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Everything posted by agent_lead

  1. yes led...but spelled lead...not leeed yeah had a great time...gocke is the man... did we meet there? --------------------------------------------
  2. YEAH I ASKED HIM....dam caps... he said dont worry about a bottle...get me a binch of those crazy chinese candies you always bring to the DZ... and so i shall... i told him he saved my fucking life!!! --------------------------------------------
  3. reserve worked...and i trust him very much... any other REAL suggestions for him? --------------------------------------------
  4. lol yeah nick... i was surprised how many people we talked into drinking the cobra juice.... many new members of the kobra kai's! --------------------------------------------
  5. it was wrapped around a concealed flap...wasnt possible to see --------------------------------------------
  6. reserve re-pack - $55 new cutaway handle - $60 new reserve handle - $85 being alive to talk about it - priceless --------------------------------------------
  7. i do pack for myself...this was the last load of a long weekend and i was just exhausted... i did check did another jumper on the way to the load... theres video of the container as i landed floating around somewhere... also..what do i get my rigger if he dosent drink? --------------------------------------------
  8. awesome boogie... had a great time... first reserve ride..!!! woot! --------------------------------------------
  9. i have an aerodyne icon container... i was wondering if anyone detail...the reasoning behind there modification of bill booths system... they say it takes less force to chop...but i only takes 6 pounds of pressure to chop a reg 3 ring...and aerodynes system takes 5.7 pounds.. dont you think when it comes time to chop you are exerting way beyond 6 lbs of pressure to begin with?? plus the round circles cant get locked up...but it seems plausible that aerodynes design may be able to ... but who would ever know that from the guy laying dead on the floor...why he burned in...when all the pressure is gone..and everything looks normal?? please advise.. --------------------------------------------
  10. so i just spent the weekend at SDLI's awesome casa boogie.. had a great time... started our first jump there off with a 4 way...nothing too crazy i was the only one out of our 4way that had ever been there before so they just wanted to get acclimated to the surroundings... break at 5k... pull at 3.5...wait..wahts this??nothing is happening... i look over my shoulder and see my pilot chute flapping in the wind... feels different...yeah..that would be my heartrate... pull cutaway handle...drop it...pull reserve...drop it.. 2 seconds...still falling... BOOF...finally...under a nice white reserve that had never been jumped before today... ahhhhh... so i get down on the ground and it turns out the guy i used as a packer for my last jump of last weekend had packed me a misrouted coulda tied this thing to the bumper of a truck and that pin wouldnt have come out.. anyways...i have a new respect/faith in my reserve...not that i didnt have it before...but now i KNOW that it works... twas scary as all hell...but i landed fine and was packed up in about 2 hours thanx to the awesome rigger at SDLI...THANX! after that it was buisness as usual...had a great time.. glad to still be alive! just felt like sharing that... --------------------------------------------
  11. looks like this is gonna be a pretty awesome boogie... look forward to meeting all of you there... --------------------------------------------
  12. ill be there...with the boys..ready to jump... bringin some tandems too... the times are good...and their only gettin better... --------------------------------------------
  13. 0:6:0 good times at the ranch --------------------------------------------
  14. tell shauwn lead says wut up.. gooood times gooood times!!! --------------------------------------------
  15. first off id like to say wut up to bigway and winsor... bigway im the guy who was rapping and shit on one of those nights on ur videos.. and winsor im the dude you did the 3 way dosey doe with with tall ass anthony... good times good times!! stay on topic here...i cant say that i felt unsafe on any of the jumps i did....had i not felt as safe as humanly possible while jumping out of a plane...i would not have made the jump.... its up to us to police ourselves and know the dangers of being in the air with so many people at one time... i was told before i went to wffc by a swooping pioneer/expert/legend...that the wffc is a "scary place" and that all the jumpers who pnly jump cessnas and smaller planes come there to jump the big planes..and have minimal experiance being in the air with 40-50 canopies open at once in close proximity... i took those words to being my first WFFC and all...and i used it to my landing in the area that was least populated...not trying to showboat...and knowing my own personal limits.. i know that myself and who i was jumping have been in the air with plenty of canopies open at various other boogies...this still being my first year in the sport..and i have become accustomed to dealing with it safely... glad to say that we all had a great time at the wffc...the parties are amazing...the jumps and planes...equally amazing...and the cool people i got to meet and hang out with from around the country and the world were simply amazing...i learned some while i was there...wished i could have learned more but the weather kinda put a damper on things once my tent was demolished...and we packed it up and head home early friday morning after a full day with no jumps... in like to thank everyone who i met at the wffc...for just being cool peoples..and the wffc itself...and the toga party..for giving me one of the best nights of my entire life if anyone knows me from there...keep in touch... yours truely.. -Lead --------------------------------------------
  16. 0:22:plenty --------------------------------------------
  17. lol..i was on that load... 4 vigils popped as the A/C was turned on adn the cabin was pressurized... poor kids... --------------------------------------------
  18. agent_lead

    WFFC Pictures

    i have SOOOOO many awesome pics of the toga party night get at me piggie... --------------------------------------------
  19. shoula been called the world rainfall convention lol nah it was fun while it lasted...the first few days were amazing untill the rain came... too bad...i really wanted to get more jumps in.. --------------------------------------------
  20. lol i remember you landing and telling me you lost your shoe... good times good times!!!! --------------------------------------------
  21. cant wait...flying in tommorrow... good times...say it 2 times! --------------------------------------------
  22. pretty sure i got my links in my siggy... --------------------------------------------
  23. as far as i know they will be $99 please correct me if im wrong --------------------------------------------