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Everything posted by mikempb

  1. Welcome back Mr. Kotter..... The golden Years
  2. !!ados a em teg lliw rollod a dna tahT !!!won tsaf ytterp etirw dna daer nac I !!!siht ta doog gnitteg mI yeH
  3. Biggest problem we had that we didnt count on was a water prob. We live on a hill( not really that steep) in the middle of the block, be wary of hills and houses that do not have retaining walls. Make sure termite damage isnt severe, chances are you have some like everyone else....etc..etc.. lists go on but it really is a great thing owning a home.
  4. !!!!!! hcuo, yas dluow I stun eht ni dekcik tog I fI
  5. Quick! " introduce an alterate fuel source that can relieve our burden on our dependency on oil before MY patience runs out causing major doubt in the ability to advance our fuel technology
  6. Well thats because you have an artistic side. I cant think of such catchy phrases!!
  7. ! renroc cixelsyd eht ,ereh ni noitces wen a evah dluohs yeht
  8. ?mean you proud be would Yoda ?? far too this taking I Am
  9. ? kill to time some Have ... try a it Give DROP LAST THE TO GOOD...SKYDIVERS
  10. Quick! "Pimp my Chimp" Unfortunalty, I think we all hear this phrase all too often If you would like to help these chimps get off the streets please go to your nearest animal shelter and ask what you can do
  11. Quick! " calm MY nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Thanks! Guess Im a little less bliss now
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcbfOsp2C90&feature=PlayList Well lets see if it worked....
  14. Thanks guys, still have no idea but you all gave it a great effort!!! Ignorance is bliss.... and Im pretty bliss!!!
  15. Hey Karl, Im up at thr Ranch too, Last week in march is safty day thats prob. a good day to meet people and check out the DZ
  16. How do you do that ( the clicky thing )???
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcbfOsp2C90&feature=PlayList no babies were harmed in the making of this video
  18. mikempb

    Fun Game

    Finally a game Im good at!! Does anyone know if I can get a version of that for PS3??
  19. Your waaaay cooler than me.... I jump a KodaK disposable camera!!!
  20. WOW!! When I saw your left earlobe I thought I was looking in a Mirror!!
  21. Seeing that You just started, your best bet seems to be to learn to pack quick six bucks (plus tip) a pack job, 40-50 a day adds up.Then you'll have the cash to make enough jumps to do other things. I'd keep one thing in mind, I plan to make this my living toO in 7 yrs when I retire but I'll have a pension and HEALTH INSURANCE!! Good Luck
  22. My favorite, a Rubber ( or elastic)
  23. mikempb

    Funny picture

    I'd like to make fun of him, but the sad truth is he STILL packs better than me