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Everything posted by kschilk

  1. ....Good one! I remember those oldies but honestly, for guitar....something like "21st Century Schizoid Man" is much more fun. "T'was ever thus."
  2. I've found off-road motorcycling to be a great way to train or simply stay in shape. You don't have to spend big bucks or even a lot of time at it, to reap substantial benefits. It's not necessary to get into motocross or enduros, even a casual trail ride will do wonders. Anyone who doesn't do it on a regular basis (even those of us that do) will find that the next morning, you'll be sore in places you never knew you had. The body english used during the ride will stretch and strengthen even the least used muscles of your body, improve cardiovascular health and can assist in losing excess weight...or help to prevent weight gain. I've been at it for more than 41 years and I get sick less often (almost never), heal more quickly and have far greater endurance than most folks my age or even younger. As opposed to most other forms of exercise, it's a blast and therefore, you'll tend to do it longer and more frequently. One downside, places to ride are being shut-off (depending on your location) and sometimes you have to load-up and travel a bit. You can usually pick up an old dirt bike pretty reasonable and a minimum of gear will get you through.
  3. Disbarred?!! Big deal...he can still drink at home. Justice is always dealt according to class, wealth and position. We can't expect justice, 'coz it's just us. Actually, I'm still waiting for some semblance of justice...in the Kent State Massacre! Damn, I'm old!
  4. kschilk

    Red Dawn

    None of the above, really. Partisan is the label that best applies here. They may have used "guerilla" warfare and "terrorist" tactics but they were actually "partisans", fighting more for LIBERATION...not to initially gain freedom but to RESTORE it.
  5. Cool, man...go for it! I made my first AFF jump on my 41st birthday ('99), as a present to myself. Best gift I ever got!
  6. Naturally...but where I was, it was beer AND wodka! They actually mix the two!!
  7. Awww geeziz, man!!! Somebody call 911, get this dude to a doctor asap...check for a pulse, are his eyes glazed over!?! WTF is goin' on here!?!!! If it weren't for Floyd, the world woulda' ended in '73!!! The aliens are only lettin' us live, 'coz they're waitin' for a new PF release! Holy crap, everybody knows that!!!
  8. Cessna 182 Twin-Bo Casa King Air (most variations, incl. Mullins') Twin Otter (incl. Super) Caravan Skyvan Porter (incl. turbo) Beech 99 YAK-52 (backseat) YAK-18T (w/underwing stirrups) AN-2
  9. After reading most of the previous, I don't feel so bad. Besides, I can't believe that anyone reading this...wouldn't have done the same thing, under the circumstances. I had made 31 jumps, my first season...completed AFF but still unlicensed. In April of the next year, I made 1 jump and until then, hadn't jumped anything smaller than a 210. In May, I left to spend the summer and get married in a foreign country. Just days before I left, I bought a used rig with a 160 Triathlon main. To make a long story short...I stepped off the plane in a foreign country, where I didn't speak the language...with only 32 jumps, an unfamiliar rig that I'd never jumped and with a main, a good bit smaller than I'd ever jumped before and also, that I didn't really know how to pack...plus an "A" license, that I'd created from my USPA membership card. (Figured that without a license, they might not let me jump.) Might sound kinda' bad but really, everything went off great. Still, I suppose my actions weren't entirely prudent.
  10. Name calling aside, I think there's a bigger picture to look at. Whether it's an isolated incident or not, it's a lapse in quality control. The quality process begins with the acceptance of the order or job and extends (within reason) beyond delivery of the product or the completion of the service work. One has to wonder how many other times and in how many other areas, the ball was dropped. This isn't by any means Aerodyne specific, which makes it even more of a concern. Also, one more old addage proven correct....the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  11. Maybe I'm wrong here...but wouldn't the simpler solution be to just stagger the landings? Even on big loads, it shouldn't be so difficult to set the exit order and opening altitudes so that the swoopers are already in, before the conventionals (especially students and tandems) even start their downwinds. It might be slightly inconvenient at times but it beats a ban.
  12. The Pilatus Porter will be traveling to Chicago on June 8, 9, 10. While it's away we have contracted an extremely fast climbing King Air (PT-6-28s with 4 bladed props!) 7 minutes to 13500. High Altitude Jumps will be offered both Saturday & Sunday. $45 per jump from somewhere around 21000 to 23000 feet. Please reply to sign up so we can pre-organize the loads.
  13. QuoteYep...mine went to Ohio, I'm in NW PA...like a 200-300 mile trip! I was TOLD that the lab had it but it very well could have layed around the DZ for a few weeks or even months, before or after. Stuff happens. I know when I dropped it off and when they called me, to say it was back....aside from that, who knows? The longest delay....it was later spring, like the end of April and though you'd think the "rush" season would likely be over, I might have hit it at a busy time. Obviously, it's best to get it in waaaaay early...just to be safe. BTW...no discrepancies, repairs or adjustments noted, on the receipt...apparently checked out ok. "T'was ever thus."
  14. Yeah, man....makes you wonder. My 8 year wasn't so long...just over 2 months but the 4 year, took over 4 months to come back. Something to consider, when it comes time to replace it. I'm looking at other options.
  15. kschilk


