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Everything posted by toolbox

  1. >That is exactly the reaction I expected from the far right here. ...... shows how much you know you tell anyone who knows me that you think I am far right and they will laugh as much as I am laughing as I try to punch this out on the keyboard. I think the right is as retarded as the left is. Now if you insinuated that I was in the middle of the road you would be correct. I lean right or left from center depending on the issues,and tend to be very libertarian. I believe you should be able to have sex with any other consenting adult,you should be able to use as much of any drugs you want,you should eat as much of anything you want,you should have all the guns you want,you should be able to have early term abortions if you want,birth control should be free, and incentives for not having children should be promoted along with propaganda warning against overpopulation,ect. If you want to place a loaded gun in your mouth and pull the trigger,then please do so and make more room for the rest of us,but do it before you can breed. If you want to hook your canopy into the ground then more power to you, but do not harm anyone else in the process. Do you still think I'm far right?
  2. I do not believe the results of the polls on US citizens being for more restrictive gun legislation are accurate,since those polls usually used phone calls to 1,000 people,and then use the results to imply that the other millions and millions of adults in the US have the same views as expressed by those polled. This poll of law enforcement officers should be far more accurate,since the percentage of officers who participated in this poll is exponentially greater,since 15,000 officers were polled out of 400,000, than those polls trying to use 1,000 citizens out of millions and millions. But just like any politically based poll,it could be skewed,but is far less likely to be skewed since it targets a much smaller group of people who are active members of the organization running the poll,so I tend to believe the results of this poll more than most politically based polls I've seen.
  3. >And Obama has not yet produced a document proving he wasn't there. What is he hiding? His true hard left agenda.
  4. >And yet your crowd will jump all over the christian religion whenever you get the chance.Your hypocricy is admirable. You noticed that as well. Bash catholics,bash baptist,bash mormons,bash protestants,but how dare you bash islam. Islam is all about tolerance and equality for all islam embraces all cultures,beliefs, and lifestyles blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit I'm edjumicated so I know more than you blah blah blah. We seem to hear alot of this kind of crap here for sure.
  5. >I guess you don't pay much attention to world news or current affairs. Ahh,but I do. I am aware that their are religious extremist in every faith,and they all do some violence on occasion,but the islamic extremist take the cake when it comes to shooting up and blowing up women,children,and everyday civilians. The islamic extremist also love to do this in areas of natural beauty and soothing settings, like Bali,where the people are very peaceful,tolerant,and kind,as example.
  6. >So do skydivers at boogies. they smell like that, and worse sometimes.
  7. Why do you accuse me of being hateful? I do not hate terrorist,I simply think they should be put down like mad dogs,just like any other killers. As far as islam go's I simply stated observations of the present state of the predominately practiced faiths on the planet at this time. The jews in their historical hey day killed alot of people because they considered themselves the chosen people of god,and well they could,and they wanted the resources for themselves. The christians used their religion to justify the crusades for about 200 years,ending in the late 13th century, I think. I do not know alot about the buddist,but they seem pretty damn peaceful from what I've seen and heard. Islam at the present seems very intolerant,and very volatile as well. I'm not a big fan of intolerance myself,and have no problems with any religion or belief that is tolerant and plays nice with others. In fact I do not care what anyone or any group does, or thinks,as long as there are no victims. Oh and by the way,don't tell me what to do. I DO WHAT I WANT!
  8. You are kidding right? The older brother died while throwing bombs at,and shooting at the police. The younger brother is under guard in the hospital where he is being treated for his injuries. So I do not see how a lynch mob mentality is going to effect either of them at this point. The fact that these guys are islamic extremist might play some bad light on islam,but islamic extremist world wide have already done a pretty good job of that already. I'm just being a realist here. Islamic extremist have been responsible for the majority of terrorist acts and have even surpassed the IRA's level of destruction and hate,and have proudly taken credit for some of the worst loss of life thrust upon civilian populations around the globe. Just a few examples,911,the bali night club bombings,africa,europe,the philipines, the first attack on the world trade center,ect..... Then you have the smaller acts of terror and oppression,like the little girl getting shot in the face because she wanted to go to school, as just one example. It is very rare that deep religious convictions from jews,buddist,or christians, result in acts of terror or violations of basic human rights.99.9% of christians are more likely to pray for you than attack you if you are a non believer,jews could care less,and alot of buddist would not kill a fly. Islam on the other hand, seems to have a few issues when it come to intolerance and violence nowadays. Not hating,just making an observation. And just so you know,I do not believe in any religion. You can call me an INFIDEL
  9. >it doesn't mean he's part of a larger organized group. Why do these two brothers have to be part of a large organized group to be islamic extremist? If two known racist white guys were caught blowing up a black church,a jewish youth center,or a mosque, they would be rightly calling them white supremacist,even if they were not part of a large organized group.
  10. >That said,he wasn't a nazi The guy you are talking about obviously wasn't out blowing people up either.
  11. Do you have to have large terrorist organization ties to be an islamic extremist? Do islamic extremist have to join a terrorist union or something before they can blow something up? The older brother was investigated by both the US and another undisclosed country for possible extremist connections,right? They are both muslim aren't they? The area where they are from is known to have strong islamic extremist presence is it not? Why would their uncle say that the older brother was becoming hateful,and extremist in his islamic views, if it wasn't true? They were seen at the crime scene shortly before the explosion,right? The cops caught them with a pressure cooker bomb and grenades right? It is known that the pressure cooker bomb is popular with islamic extremist,right? I guess it's possible they might not be islamic extremist,but it's possible to bounce and live as well,very unlikely but possible.
