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Everything posted by kschilk

  1. Man...your sig, says it all. It was never us, it was never the Muslims...it's always been the French. We need to do the Normandy thing, again...but this time, make it "stick"! "T'was ever thus."
  2. President Bush and Rumsfeld are sitting in a bar. A guy walks in and asks the barman, "Isn't that Bush and Rumsfeld sitting over there?" The bartender says, "Yep, that's them." So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor! What are you guys doing in here?" Bush says, "We're planning WW III" And the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?" Bush says, "Well, we're going to kill 140 million Muslims and one blonde with big tits." The guy exclaimed, "A blonde with big tits? Why kill a blonde with big tits?" Bush turns to Rumsfeld and says, "See, I told you no one CARES about the 140 million Muslims!" * "T'was ever thus."
  3. Say nothing...just post embarrassing baby pics. Surefire "kid repellent". "T'was ever thus."
  4. Send a letter to Bush & ol' Rumsnamara. Tell 'em those deer are really the children of Democrats. They'll be "Fallujha Fawns", in no time. "T'was ever thus."
  5. Doesn't matter...HD will do. As for the life of the flourescent....it's usually from the time it slips, till it hits the floor...depending on altitude. As a rule, it never makes terminal. "T'was ever thus."
  6. In Deleware, it's illegal to take a fish into a bar...and get them drunk. I wonder how that got started? Sure makes it a lot tougher for me, to get lucky! "T'was ever thus."
  7. I used to drive truck…interplant, for a local company. While I was loading (or un), I would go across the street…to a small diner. I spent a lot of time, there. The lady who owned it was always especially nice to me and seemed to know all about me…even though I didn’t know her, very well. She had a little girl, very sweet and cute, as a button. I saw the little girl often, I’d say I knew her pretty well and we were like good friends. I think she was about four years old, first time I met her. I used to go there, with my father…when I was younger. She always seemed to have a kind of “crush” on me but I was over 18, at the time and she was now about seven. I didn’t really think much of it…figured it’s the “big brother” image thing and no big deal. Besides… I had one older brother and had always wanted a sister…I mean, ALL my friends had ‘em. I kind of humored her and tried to be “brotherly”…it wasn’t tough to do. After a few years, I went to another job and we drifted apart. I’d see her, occasionally but just enough to say “hi”…never really talked. Anyway, to make a very long story short (as possible)….I discovered, when I was thirty-two (and totally, by accident)…that she actually WAS my sister! (Actually, half but it’s all the same, to me.) Somehow, she had always known but I was never told. It’s a small town, I couldn’t believe that I had never found out! I was angry and, naturally…still am. I will never forgive my parents, for keeping this from me. Even though I was nice to her, I must have seemed terribly cold…for a brother. She thought I had always known so she never said a word! I felt absolutely terrible…still do! She has assured me that everything is ok and she now, understands. Doesn’t matter… I’ll spend the rest of my life, trying to make it up to her. By the way…Sisters are the best, man! Absolutely! "T'was ever thus."
  8. The moral of this story...."stupid people shouldn't breed." "T'was ever thus."
  9. I didn't even notice anything unusual, until I got half way through it. I guess it's true. I got this, by e-mail. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! "T'was ever thus."
  10. First, I offer my sincerest condolences….to you and your family. Secondly…I think you mistake a mature acceptance of death and responsible control of emotions, for lack of grief. You loved your Grandpa but I think….you realize that your Mom, has a much longer and deeper history with him. You strike me as completely unselfish, after reading your post. I think you subconsciously calculated your Mom’s loss, to be much greater than your own. Consequently, your grief is more reserved…out of respect and with the realization that you must be strong, for her. A pet is so very precious, that’s a special relationship. Most people are truly closer to their pets, than to their families….even if they don’t like to admit it. Your grief was relative to your emotional ties….closeness, time together and memories. Your pet is living with you, constantly….doing almost everything with you. That’s a tall order, for any human to fill. Come to think of it….my Grandpa died, when I was young and my dog….has always been able to cheer me up, when I’m down….just like my Grandpa, used to. You’re doin’ a lot better, than you think.
  11. Congratulations! I had 7 Grandkids, before I finally became an Uncle. You can get away with a lot more, as an Uncle. "T'was ever thus."
  12. Probably uses Bush's speech writer. "T'was ever thus."
  13. I suppose that makes us...."a cult, above the rest"! note: I finished the foxhole, before I sent this. "T'was ever thus."
  14. Uh-oh....my hearin' ain't so good. I thought the kids was askin' "soup or bull"....so I asked for steak. I wondered what all the fussin' 'round the TV was all about, while I was eatin'! Kinda' explains, why I was the only one. Dammit! Haven't seen the ol' Babe play, in years....missed 'im again!
