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Everything posted by DanG

  1. When you start thinking of John McCain as a deep state Democrat, you've lost all touch with reality. - Dan G
  2. You all realize that unemployment is at 3.9% right now, right? Underemployment is certainly a problem, but you make it sound like all these lazy kids (and blacks) don't want to work. The numbers say otherwise. - Dan G
  3. A liberal and a conservative are walking along and see two piles of dog shit on the sidewalk. The liberal say, "Man, that pile on the left is one nasty looking pile of dog shit." In response the conservative yells, "Are you saying the pile of dog shit on the right is good and you want to eat it?!? Is that how disgusting libtards think???" True story. - Dan G
  4. DanG

    The swamp

    I'm just wondering how Pence dealt with a female doctor. Did his wife accompany him to every checkup? - Dan G
  5. There were these two countries one time called West Germany and East Germany... - Dan G
  6. You and I have had this discussion before. I'll reiterate my points once, since you apparently didn't remember them 1. Yes, in cases that are purely he said/she said the law is unenforceable. Some cases are like that. However, there will be cases that include other evidence besides the word of the accused criminal. There will be receipts, cashed checks, third-party witnesses, etc. Of course, if the cops have already decided they will not enforce the law, then they won't look for that evidence. 2. What incentives are there not to sell to a shady character? Do you think people are prevented from selling to a shady character out of their love of mankind and sense of civic duty? If so, why would they hesitate going through a FFL? 3. I'm not anti-gun. I'm an Army combat veteran. I'm anti-criminals-and-mentally-insane-people-with-guns. The NRA absolutist stance is ridiculous. - Dan G
  7. And there's the problem. When the cops declare ahead of time that they won't try to enforce a law, it become a de facto unenforceable law. The background check law is unenforceable only if you think enforcement means there is a cop hiding under a table every time a gun is sold person-to-person. It is enforceable at the point when a gun is used in another crime. Then the (willing) cops can go after the person who sold the gun. Will they always be able to trace the gun back to the point of sale? Of course not. But if so-called responsible gun owners know that the cops might come after them if Shady McGee goes on a robbery spree with a gun they sold him, they have a strong incentive to self-enforce. - Dan G
  8. He was!?! Tell me more! - Dan G
  9. DanG


    To be fair, people with Rs after their name can be impeached for insisting on upholding the rule of law. See: the current Assistant Attorney General. - Dan G
  10. DanG


    I'll answer for rushmc. Pretty much just blow jobs. Everything else is perfectly acceptable. - Dan G
  11. I was in Afghanistan when we invaded Iraq. I couldn't believe we would do something so stupid at the time, and I still can't. We had the opportunity to at least partially un-fuck Afghanistan and we blew it. we've had some success in the Middle East in the past (the peace accord between Egypt and Israel comes to mind) but we seem to step on our own dick more often than not. As to this poll, I think it is about the dumbest poll I've seen here in a while. "The US" is not some monolithic entity. It is made up of 325 million people. Some are moral, some are not. Sometimes the government acts in a moral way, sometimes it doesn't. Just like every other group of people. - Dan G
  12. Me too. (Not that Me Too). BTW, self-reporting political stance is likely to get you more "moderate" "centrist" or "independent" votes than is realistic. RushMC and Ron both consider themselves independent or centrist. Everyone else thinks they are far right wing. - Dan G
  13. Any right minded football ball fan hates the Cowboys, that's what. - Dan G
  14. Yes, why is this so hard to understand? One of our local breweries kicks people out wearing the opposing team's colors when Redskins games are on. Being a Cowboys fan is not a protected class. - Dan G
  15. Haven't you ever seen The Wire? - Dan G
  16. Well, if history is any guide, the North is playing nice to get sanctions dropped and get more food aid. They likely have no intention of stopping their nuclear program or giving up the weapons they already have. They have done this before. No serious observer of the situation thinks this time is likely to be any different. Whether this would have happened if Hillary were elected is anyone's guess. What we can be fairly certain of is that she'd see through their bullshit and proceed with caution. I have no illusion that Trump has that capability. - Dan G
  17. I'm waiting for the unhinged tweets and surrogate character assassination about how she's a Obama deep state plant and should be impeached. BAD! - Dan G
  18. Right back at cha. - Dan G
  19. There used to be a condom store in DC. The sign on the front door said: No Shoes No Shirt You got here just in time! - Dan G
  20. Obviously not. I meant what I asked. It's okay. I know your worldview doesn't allow you to give a straight, honest answer to the question. We all understand. - Dan G
  21. How would you feel if you found out Obama made Justice Department figures swear personal loyalty to him over the Constitution? - Dan G
  22. But if he does that his rent might go through the roof! - Dan G
  23. Why did your hospital hate grandmothers? - Dan G
  24. Your constant posts about how Americans are stupid and ignorant are getting old. - Dan G