  12. I never said they were masterminds. I do however feel they were coached by someone with islamic extremist ties. Intelligence agencies world wide now believe that the islamic extremist groups have become more loosely organized and now function with less direct supervision from the leaders and masterminds,since many of the leaders are staying off the radar to avoid extermination lately. But even if they have no ties to organized groups, such acts of violence driven by extreme islamic belief is still what I would call JIHAD! The majority of attacks of this type that have occurred around the world in recent decades have been done by islamic extremist,have they not?
  13. >Yes, it's so apparent they were backed by very rich and powerful terrorist group...... So you are saying these powerful terrorist groups spend alot of money and resources on saving the perpetrators of these violent acts? I thought one of their favorite and most effective methods of terror were the use of human bombs,or suicide jihadist if you like. Doesn't seem to me like they really worry to much about the little martyr fish getting away,or even surviving the acts of terror. It does seem they spend alot of resources on the protection of the extremist leaders and masterminds who send the martyrs out to commit the violence though.
  14. >It's looking more and more like a loser of a kid who went out with a bang. Aren't those the kind of people that islamic extremist love to recruit?
  15. >I also see it happening in the future. Yep,the rat cage is getting full,and the rats are getting crazier
  16. Yep,we have our images recorded any where there are video cameras or still cameras,and many are not by the government,but by business,and everyday citizens who might even post the images on social network sites. Photo ID's are pretty cheap and easy to use,and very effective when combined with all the other visual data being stored everywhere. The finger printing and background checks of every resident seems like it could be very costly and still not prevent the attacks. I don't believe any of these measures will stop people who are determined to carry out these acts of violence.
  17. >The DMV has been taking a thumb print. I don't recall being thumb printed for a drivers license anywhere I've lived. I have given my prints to the government for a concealed carry permit. I don't remember it but,I was foot printed by the hospital where I was born in 1963can't believe those tiny feet turned into size 12's. I know many companies require background checks and sometimes prints before hiring someone,and banks will take a thumb print for some transactions. It's not uncommon for land lords to do a background check before renting to people,but not printing. I don't think the government should print and background check natural born citizens,unless the citizen has been arrested,in government service,or applying for permission to handle explosive materials,or carry a concealed weapon. Mandatory government printing and background checks of all residents,even law abiding natural born citizens without permits for concealed weapons or dangerous materials. Hmmmmmmmmmm.........
  18. >I could go on and on but if one is determined one may create a great deal of mischief with common house hold items. Exactly! Knowledge+Hatred fed determination=Very hard to stop. This kind of violence hasn't been uncommon in the world for as long as I can remember. I'm 50 years old.
  19. Is this going to begin the finger printing of,and background checks by the government, of natural born citizens who have never been arrested,or in the military,or working for the government?
  20. >You probably helped pay the bribes. Is that how they do it in new zealand as well? Hell I think the whole world has worked like that,at least since ancient rome anyway.I do not think bribes killed the proposed new legislation though. I wish I had enough money to make a good bribe,then I could afford to buy more ammosaying very few people are for gun control..... I do not recall saying very few people are in favor of gun control. I know there are alot of people who hate guns. I do recall saying most people,especially gun owners are probably not in favor of new gun legislation but are in favor of better enforcement of current gun laws. I also think there are alot of people who would like to see better supervision of batshit crazy people who might go postal so to speak, and go on killing sprees using knives, guns,cars,BOMBS(lots of places seeing this),poison gas(tokyo japan),arson,ect....
  21. >Oregon 3rd most liberal state in the nation. Thats why I'm a washington resident. I think oregon gets most of it's liberalism from portlandia. If you get out into the rural areas especially the eastside of the state,they seem alot less liberal,and alot more conservative. But I'm neither liberal nor conservative,but rather a realist,or you could call me a libertarian
  22. I have to say I'm impressed with your unbiased objectivity,even when you disagree with an expressed opinion.
  23. I forgot what I learned about statistics as soon as I finished the course, as I had more A&P and chemistry to occupy my feeble mind at the time. I can see your point though,but I still do not take much merit in any of the publicly published polls that deal with political opinions. I see polls like these as advertising for a cause,and what is to keep the findings in these polls honest? The polls say most gun owners want more gun control,yet every gun owner I know(and I know alot) are against more legislation,but are in favor of stricter enforcement of current laws. What I'm hearing, and what the polls are showing, are not the same. Why does anyone care wether I accept these types of polling results anyway?Why do they feel I should accept poll results from Fox news? I'm not a Fox groupie,and I am definitely not a conservative,nor am I a liberal. I do not trust any polarised individuals or groups. The anti gun movement is using these polls to insinuate that our representatives went against what the majority wants,yet I feel very well represented by their recent vote on the proposed legislation,and so do most people I've talked to. I bet they are happy in Texas,Montana, Wyoming,Kentucky,Washington,Alaska and many other states with the decision on the legislation as well. Polls are not elections,or votes toward legislation,and we do not have to live and abide by them.