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Everything posted by SkyGuyIIx

  1. Are you still head over heels for her? Cuz it sounds like she might be throwing the towel in.... (Hope I'm wrong)
  2. take 2 7.5mg Loracets! Great thing about L's can still function at work....and they just put ya in a wonderful mood..... Trust me! You'll be walking around the office wanting to give everybody some HUGGIES!!
  3. Oh....I remember my 100th....we did have all these fancy canopies.....we had to sew buffalo pelts together....AND WE LIKED IT!! Buffalo GOOOD......FIRE BAAADD!!!
  4. I wanna say this runs around $1500 installed. I'm going to get one eventually....
  5. Something has to change. Un-deniable dilemma. Boredom's not a burden Anyone should bear. Constant over stimu-lation numbs me and I wouldn't have It any other way. It's not enough. I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy. I don't want it. I just need it. To feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive. Finger deep within the borderline. Show me that you love me and that we belong together. Relax, turn around and take my hand. I can help you change Tired moments into pleasure. Say the word and we'll be Well upon our way. Blend and balance Pain and comfort Deep within you Till you will not have me any other way. It's not enough. I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy. I don't want it. I just need it. To feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive. Knuckle deep inside the borderline. This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to. Relax. Slip away. Something kinda sad about the way that things have come to be. Desensitized to everything. What became of subtlety? How can it mean anything to me If I really don't feel anything at all? I'll keep digging till I feel something. Elbow deep inside the borderline. Show me that you love me and that we belong together. Shoulder deep within the borderline. Relax. Turn around and take my hand Where's Hallmark when you need them..... (sigh)
  6. We give up.... ((((DrumRoll))))
  7. Here's a new way to show up at the DZ! For $25,000 ......I'll take one!
  8. 4 12 6 12 36 18 36 ?? x3 - /2 - x2 - x3 - /2 - x2 - x3 - /2 and so on..... 18 9 11 14 7 9 12 ????? /2 - +2 - +3 - /2 - +2 - +3 and so on....
  9. If they would have made it with this would have broken Titanic's grossing record!
  10. Why can't my cat do this?!?
  11. DAMMIT MIKE!! I wanted to figure this out! Why couldn't ya have just said "I GOT IT!" FINE! Would someone tell Mike I'm not speaking with him....
  12. Something you should know: No charge for directory assistance Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 or more for 411 / information calls when they don't have to. When you need to use the 411 / information option, simply dial 1-800-FREE-411 or 1 800 373 3411 without incurring a charge. This is information people don't mind receiving - Pass it on. Works on home phone also. Verified as TRUE on See:
  14. SkyGuyIIx


    I love watching Mythbusters....but there was one myth that they busted that I TOTALLY disagree on. The myth was .....that you would get better gas mileage in a pickup truck if you left the tailgate down. They busted it proving that you get better mileage with the tailgate up. I don't know if it was just the crewcab they used or what.....but my whole life I have gotten better MPG with the tailgate down....and I have owned a bunch of trucks in my life. Did anyone see this? I've never heard of anyone getting better gas mileage with the tailgate up.
  15. I have a 400 disc DVD jukebox.......which is about half full.....'ll pass on answering this one...
  16. Brian Regan! He is the funniest comedian out!!
  17. The only reason anyone starts smoking is to be sociable or "cool"! (all depending on what age you start) If you start smoking in school, then you are strictly trying to fit in and be "cool". If you started later in your adulthood, then you're strictly trying to be sociable with your drinking buddies. That's the bottom line! There is no way a person that has never smoked a cigarette in their life can inhale that puff of smoke for the first time and say ....."YEAH!! THAT TASTE GOOD! ....IT TAKES JUST LIKE CHOCOLATE!!" .....puh-lease!
  18. I think he's pulling out Sunday for Mexico for about a month! He said he's in the mood for some TEQUILA!!
  19. Happy Birthday Brutha!!! Let see dogs years you'd be .......... DEAD!
  20. I'm thinking more along the lines of "Shampipple"!
  21. The key word there is "boys".....
  22. ....Only when you pull out and she squirts all over ya!~
  23. Sounds like she needs a "safety meeting" ......