  15. Al Lewis and Werner Klemperer (Col. Klink) have always been on the edge, always hip! Always...Coooooooolllll ! It's tough, to lose one of the greats. The saddest part is........there's nobody worthy of picking up, where they left off. Still, the memories never die. He'll be missed.
  16. The Geneva Convention ended up, like they all do. Everybody got drunk, the whores showed up....the initial agenda, went to crap! Didn't much matter, though.....the U.S. appears to have been the only ones there, anyway. First....I have to question the logic of taking prisoners, in the first place. Under the current circumstances, it doesn't make sense. I'm not at all, the hawkish, "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out" type....I'm just thinking logically. They claim the primary reason, is to gather intelligence. Considering that there has not yet seemed to be any credible info, coming from these prisoners....it just doesn't fly. How Bush has managed to absolve himself and “Rumsnamara”, of any responsibility, regarding the prisoner abuse issue…..is a bit over my head. It’s always the same….some enlisted guy takes the fall, for following orders. Still, I have to say…..until the U.S. soldiers murder them, drag them through the streets of our cities, hang their bodies from a bridge and burn them….NOBODY has got ANY reason, to say shit! Mohammed forgot to tell ‘em….what goes around, comes around….but it figures. After all, the freakin’ idiot got lost….in his own back yard, for like….40 years, or sumthin’! (Mohammed Bush?) "T'was ever thus."
  17. You promiscuous young'uns! Gettin laid, at the tender age of 40?! Who ever heard of such a thing?! I copped my first "knee-feel", last week....figure I'll be gettin' lucky, pretty soon. I ordered a new walker...."ribbed, for her pleasure". I'm hopin' to corral the lil' filly, in the restroom....at the Golden Country Buffet, one of these mornin's! Damn! Those support hose drive me wild! "T'was ever thus."
  18. Sorry, man....I'm an old Hippie (Highly Intelligent People Pursuing Interesting Endeavors), the last known surviving Ace, of the 70's Weed Wars. That name sounds familiar but I could swear I heard of him, way before '98. I'm thinking he had a hit or two, on the radio. I don't have any of his stuff so I probably heard of him, on the radio....something I don't do, much. The music I prefer, isn't popular enough....to make it on radio. "T'was ever thus."
  19. I'm a firm believer in the RSL. I was taught a two-hand pull sequence and the RSL adds a margin of safety, to the mix. I also block about 1/3 of the velcro, on my handles. I place a small piece of paper, between the center part of the velcro surfaces. It leaves more than enough, for safety but can mean a few saved seconds....during a flat spin/hard pull situation. "T'was ever thus."
  20. Arabs (Iranians....same diff) memories must be shorter than their....well, you know. Iraq tried that, Israel blew it up....even managed to get rid of some French trash, in the process. They enjoyed it so much, they went back and did it again! I wonder if the Iranians have their own version of the Simpsons? D'oh! "T'was ever thus."
  21. Naw, man....sorry. I'm from PA, though. I jump at Skydive PA, in Grove City....NW PA. "T'was ever thus."
  22. I'm throwing myself to the vultures, here but I gotta' agree with DenRen. A lot of pretentiousness, out there. Quality beats quantity but quantity is good, if it's possible. I remember coming into the packing area, at my dz. I had just landed, from my 94th jump. I walked past my DZO, who was speaking with an AFF student. He stopped me and asked how many "training" jumps I had made. It took me 11 jumps, to complete AFF due to uncontrolled turning....this student was having the same problem. I said "94" and my DZO looked at me, somewhat confused....at first. Then, he smiled and replied "Good answer!" Then he turned to the packing area, full of people and yelled out "See? See? I hope you all heard that! A lot of you can learn, from this guy!" Slightly embarrassing but reassuring. Numbers really are moot but for some, it's all they've got....humor them. Be cautious but outgoing, learn from all you encounter and experience. Not all things that are relative, to skydiving....are necessarily, "skydiving related". Make the most of every jump, learning can be fun. Again.....Welcome and Enjoy! "T'was ever thus."
  23. Welcome! Good choice! Now, instead of just driving an airplane....you can see what it's like, to FLY! Definition: Pilot: " One who THINKS, he can fly....and simply annoys, those of us....that DO." "T'was ever thus."
  24. Welcome! Glad to have you aboard and hope to hear more from you. Enjoy! "T'was ever thus."
  25. I guess you've already met Interesting.......I'm New. Welcome....on all levels! A wise man, once said:"Niiiiiiiiiiiiccccce.......aaaaaaaannnnd....slooooowww, see? Dat's.....da waaaaaay.....ya'....dew'it. Niiiiiicccce.....aaaaaaaaaaannnnnd....sloooooowww. Gawd'it?!" Enjoy! "T'was ever thus."