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Everything posted by thawk58

  1. She is way talented....those rockQuote
  2. I had over 300 jumps on a falcon 215, and 2 off the bridge at bridge day......that's not the greatest, but for in skydiving it always opened, although liked to snivel it's lifetime (which is still ongoing) it's had over 2000 jumps and never a reserve. One of the great canopies made
  3. I would say about 45000 ft above Half Dome is the place
  4. Noooo Icon...I wasn't talkin to was the ladies at the beginning........I'm an old guy now and I'm so glad my mom still says it's ok to be a kid......and my kids I tell the same thing.....
  5. Now I'm really disillusioned...this thread sucks, what proof is there that Santa and the tooth fairy don't you have video?.....until somebody comes up with solid proof I don't believe I'm lying to my kids about Magical stuff:) Cause the story is, the Tooth Fairy doesn't keep the teeth....she just cruises with the money,drops it under the kids pillow, brings the tooth drops it on my dresser,then she's outta I have to question the wife........believe!...magic makes the world go round
  6. Mac and Faber I apologize, that was the wrong thing to say......I've been called crazy by more than just skydivers, but I have to admit I've never been called a pussie or anything else by a basejumper, should have edited that line....
  7. I usally don't post much but I had to reply to this one.....Greenmachine has a legit point, I never got the anomosity, I've heard the bit about the different cultures etc.etc.etc that makes two different groups....but I don't buy it........skydivers say basejumpers are crazy......basejumpers say skydivers are pussies.......but to learn to base from experienced basejumpers you should have 200 or more skydives so your a skydiver before a basejumper and most skydivers that mouth off about base, aren't in skydiving except to tell people, Hey I'm a skydiver. So after all that rambling, I think technically, (even though I Hate the word) no matter how you look at it we are all Parachutists, we just jump from different things
  8. thawk58


    send me a p,m. might be able to hook you up for some steel
  9. Some Wisconsin guys are.........maybe we can go to one of those places that serve Food........
  10. WOW.........that's some heavy stuff.......I thought deep about it for.........5's really sad if that's why anyone started jumping......Myself I grew up during the Foreign Substance induced 70's and 80's and lost my fear of Death back then....didn't even think about Skydiving or Base until the late 90's....and then I got involved not because I didn't have anything to live for or wanted a way out....i did cause I was BORED......after my first Jump...I said Yeah that's what we were looking for (we is me and myself) I generally don't tell people I meet that I even Jump......cause it's for me......that's why I do it........just my coupl of cents.
  11. Can anyone tell me what happened to the giant Polar Bears from the first season.....everybody is running around the island and nobody is gettin eat'in (at least by the Polar Bears)....The finale last night just raised all these questions....I'm so not Happy
  12. There is another aspect to consider with official cutbacks other than less cleanup or less tools, I've noticed in any governing body when you start taking volunteers it can become worse, a volunteer for a park may not have authority to arrest,but does have to Narc and the summons in the mail a few weeks after a stealth jump will suck, cause we don't even know where it came from, it goes as low as the neighborhood watch program, to wildlife programs, to our national parks,just something to think over before we get excited about less rangers to bust us doing what we love and should have the unquestioned right to couple of cents
  13. Play all those good old standbys to relate to skydiving........then when you just pull into the dz crank up the tunes and play......Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas.......this will get her torked for jumpin
  14. Way to Go.......I smoked 31 years and I have 6 weeks 3 days and 11 hrs not smoking.....I've read all the stuff about how it gets easier after 3 to 4 weeks.......B.S.......just like skydiving...stay focused and you'll do it.......
  15. chances of getting hurt on your first base jump while drunk probably aren't ask good as getting Dead on your first base jump while Drunk
  16. thawk58


    So I'm new to this forum......but I was just wondering....did the Forest Service Guys actually say someone called them about this event?....or were they just there when the jumpers showed up??
  17. thawk58

    Age and BASE

    Mike, You are the master, thanks
  18. thawk58

    Age and BASE

    Having good friends that don't mind waiting for you
  19. thawk58

    Age and BASE

    Did my first Base Jump in 1999 at 39......still love to jump but have to admit climbing the Steel is getting harder every year
  20. Pretty cool pic.......but I think it's a 2500 year old pic of a space dude....checkout the helmut and the Star Trek lookin V-neck shirt........
  21. Dirty erection (Harry) Seven erections for Sister Sarah (Mules) Die erection (Hard) Erection 57 (Passenger) Erection Bandits (Time)
  22. She is way fine and she wears Victoria Secret outfits well too.......
  23. Hey Yooper, What ya got up there to jump? If you got a site in mind might be worth drivin up there from Wisco.....
  24. Come on the rock classic of all.......Pink Floyd..Dark Side of the Moon........actually have the vinyl Master to this Album......whoa did i say Album.....and turntable too.
  25. Do You Feel Lucky, well do ya Punk......Dirty Harry Dyin ain't much of a livin boy!........Outlaw Josey Whales