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Everything posted by agent_lead

  1. how should it hurt you? --------------------------------------------
  2. we were gonna roll out to the ranch tommorrow for the course but all the slots were full... wish i coulda caught it congratz on the hundo... -lead --------------------------------------------
  3. they callin me crazy/then you must be insane cuz theres more risk to drivin in cars/than jumpin from planes.. -agent off the forthcoming album "its about time" --------------------------------------------
  4. i may also need to rent gear depending on how fast my shit gets here... cuttin it close... --------------------------------------------
  5. 9 jumps at the ranch no beer owed.. no humps :( --------------------------------------------
  6. 0:5:0 fight night @ the ranch + strawberry daquiris = good times --------------------------------------------
  7. seems to be alot of people saying its not as good as it once was... well..ive never been there...and neither have most of the people im coming with.. so rest assured it will be a monumental week in my skydiving career blue skies! --------------------------------------------
  8. ive been in the hip hop industry for about 10 years... my address book tells quite a story --------------------------------------------
  9. i heard some guy had one stuck in his throat... had a stiff neck for weeks --------------------------------------------
  10. aside from the myspace links...i just felt it had to be said. cuz everytime i say my name is lead...i get ..lead??thats your real name??is it because you fall like lead? its to the point where its right up there with..." jump out of perfectly good airplanes?" --------------------------------------------
  11. how is a woman similar to a box of fried chicken?? cuz after your done with the breast and the thighs...all your left with is a greasy box ROFL --------------------------------------------
  12. yeah you definitly got the bug... same as i... good times.. --------------------------------------------
  13. yeah finally getting the hang of it... thanx for the offer my man... good times good times! --------------------------------------------
  14. when i lost her..the feelin really scared me inside i started skydivin cuz i didnt care if i died -agent that was then...this is now... skydiving gave me a reason to live...thats weird isnt it? --------------------------------------------
  15. where are you guys from?? ive always found the people at sdli to be cheerfull and helpfull.. great dz to learn at... --------------------------------------------
  16. 0:13:1 owed beer for 100th^^ --------------------------------------------
  17. i cant wait..this is gonna be a good time... --------------------------------------------
  18. yeah so me and 2 of my skydiving buddies went out to the ranch for the weekend...packed up the tent and headed out friday night after jumping at skydive jersey shore all day... i went there with 98 jumps..did the first of many jumps which was the first time we actually executed a hybrid man steve was in the stand with me and nick on our bellys... then i did the stand for my 100th jump and nailed it...then flew up around them for a 3way round and broke @ 4.5.. on the very next jump we did a 3way train exit and spun around pretty hard...good times..we released nick and me and steve went head down..nick opened with sever line twists and chopped...when we landed i was like who is that guy walking with steve with the red canopy...then i see its nick with his cutaway in between his teeth...good times..we recovered the canopy instantly as some good fellow brought it back to the DZ but he lost his freebag/PC... we called it a day after that as we got there late the night earlier after jumping all day... next day we woke up ...nick rented a safire..and we banged out 6 jumps.. good times good times..... i love the ranch...good people..good times..great jumps...always something to learn and always someone who's willing to teach you cant wait for 4th of july weekend.... --------------------------------------------
  19. i wish iwe had one around here --------------------------------------------
  20. wow i must have this wall to wall... --------------------------------------------
  21. wheres this big announcment? --------------------------------------------
  22. In WFFC speak that's the 22th pronounced the TWENTY TOOTH I'll be there on the ONETH lol..that acually made me laugh out loud for real --------------------------------------------
  23. it was a windy weekend....i only got 1 in on sunset load sunday evening.... those are the rather they be the only breaks... its was one of my fave jumps to date tho... --------------------------------------------
  24. actually i didnt make it out yesterday... dropzones ire just way too long of a drive to "maybe" get a jump in... besides i needed a day where i could just lounge and bum out...havnt had one in a while... im headed out today to see if i cant find me some jumps --------------------------------------------
  25. you can add me to the list...ill be there on the 22nd --------------------------------------------