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Everything posted by kschilk

  1. "I see Bobby and Annette, Cubby........"
  2. You ARE allowed to ask him NOT to smoke while packing your stuff. Umm....that'll be one out of sequence deployment, with a side of step-through...oh, and heavy on the lineover! To go, please.
  3. It could be worse. I know of a Cherokee that's had every mech in the area ('cept me, I won't go near it) pulling his hair out. It runs great but ocassionally, when turning left, it shuts down. It always starts right back up and may not do it again for weeks, doesn't leave any codes either. We gotta' enjoy it while we can, it's gonna' get worse. Pretty soon, all the cars will be made by BIC. BTW...if it gets into too much, moneywise...it should be easy enough to trace the wire and install an illuminated interrupter switch, to operate them manually. Last resort. Offhand, I'd lean toward the module, like Den mentioned. Chrysler/Jeep went through a phase ('95-'97) of bad switches and harnesses but that was mostly cleared-up by '98.
  4. Don't worry, it'd "mysteriously disappear"...just like the Ten Commandments, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, etc. "T'was ever thus."
  5. You're overlooking the obvious. I've been workin' on those things since before most people were old enough to swear at 'em, from the '40's on up and I've found them ALL to have one problem in common....the valve stem caps. I know it sounds silly but believe me, they're installed incorrectly at the factory and they are the root source of all Jeep problems, glitches and gremlins. Don't be discouraged, there's an easy fix and it can be done right in the convenience of your own driveway! Just follow these simple instructions.... 1. Park the Jeep in the middle of your driveway and put a marker, next to the left front wheel, leaving the keys in the ignition/engine off. 2. Remove ALL valve stem caps from ALL wheels (including the spare) and set each cap, next to its respective wheel but about 10 - 12 inches, off to the side. The cap for the spare can be set beside the one for the driver's side front. Caution: DO NOT leave it behind or under the vehicle! 3. Get in the vehicle and start the engine. 4. Shift the transmission into reverse and back the vehicle away from the marker, about 60 to 100 feet. 5. Put the vehicle into Park, turn off the ignition and exit the vehicle. 6. Drive something more reliable and less labor intensive into the driveway, until the left front wheel is in line with the marker. 7. Reinstall valve stem caps.
  6. I'm bitter about the weather too, but in the opposite way. We don't have an end to summer in Florida, it just goes from very hot to not-so-hot, with only a couple weeks of actual chilly weather thrown in there. I'm so tired of shorts and t-shirts, I long to wear a pair of jeans again! The next two months are very depressing for me because everyone else gets a relief from sweating, and all I can look forward to is the day the high temp. is below 85. Blech, I hate Florida! I guess it's all about your perspective, huh? I'm guessing either a hard landing or you didn't quite clear the tail.
  7. Yeah...but the longer, epic "Live" version! Hell, as far as that goes....Dogs Of War, Brain Damage, Comfortably Numb, Run Like Hell....holy crap, Pink Floyd's songs are almost ALL about my ex!!!
  8. kschilk


    Beware of anything touted (especially in ads) as being "all around", "all purpose", "full spectrum", "all in one", etc....usually means that it's barely tolerable for most anything and does absolutely nothing, well. Most often, it was a shot a a specific purpose item that failed...so they dump it out as an "all around" product, to recover their investment. Spectres seem to be like Triathlons...ya' either love 'em, or ya' loathe 'em.
  9. Yeah, it makes more sense to figure the seasons by the "changing of the keg"...as opposed to that silly solstice crap they've been usin'. Beer is always the most accurate unit of measurement, works for everything!
  10. Believe me....skydivin' ain't the problem. I went through exactly the same, except I had 3 kids and wasn't jumping yet. It was never the job, the sports, the friends or a family time issue. Jealousy, especially the across-the-board kind, really kills everything....eventually. You sure you didn't marry my ex?!
  11. Unless things have changed, you'll be guided in and told when to flare by helmet radio. No sweat, it's a cakewalk.
  12. Beautiful bird! Know of any U.S. dzs flying one? Here's a pic of the one I was fortunate enough to jump.
  13. Absolutely right. After they leave and are unsuspecting, you can hunt 'em down, carve 'em like a Thanksgiving turkey and get your wallet back. 'Tis the American way. [hint] They can't get reliable ballistics, from an arrow or crossbow bolt.
  14. Warm ginger brandy and honey is good for a sore throat. To get rid of a cold....take a triple shot of tequila and go to bed. Pull the covers over your head and pass out. Next morning, you'll wake up soaked with sweat and feeling miserable but after a hot shower, you'll generally feel good as new. It's like "shock and awe" for a cold.
  15. It's bad luck to post today, ya' know....it's Thursday the 13th!
  16. kschilk

