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Everything posted by MLKSKY


    Got beauty ?

    WHAT?! OKAY!!! YE-AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Yes that was my gf and I last Friday--we wore button up shirts, cute skirts, and ties. My gf is from Brazil. I am trying to drag her ass down to the DZ, but she is always workin or studing for her law school shit--- And thanks Hippie--it's nice to hear that we are hotties!! OKAY.
  2. Hammy it's your birthday. Happy Birthday Hammy!
  3. Uhhmmm-- If it doesn't rain, chillin out by the pool on Saturday and Sunday, going to the DZ. The Hippie, CG, and myself have a "what, okay, YEAH" jump to perform on Sunday. SHould be interesting. WHAT?!?
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------- BWWAAAAA!! That was funny.
  5. 1/4 irish? really? I couldnt tell! ----------------------------------------------------------- Dude, I could be that chick on the Irish Spring Commerical--
  6. Additionally, my physical traits suchs as hair and skin color, body hair, bone structure, etc. suggests that my "assesment" of my lineage is somewhat correct. Theses are things that can be identified through the generations by anthropologists. ------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, you are a damn dirty hippy but didn't mention this in the above line. However, overall a good response to the poster whom I will call, "Captain I am going to pick apart your family lineage and make u look stupid." PS--if anyone gives a shit, I am 1/2 Italian, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 German. What a mix. PS--
  7. Hippie--I think that is a great idea. Just flop the work back on her desk while she is out with a sweet little note "Geez I was swamped this week and didn't get an opportunity to do this..." SWEET!
  8. Yeah, Corporate America is the biggest joke. I sit here all day in a gray cubicle administering pensions--crunching numbers, balancing the plans, answering calls, pushing paper... And, it seems that no matter what company I work for--I still deal with the same office baloney. This morning like 8 people called out sick, I can't find my stapler (for real), the phone is off the hook, my co-worker dumped a bunch of her work on me (so kind as to leave it on my desk while I was not here) because she is out this week taking her law school exams... So instead of being all negative and nasty about it, I am just cracking up thinking about how this reality is so much like the movie office space. At lunch today I may pick up a trout and clean it at my desk. No wonder I throw myself off the side of perfectly good airplanes. Skydiving is not crazy, office work is.
  9. Understand deeze nuts!!
  11. I thoroughly appreciate your interpretation of Greg's post. I was unclear as to what was meant by ending the statement by "at THE FARM" since I thought it was clear from my post what I was asking. Before you were so kind as to clairfy, I wondered if maybe I had capitalization errors or maybe had improperly used a prepositional phrase (which after I looked back on my goofy post, I did not see an error with the phrasing of my question).
  12. Uhm, thanks. But, could you explain the reason for the sentence fragment above? The "At THE FARM.
  13. Italian mariana sauce is not sauce. It is gravy--FYI!
  14. Is there any jumpy-jumpin going on at the Farm on Tuesday????
  15. Right there with ya skymama-- I am off Monday and Tuesday!! WHOO HOO! You guys know if they are jumping at the Farm on Tuesday????
  16. Oops.. haha.. Hi Mel! Ok so thanks MEL, you rock! Hope CG can make it too! (but you're both on the list soo.. duh. Gimme a break I've had a long weekend. I didnt realize it til I was almost home but I drove about 15 hours this weekend. ) Yes, it's all good Kitty!!! I am so excited about this wkend. It's gonna rock :). I have already bought some quality H20 and some juice, and on the way home tonight I will pick up some Red Bull. Maybe a bottle of vodka too.
  17. I am the BEST sammich maker in the entire world...Forget driving to AL to get one...I invented the SAMMICH!!!! jk From the most tasty Italiano Lino Sammich (the secret is in the sauce ) to triple decker PB&J sammiches to toasted provalone/salami/sauteed mushroom sammiches...(it sounds really weird but it is actually quite DELISH!!!) Tip to sammich makers all over the site... The George Forman Grill toasts sammiches perfectly..
  18. MLKSKY CG :) We will be thare too you guys with many cases of H20 and red bull!
  19. Have faith that whatever decisions that you make in this life are not set in stone. Have faith in yourself and the universe. Think about what you want to create--visualize yourself as an MD; visualize yourself as a nurse and pick what reality that you want to create. All the stuff in between--the road that you take to get to your destiny--school/expense/time--it just doesn't matter.
  20. CG and I will be there jumpin our tails off! Whoo hoo!
  21. Yes I know--CG and I are total slackers!!! We are goin' off in der woods to become hermits for a few days. U do like to follow me around the DZ with that camera... flashback Brie's weddin'--me dazing off into space and then a huge lens appears in my face... "oh Shit! What? YEAH! OK!"
  22. I do have a stalker--he is on a PTI agreement--sorta like a plea bargain... But anyway--ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! WHOOHOO!
  23. Well, the book sucked so why would the movie be any better?