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Everything posted by SethInMI

  1. fwiw, i used a similar progression back in the 2000s. My first rig was a J3 with a 190 triathlon (7 cell) and a 176r (a used rig so some rigger decided it was ok). Then switched to a Sabre 2 170 then a Sabre2 150.
  2. to be correct, paying the scammer would be the absolute worst thing you could do. committing suicide in despair would also be a candidate for the absolute worst thing
  3. if i thought that seeing my naughty bits would have a chance of raising anyone's spirits, i would have posted in the "naked post whore glory" thread. oh wait, i did. the pics of that shit are all apparently gone now, along with the boobie thread pics, so some spirits are crushed.
  4. told to me by my niece: Q. why did the cabbage win the race? A. because it was a-head. Q. why were the horses living so close together? A. because they were neigh-bors
  5. I didn't think orthopedic shoes would help my posture. I stand corrected.
  6. the plane had 78 people on board, and 41 died in the crash, so not sure what you mean by that, unless you mean everyone who made it to the slide got down it ok. interesting read about the post-crash investigation is here: summary: the plane had a lighting strike and enough electrical problems that the computers dropped the controls into alternate / direct law (like the air france cross-atlantic crash a few years ago) the pilot did not do well without the computer assist, and smashed the plane into the runway, so now he is charged with being criminally negligent. pilot asserts plane was not responding well, black boxes apparently dispute that. it's russia, so a little hard to know if the pilot is being thrown under the bus to avoid dinging the reputation / sales for the russian plane manufacturer. if anyone knows any rumors or backstory i'd be curious.
  7. A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out the front of his pants The bartender looks at him and asks, "Hey, you know you have a steering wheel sticking out of the front of your pants?" Pirate looks at him and says, "Arggh it's driving me nuts"
  8. a little embarrassed to admit i had about 5 min of minor panic this morning getting a scam email that had a password i have used in the subject line, and an assertion that porn i watched in a hacked website will sent to email addresses from my hacked computer email program unless i paid $1900. normally i would just discard a scam email, but that password got me a bit freaked out, and i spent about 5 min thinking: 1. is this legit? it can't be? how did this happen, etc 2. if it is legit, i'm not paying, and let me imagine the worst case and how it would play out. so after 5 min or so of that, i re-read the email more closely, and realized that it made a few claims that were too far fetched. then i did what i should have done right away, and copy / pasted the 1st paragraph text into google. hey, it is a massive email scam that just went out today, based on email / passwords stolen from some "normal" website, and just delete it and move on. i felt a little sheepish that i didn't see it right away, but hey, i don't get notified about old passwords i used very often. i also feel a bit sorry for someone who actually paid out after reading that email, cause, well people shouldn't have to be that worried over what porn they watch, or what they do while watching, to pay someone to keep it from their social network. so this weekend, i'll raise a beer to me, to porn, to freakiness, and not worrying where the chips fall. Seth
  9. the next time someone says "two wrongs don't make a right" you can reply with "<cough> twin-seat Rafale <cough>" which will get you a bunch of weird looks from most people and a knowing nod from the other aviation nut in the gathering.
  10. Maybe. But probably not anytime soon. The problem with these implementing these systems is tax dollars have to pay for them, and there is a chicken and egg issue of them not useful until many cars have ability to process data, but building the tech into cars is not useful until many places have the sensors in the road. it does remind me of a system i read about where bmw is working with some cities to get access to their traffic light controllers so their cars can "know" when a light will be red or green and do routing and or slow / speed up depending on schedule. so some interaction between infrastructure and cars is happening, but i don't think it will affect autonomous vehicle development.
  11. it isn't a very good example. the rule could be stay in your lane or lanes and brake hard. The main rule that autonomous cars will want to follow is don't move faster than you can see, which means cars would slow down automatically for blind curves, simply because they can't see around the curve. combine those rules of don't drive too fast and just brake hard when surprises come up (and follow rules of the road) and you cover enough cases that the results will exceed human driver safety performance. a better what if scenario is the uber fatality in AZ a few years ago. there you had a situation where a person decides to jaywalk right in front of an oncoming car, something against the law and not recommended. what if the autonomous car had braked hard as soon as the person entered the roadway (there was an extra lane to the left) would a crash been avoided? what about braking hard when the person entered the vehicle travel lane? probably would not have avoided a crash, but it may changed to non-fatal. what about swerving around behind the person if they entered the lane as mbohu is advocating. it would have avoided a crash sure. but i submit that swerving to avoid is not required for autonomous cars to be allowed on roads. it would be nice to have, and a "simple swerve" is a lot different than the complex trolley problem decision tree that mbohu is saying is required. (as i type that last sentence i get a bit of deja vu. i suspect i have typed a similar position a few weeks or months ago. <shrug> rehash. a very SC thing to do)
  12. It isn't a useful metric, for one because there are not going to be that many crashes where the autonomous car is at fault, let alone crashes that involve a fatality. EVENTUALLY with enough autonomous miles there may be some data that indicates that say, per mile Waymo has fewer fatalities than Cruise, but both will be well below a human driver, and fatalities per mile will naturally follow crashes in general, so the company that avoids crashing will avoid fatalities.
  13. What do you mean by huge? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? 100 years? Never? Link below to an interesting article published a few weeks ago by Waymo; they don't seem to be delaying anything. They are slowly but surely moving ahead.
  14. the whole site is in italics for me.
  15. I've also seen: What's the difference between COVID-19 and the 101st Division? COVID-19 is airborne. which is an army inside joke.
  16. what do you get when you cross the atlantic ocean with the titantic? halfway
  17. what goes ha, ha, ha, plop? someone laughing their head off
  18. why do ducks have webbed feet? to stamp out fires why do elephants have flat feet? to stamp out burning ducks
  19. there were two fish in a tank. one turned to the other and said "do you know how to drive this thing?"
  20. you need to say "up" jump run and not "on" jump run. in discussions like this being precise helps. :) i read the reddit thread. i'll echo what remster said, in a breakoff, your #1 job is to get separation from your group-mates, and often that means a few people are tracking up and down jump run. group exit intervals should be designed to take the fact that some people from both groups will be tracking up and down jump run into account. now once you are in the situation the reddit poster described, you are in some trouble, and what you do is very situation dependent. pull early, alter your track direction, stop tracking and wait, lots of options and i can't give any advice over what to do but be aware of where everyone is and do what is best to keep away from them all.
  21. This is my step ladder. I never knew my real ladder.
  22. I have been wondering what the the long game should be for progressive dems. If the theory that the economy will come down at some point, maybe in the next 4 years, it maybe good for trump to get re-elected and have to deal with a poor economy to take the shine off the repubs. then the battle in 2024 would be with trump's heir (whoever that is), and a fractious campaign on both sides could help the progressives, 'cause similar to what got the ACA passed the dems are going to need a massive wave to get their agenda (ACA++, free college, etc) passed. so even though I see trump as likely winner, it may be better in the long run. of course a women's right to choose may get sacrificed on the way...