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Everything posted by mikempb

  1. With our 2nd kid on the way my wife is thinking of starting her own day care, we have a woman who works at our day care now that would be partners. I just wonder all the red tape involved . Thanks all
  2. I'll most likely be there on Sat too. Just get there anytime in the morning. I get up there early because I hate traffic
  3. well... there... is... an....upside...to...being...a...turtle....a...quickie...for...me..is...an hour and a half.......
  4. Well I made 38 jumps in a day last year I was shooting for 50 but we had fog in the AM ( Parachuting for progeria) Its not that hard to do thirty, 2 rigs is all you need. I jump at the ranch but I used their cessna that day so the plane is fine also. just try to get a couple more people to do it with you for cost and also to keep the packers busy enough to be worth it for them, I did mine on a weekday when they didnt have commitments to teams. honestly you wil be done in 1/2 a day. If I can help with any other info let me know, Im planning 50 in a day this year too and I learned a lot
  5. mikempb

    Raw Eggs

    Can we not stop Segregation!!! Are not all parts of an egg created equal!!! I will sit on this until I hatch a plan to overcome!!!
  6. mikempb

    Raw Eggs

    Hope that helped i got that on line, it seems cooking the whites helps the risk of a biotin deficiency
  7. mikempb

    Raw Eggs

    My primary new recommendation, and the one I now follow, is to separate the yolks from the whites so you can cook the whites and consume the yolks uncooked, or raw. The white can be cooked and eaten on its own. Although cooking the white reduces the nutrient quality and perhaps increases allergic sensitivities to some, the avidin in the egg white breaks down when cooked to 100 degrees Centigrade, therefore releasing the biotin back for your absorption and virtually eliminating any risk of biotin deficiency
  8. mikempb

    Raw Eggs

    Well I used to be a serious work out guy and one of my best friends who was not just a trainer but had a degree in health told me that, I understand he could be wrong but he did this for a living so I felt it was a reliable source, hope i'm not leading you astray!! I'll try and surf the net for some info
  9. 2SHAY had a good point. Today its soooooo easy to get into the sport and get rated FAST. I had to look in the yellow pages to find a drop zone and do a bunch of static line jumps to expierience free fall. Im sure there would be a lot less people in the sport if they had to do a 5 hr course rolling on the ground doing PLF's just to jump at 3 grand. I give a lot of credit to those who try our sport out and decide to hang it up. Theres no reason to jump out of a plane... unless it puts not just a smile on your face but a huge one like the guys to my right
  10. mikempb

    Raw Eggs

    I bet you wont see this comming.... Your body cannot digest raw egg protien. Which means theres no benifits, only bad gas!! Microwave them for a short time and throw them in a blender with some milk.. thats what I do when Im in a rush.
  11. .....and this line on your hand means you will be lucky in love, and this one means you will funnel your next exit
  12. Jeff, Ive rode motorcycles for 14 yrs. Actually sportbikes. I sold my bike last June because with a family I wanted to be a little more responsible( ok all my friends stopped riding yrs before didnt help). Ive had a couple of scary situations skydiving, but Ive had THOUSANDS of close calls riding. Again that was sporbikes which I rode pretty agressively, but you will have no doubt more close calls on a bike of any kind....... sorry to break it to you
  13. That was a pretty good article. Made some sense. In fact now that writing over the internet has become much safer i find myself having to wrestle alligators as I type!!! I think they're on to something
  14. Hey Did they even have parachutes 31 yrs ago?? Thanks All!!
  15. Ahhh, that made me feel like home
  16. Once Upon A Time on a day in March, March 10th to be exact a young strapping man made his first static line jump in Pittstown NJ at Skydive East (no longer around) under a round T-10.. he lived!!!! Today that same ridiculously good looking man is celebrating his 18 year Aniversary in the sport ( now at the Blue Sky Ranch for the last 14 yrs). I may have had some slow seasons, but I can say I never missed a ONE!! I hope all the same sucess to you All and if You have many more sucessfull yrs than me uner your belt then I wish ME all the same sucess!!
  17. Nothing to prepare just make sure you have some cash saved up so you can go right through the student training.. Momentum and currency are your best friends. The only thing limiting you from how many jumps you can make in 1 day is you. The longer you jump the more endurance you will have ,hey if I dont make at least 10 in a day Im just slightly dissapointed mike
  18. mikempb


    I fast every day, many times a day! In between meals I dont eat a thing except for an occational snack.
  19. This is a great quest!! I just said to someone at work today that Im still doing my New Yrs res. I had 3 of them. 1- take my beliefs (love for God) more seriously 2- go back to the gym 3- improve my juggling ( still cant do 5 or 6 balls yet but im getting there) Hey there soo unrelated and they all keep me pretty busy!! so far so good
  20. Usually I like to follow the last avitar with a beer chaser.. but I guess an ambulance chaser will do
  21. I always tell people who dont jump that I fly... its just verticle flight and airplanes are more horizontal flight.
  22. !sdrawkcab ssa si noinipo ruoY
  23. It sounds like you made up your mind already, I have a list 2wice that long why I shouldnt jump, but i love skydiving as much as you can love a non living thing. Theres NOTHING wrong stopping a sport you dont want to do anymore. I Wish you luck and If you ever change your mind..... we'll all be here!!!