    The dealer has expressed their concern and has offered to help me out, however they can. The delivery date is almost irrelevant. I ordered this canopy in Dec. of '05...hoping to get lucky and possibly have it, in time for the '07 season. You clearly understand my complaint. It's all about accountability, responsibility and just doing the right thing. I've been receiving a number of PMs. A few people, in higher places (than me)...have offered to help....at least, try to. I truly appreciate the responses and efforts....from all. Maybe posting a rant, wasn't a total waste of time. "T'was ever thus."
  16. kschilk


    ***: Better change your main canopy in your profile! I've got a couple of questions: Do you really have just 100 plus jumps and ordering a semi-elip canopy? Also you are a master rigger with just a back rating? (It takes at least two ratings to be a master Quote Done...and fixed the "rigger" thing. Damn wheel mouse! No....but still probably under 200. Besides, it's a 139...puts me at about 1.12. "T'was ever thus."
  17. kschilk


    If somebody had posted something like this, before....I wouldn't have to do it, now. "T'was ever thus."
  18. kschilk


    On 12/08/2005, I ordered a new Icarus Safire 2. The order was placed and confirmed and an estimated delivery date was given (late Jan. or early Feb.,’06), by the manufacturer. I had paid the full amount, not just the required deposit. Getting a bit antsy, due to a recent break in the weather…I contacted the dealer, for a more definite delivery date. I have just learned….that Icarus had LOST my order and now, quite frankly….couldn’t care less. They admit the order was placed but will not make ANY attempt to “rush” my lost order, it’s at the back of the line….due for delivery, sometime….maybe June or July. I don’t usually slam manufacturers but this time, it’s clearly warranted. Icarus asserts its quality products, customer service and satisfaction. That’s obviously, a crock! This screw-up is clearly on their end, I think they’re obligated to fill the order ASAP. Especially, since it’s already past the original projected (latest) due date. Their attitude sucks….that usually tends to make its way, to the production line. Zero credibility….usually translates into, zero quality. Thank God, they don’t make reserves! I sent Icarus a message, letting them know that I would be posting my "customer service" experience. Unlike Icarus, I DO....what I advertise. "T'was ever thus."
  19. Well, nobody ever starts....as a veteran. I wouldn't worry about gear, until after you finish AFF....concentrate on your training. After that, I'd start looking. First, though....research what you want to fly. Ask your instructors, riggers and other "experienced" jumpers....what they would recommend. If you are buying used gear, you need to start looking. There isn't always a wide variety to choose from and what's there, tends to go....quick. Don't rush it, look for a good, safe rig. There are some good deals, occasionally. Good Luck! "T'was ever thus."
  20. Went from the "back of a YAK" (52) and had a "1 unstowed" mal. It evolved into a lineover and severe flatspin. Not being in the mood, for such tomfoolery....I took the rest of my gear and left. Interestingly enough, it was jump #52....and from a YAK-52....I really should have known. ** "T'was ever thus."
  21. Made you LOOOooook! Nyeh, nyeeeeeeeaaaah.... "T'was ever thus."
  22. "Men of steel, attract women....with zeal!" sorry...they call me Biff. That was weak, even for me. "T'was ever thus."
  23. I’ve met a lot of people, in this sport…that are either current or former motocrossers. Anyone up for talkin’ “dirty”? I was primarily motocross but did the “roundy rounds”, on the side…some hare scrambles, cross country and the legendary “field meet” (never hear about those, anymore). I’m relegated to trail and fun riding, now…but I still do, it with my battle hardened (but quite cherry, actually) 1983 Honda CR480. Won a few but also became proficient at soil sampling and have intimate knowledge (taste, scent, flexibility traits, etc.), of most types of trees…native, to the northeast. “I love the smell of pre-mix, in the morning!” ** "T'was ever thus."
  24. Here's a little gizmo, you might want to look into. The following link gives a detailed description and this is the lowest price I've seen. This site, however....does not have free shipping so it's actually a bit more, than others. http://store.yahoo.com/qualityelectronics/tacdcdintr.html I recommend going to http://www.musiciansfriend.com/ , I can't find this item on their site but it's in their catalog. You can subscribe to it for free, on their website. I plan to get one (Tascam MKll), soon. The reviews are all good, that I've seen. "T'was ever thus."
  25. I'm not experienced enough, to land with 2 failed canopies...guess I'd just havta' stay up there and catch a ride down, with the next load. "T'was ever thus."