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Everything posted by Trent

  1. Hey, yeah, Monk. I saw you. You were with those other chicks in shorts, right? I was on a load with you. I was with 2 other guys. We went out in front of you cuz you said the ladies would cork. Funny. Yeah, if you find out what the other girls name is, let me know. She's hispanic looking and has short straight hair. Not the one with curly hair. Trent
  2. Hey Monk, Were you out there this past weekend? I was the dude in the purple and black jumpsuit. Hard to miss really... I was on almost every load! I'm thinking that AZ is going to be a VERY regular trip each time the weather turns cold and crappy in the NE. By the way, what are the names of the manifest ladies? The younger one and the older one who's really really nice. I think I should send them flowers for hooking me up so well. Thanks, Trent And to all the jealous people out there... 77 jumps in 8 days. 77 jumps in 8 days...
  3. The most exhausted and current bastard around!! Ahh, the sounds of envy. But seriously. You've really gotta go there to check it out. It's so easy to go HUGE!! It's like crack for skydiving.
  4. Just thought I'd let you all know that I just got back from AZ. 77 jumps in 8 days. High altitude, Balloon, Skyvan, Omar, Airspeed. Not to brag or make you jealous or anything. But I'm back in depressingly cold NY now. You guys have to go check that place out. It REALLY REALLY rocks! Trent
  5. Trent