    Best band ever

    If I have to narrow it to one, I gotta' go with Wishbone Ash...especially during the Laurie Wisefield years. A few '70's bands attempted harmony guitar leads and epic rock instrumentals but nobody managed to pull it off, as elegantly as Wishbone Ash. They also cover almost the entire rock spectrum....from folksy acoustic stuff , through progressive rock and up to the edge of heavy metal. One of the few bands, with music for every mood.
  17. Quote I love H&P's from 13500... Some really memorable views on sunset loads down at Zhills or even in Nc at the SkyDive Place thats now gone. H&P's are a great thing when working with a new Canopy or just working on your Skills under Canopy which I think More people should work on. B.S's.[/reply Plus, it really freaks out the spectators. It's funny, coming in 20 minutes or so after everyone else and people are looking up for a plane and asking "Where the hell'd you come from?!"
  18. I did one in Russia, a static-line jump with vintage military gear. The canopy was a non-steerable, canvas round that weighed around 80 lbs. The whole rig (w/ nylon triangle reserve) outweighed me, topping out at about 142 lbs. (I was 140). The landing wasn't as bad as I expected, especially for an exit from only 100 meters. Id still like to try something more modern and from a higher altitude but I wouldn't wanna' get in the habit, I'm not as rubbery as I used to be.
  19. The terms "Clear & Pull" and "Hop 'n Pop" somehow became synonymous over the years. We used to figure that if it was an "emergency" situation or training, it was a "clear & pull". If you're doin' it for fun, it's a "hop n' pop"....regardless of altitude. Well, unless it's extremely low...then it's called a "pounce & bounce".
  20. 1. You order all your jumpsuits a little bigger, to allow for all the extra clothes. 2. You wear a full-faced helmet, not for protection....but so that your lips don't freeze to your teeth. 3. You've used a cowpattie as a spotting reference. 4. You've dodged a pi**ed-off bull, to retrieve your freebag. 5. No matter which direction you look, it all looks the same. 6. You smell something nasty at 10,000 feet, on the ride to altitude but you don't know if someone farted...or if it's just the field below you. 7. You fear jumping during hunting season. 8. The DZO drives a pickup truck, with a wooden flatbed on back and is the chief of the local "Five-Oh" (fire police). 9. The dz is about 15 miles away, as the crow flies but it still takes an hour to get there. 10. It's a fifteen minute ride to altitude but the wind speed and direction changes 7 times, between takeoff and the time you land. 11. You have 2 primary concerns, during an off-field landing.....snakes and coyotes! 12. Every car in the dz parking lot has "deer dents". 13. Every time someone mentions "thermals", you think they're talking about long underwear. 14. You've had a near miss, with a turkey buzzard. 15. You know what a turkey buzzard is. 16. 60% of your training jumps, ended up being cross-country. 17. You keep a compass, matches and money in the pocket of your flightsuit....just in case. 18. Half of the season, 60% of the people at the dz smell like wood smoke. 19. There's a heavily used ATV trail to the dz. 20. You keep a coat and a kite in the trunk, all summer.
  21. Apparently you missed the part about bi-partisan support in your effort to get in a zinger. Not sure I see where sexual orientation has anything to do with it!
  22. I ordered a canopy through them last year and though there were some probs at the mfgr., it got handled and the Sunshine Factory service was top-notch throughout. Huuuuge kudos to Joannie and the rest of the team! They're always my first choice for gear. "T'was ever thus."
  23. Yeah, good points but have you ever tried to get a Z-1, over an after-shag grin?!!! Damned near impossible.....without butter, a big hammer and a shoehorn!!! "T'was ever thus."
  24. The way I understand it...if it's not into any "restricted" airspace and you notify the local, it's cool. Once you notify the local, you've essentially become your own personal dz/dzo. If the pilot doesn't hold a commercial license, you can still jump from his/her plane but no money can be exchanged...that would qualify as a "commercial operation" and would constitute a license violation on the pilot's part. If you don't own the landing area, you need to have the landowner's permission. The way the regs seem to read, you can even do a "demo"....as long as it was not your "primary intent", to perform for the entertainment of others. Technically, you can jump with an infinite number of spectators present, as long as your "primary intent" is simply to have a good time...not "primarily" to entertain the spectators. That's how I understand it but mostly, it's all kinda' vague and they leave a lot to interpretation. Go up, get out....have a ball! "T'was ever thus."
  25. kschilk

    Do You Wanna?

    Country music = "Hick-Hop" Sorry, gotta' rock it...or knock it. "T'was ever thus."