've heard the word used in the tat is only offensive to islamic extremist. Religious extremist of any faith tend to be extremely intolerant,extremely militant,and extreme assholes. Most good christians,jews,and even good peaceful muslims would pray for a non believer to come out of the darkness and into the light of god.