    Skydive Arizona

    Skydive Arizona is AMAZING. There isn't a thing that you could want that isn't already there. I spent a week there and I have NEVER felt more comfortable, safer, or welcome anywhere... not even my home dropzone. The facilities are great, the staff is the BEST (much love to the manifest ladies!), and the jumpers are willing to jump with anyone, regardless of experience. Skydive AZ is truly what skydiving is all about.
  6. Just a little unrealistic humor that you limeys and yankees might like... see? I can appreciate a good joke. You know you're a Texan when: You only know five spices: salt, pepper, Ranch dressing, BBQ Sauce and ketchup. You design your Halloween costume to fit over Wrangler Jeans and CowboyBoots. The mosquitoes have landing lights. You have more miles on your tractor than your car. You have 10 favorite recipes for Deer meat. You've taken your kids trick-or-treating when it was 90 degrees outside. Driving is better after it's rained because the potholes are filled withmud and you don't have to take those back roads to go "mudding." You think sexy lingerie is tube-socks and a flannel night gown with only 8 buttons. You owe more money on your bulldozer than your car. The local paper covers national and international headlines on 25 percent of the page, but requires 6 pages for local sports. You can write a check at Dairy Queen for 2 Hunger-Busters and fries. At least twice a year, the kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant. The most effective mosquito repellent is a shotgun. Your leaf-blower gets stuck on the roof. You think the start of Deer season is a national holiday. You frequently clean grease off your barbecue pit, so the coyotes won'tprowl on your deck. You know which leaves make good toilet paper. The major county fund-raiser isn't bingo - it's sausage making. You find 70 degrees Fahrenheit a little chilly. The trunk of your car doubles as a sauna. You attend a formal event in your best clothes, your finest jewelry, and your Cowboy Boots. You know 4 seasons - Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer, and Deer Season. You actually understand these jokes and forward them to all your Texan and Yankee friends.
  7. All of my comments are intended to be tongue in cheek. I apoligize if they have given away the Texas superiority inherent in all Texans. I have to learn that much of the world is just not ready for us. Yeah yeah, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Don't worry, I've been laughing at all the posts... I just keep posting to fan the flames, since this thread has given me so much enjoyment while at "work". I love everyone, never fear. (Well, except Oklahomos) Trent!
  8. *this is the sound of the Texans taking the moral high road* But I can't resist... If you thought the Beverly Hillbillies had some class, that really doesn't say too much about where you must be from now does it??? And no, there is no basement in the Alamo. T
  9. British people suffer from a cultural effect known as "I-Once-Was-A-World-Power-Now-I'm-A-Joke" syndrome. I mean, come on!! Who takes you seriously? You're just the northernmost district of France anyway. And the way you "chaps" are trying to take on just about any state or country bigger than you REEKS of Napoleon complex. (Maybe the French invented that, but Y'ALL seem to have perfected it) Jessica is right, we don't have to defend ourselves. We Texans can be quite content knowing that we are vastly superior to any single state or country in the world. It's okay, we just know better. Hugs and kisses, Trent
  10. Oil and Beef? But we couldn't expect the Brits to know what that Beef stuff is, they haven't had it in years! And RE: mike's creative dialogue... He's just mad because Texans stole their land in a fair and square war with Mexico... unlike his colonist friends... only we managed to hang on to what we won. Oh wait, what are we fighting about?? Texas has WAY over the standard British 20 sunny days per year. Now who's better? Huh? Huh? Thought so... Love ya even more, Trent
  11. HEY HEY HEY, so I live up in NY now but I'm FROM Texas. Still carry the drivers license, refuse to give it up. Texas is NOT the south. Texas is not the west. Any real Texan will tell you that we are an independent republic that the United States BEGGED to become part of their federation in order to improve the overall national IQ and economic situation. As for a war with Georgians? Who are we kidding? Texas IS the US Armed Forces. Glad to help the limeys clear that up! Love ya. The eyes of Texas are upon you... watch yo ass! Trent
  12. I'll be in Eloy from the 16th to the 25th. I'll be wearing a black and purple freefly suit, and sweating my ass off.
  13. The Ranch is awesome. I jump there regularly... sorry, Froggie, CK is just too damn far! Their IAF program is pretty good. I think they'll have more instructors than ever this summer, as well as lots more student rigs. They always have a ton of planes and the days usually end on load 30 something. I don't think you could ask for more in looking for someplace to learn. Once you graduate, the $15 jump tickets don't hurt either. Hope you come visit! Trent
  14. Maybe should hire and INDEPENDENT observer (ahem, me) to go to GA and check out all their dropzones. It would be kind of cool to have some reviews written honestly be someone who's been to more than just one or two DZ's. Okay, okay I'VE only seen a handful... BUT I think it would be a great idea to have a DZ reviewer who isn't JUST reviewing their home DZ. Who knows, if there really is a substandard DZ out there... they might clean up knowing that any of their customers could be comparing them to other DZs and writing about them to a growing audience. Thoughts? Trent
  15. Yeah! That's the one! He told me about the whooping and stuff. I wonder if that video is available on-line anywhere.... Thanks! Trent
  16. If you watch the DVD with Guy's comments, you learn that Berenger and Baldwin actually got licensed, and the instructor guy was already a jumper. A lot of the airial shots were really the actors, but he substituted his wife for the leading lady. He never says that the head-down footage isn't Baldwin, but come on... no way. He didn't say much about Rodman though... that was strange. Trent
  17. Did anyone hear about this? Some video guy had to rescue a tandem in midair because the drogue bridle wrapped around the JM's neck and suffocated him into unconciousness. I heard this from a guy at work who apparently saw this on the Discovery Channel this weekend? Anyone know about this or see the video? T
  18. Troy is awesome. I read his website articles about the stunts he did on Senseless. The one where he gets into a falling plane sounded cool and I hadn't seen it done before, so I emailed him to tell him that he does some cool shit and how I like the getting-into-a-plane-in-freefall thing... what does he do? Mails me a tape of the season of Senseless Acts. Nice guy, really supportive of our sport. We need more "celebrities" like him. Totall down to earth. Trent
  19. High Altitude, Low Opening.
  20. Thanks Mike, Just a couple more questions... why would I NOT want to psycho pack? It seems to me that the overlapping tail seams would be almost the same as twisting them together (as in a PRO pack), in terms of time it takes to un-do them. Then the rest is similar to that Wolmari pack, but upside down (ie - nose up instead of down). Since I haven't been able to experiment on myself (The weather is sucky in NY), I tried to follow the deployment process on the ground, and logically it looks like it would be a pretty decent opening. The only difference is the way the rolled canopy comes out of the bag and the way the tail is removed from the nose. Is this right? And... what did you mean about making sure there's enough bridle between the attachment point and the bag grommet? Thanks, Trent PS- when I get a chance to jump more... I'll run an experiment with PRO vs Psycho. I guess I'll have to use my Pro-Track to record the results. I'll post them. Thanks.
  21. Farting is, always has been, and will forever be funny as hell. I don't see one person on that plane who doesn't really enjoy a nice poot. Everyone laughs and has fun blaming that one quiet dude in the corner. I say fart on! It's bonding, and it takes those tandem students' minds off being afraid!! T
  22. Trent


    My dad jumps a Triathlon 175, loaded at about what you're loading yours. He has a great time with it. It's got nice openings, and good response. He usually has it packed in a standard PRO pack. The only 2 things that "drawbacks": it did bang open and cause a weeks worth of soreness once, but that could have easily been a line dump or not-all-the-way-down slider. And, the thing I didn't like was the low glide at that loading. Jumping on windier days causes you to pretty much come straight at the ground. Overall it's a good canopy, and the material is cool cuz it isn't as slippery. You'll like it! Trent
  23. I'm out. I'd rather work than do this now...