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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. you forgot to put "THE" boogie... Richmond.... I prob will be at skyfest again.. at least to hang out and maybe make a few jumps. -YOshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  2. ...when you finish you pass out for 12 hours and wake up to start all over again... ...4 days later you still cant explain the bruises to your boss. ...when you cum as many times as she does in a marathon screw. ...you finish and she says "I think I am in love with you....so whats your name again?" ...you have to take two showers to get the smell of sex off your body. _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  3. looks way cool.. I think I might even make it out to spaceland for the next meet.. if not to jump at least to hang out and see everyone again.. I did a hop and pop on tuesday and had a great swoop under a xaos 98... fun stuff.. but I did sell my rig :) hey...moffet! can I use your deamon 100??? J/K glad to see the meet went well in waller.. take it easy! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  4. Yoshi

    I did it.

    cool.. what was wrong with the bike... ehh nevermind..Ill jsut call you.. anyways.. Ill tell you this much...my new bike will get to 120 in about 4-5 seconds... its a quick scooter:) lets ride soon.. I need someone to go crusin with.. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  5. I am going through the same thing.. although I havent filed for the divorce yet.. we are still trying to figure a few things out on how to divide our property... anyways glad to hear its over with...and btw..I jsut got a crotch rocket two days ago.. it was well due and I feel well deserved:) -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  6. Yoshi

    I did it.

    I am asking 5... I plan to do a few cosmetic things to it... new paint, some chrome, some funky stuff...exhaust, wind screen...undertail etc.. Ill sell it for more once that is all done, or for less before.. I really want a cbd rr or gsxr or r6 something in the 6 cc range that is less than 4 lbs so I can throw it around..: -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  7. Yoshi

    I did it.

    well... that is TBD, I plan on amking a handfull of travels to see the USA the way I have wanted to for a while... cant wait my first trip will be in August!...already have it planned/tickets..etc... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  8. head: 4 stiches ( my first... I was 3 years old) finger: 8 stiches... I was surprised thats all it took to put the tip of my finger back on after it got ripped off in a rough game on two hand touch football when I was 11 leg: can remember how many stiches when I accidentally stabbed myself when whittling a piece of wood when I was 14 thumb: 4-5 stiches when I was doing my best emiril impression and chopping up some onions when making dinner...man those pampered chef knives are sharp! I could have used plenty more, but got away with the liquid stiches and butterfly bandages for the rest that I can remember well...other than surgeries that I needed stiches, but they were all the kind that dissolve themselves _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  9. Yoshi

    I did it.

    for real.. I never thought I would get rid of that rig... its a sweet lookin rig with some bad ass canopies in it, but with my current situation this just made much mroe sense.. and with the way gear is selling right now it sure wouldnt be hard to find another rig giving I need to find something to jump. I also have several rigs that are kept at the dropzone (thanks to spaceland jumpers and staff) that I can use at any givin time... and I am sure I could even use my old rig if I asked will (the guy I made that great trade with) nicely :) -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  10. Yoshi

    I did it.

    I sold my gear... well actually made a trade. I gave my rig to a buddy and he gave me some cash and a 1995 rf900r suzuki motorcycle.. god does it feel good to be able to ride again also! I plan to do some cosmetic work on it (redo the paint job...new exhaust..etc) and sell it so I can get a 600 crotch rocket that I can stunt... fun stuff.. I didnt quit skydiving, though... In fact I did a jump yesterday.. a hop and pop with a my buddy rich.. took him head down out the door broke off and had a great swoop under his xaos 98! it felt really good to have a swoop like that.. I was a smidge low, and had to get on rears just a tad early, but it was safe and a nice long crosswind swoop... until next time...same bat place, same bat channel! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  11. well just to put it more into perspective.. I used to sell cars and I was in the mortgage business for a few years. when I graduated college I got both of those pens as graduation presents.. to me it was a business thing... people are much mroe likely to pick up a mont blanc and sign paperwork with 10k in fees that I added to the mortgage (or at least pick up the pen from the table and think about it more)... but I have kept them and I use them mostly now to balance my checkbook and write/draw in my sketch book since the nightclub business definately is not the business to be carrying a $500 pen.. too many drunks want to borrow pens to get someones number and end up keeping them or loosing them. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  12. I am very partial to my gold and platinum series mont blanc pens... they retail for about 300-500 bucks... they will last a lifetime, and the refills arent too expensive... plus they write awesome! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  13. I DID IT! I sold some gear and got a bike yesterday.. not new..in fact its kinda old.. a 1995 suzuki RF900r .... I just plan to fix some cosmetic issues with it, then sell it so I can get a 600 cbrRR or an R6 to start stunting again... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  14. I have recently realized that I was some kind of pathological liar. I have, though, in the past few months changed my ways and decided to do my best to not lie at all...or when I do appologize and tell whoever I lied to the truth...I think everyone lies..weather it is embellishing a story or what have you, but if you realize that you are doing it and are consious of it and try to take steps to not do it, then it will make things so much easier...sure, the truth hurts fairly often, but sticking with the truth will only make you a better person. cheers to honesty:) -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  15. hmmmm.. that reallly really really makes me want a new bike again.. I had a cbr f4, nighthawk 750 and a vfr 700 f interceptor... I really need to sell my gear so I can get one again! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  16. does rough sex count??? _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  17. Yoshi

    getting out

    Those famous words..."take the path less traveled" cant wait to see what it brings me. I have recently made the annalogy (sp?) that my life is like an oversized double handfull of confetti and there is a hurricane coming... not only that but I have a loose grip and I am ready just to chuck it into the air and see where it takes me! It feels great to feel so out of control some times... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  18. well... a few of those apply, but not all... in the not too distant future I can add one more of those to my list as well.. thanks for the PM by the way... there is no need to worry about any of the past either:) -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  19. Yoshi

    getting out

    Thanks for the invite, but I doubt I can make it. work has me so busy now and I only have mondays and tuesdays off. I think I will try to make it to the cpc meet at spaceland though at least to drop in and say hi. _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  20. Yoshi

    getting out

    yeah.. I had a great season last year.. competing in swooping ...the cpc was really fun.. lew sanborn was the coolest, and it was really awesome to win a money meet...gold none the less:) I have had so many changes this past few months... my brothers accident put a handfull of things in perspective for me on the sport... how much I love the sport is amazing, I just needed to re-evaluate how much it was worth to me though.. I have moved on in so many aspects of my life. and I now plan to travel the US on a crotch rocket... so paying off debt and getting rid of most of my personal belonings is the next step... whats a rig anyways>??? I can always find a rig if I want to jump... so speaking of that...all of my artwork is for sale as well... anyone looking for some paintings or photographs..whatever..hit me up... I do give skydiver discounts :) -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  21. no she doesnt... but if you find her let me know _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  22. Yoshi

    getting out

    I still plan to make it to some big events.. hell I still may try to be on the texas state record for head down at spaceland this coming skyfest... but that would include a handfull of training jumps, and I am not sure if I can swing it this summer.. so many plans...so many things to accomplish.. so little time.. story of my life right now. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  23. way to go ira... wish I could have seen your face when you landed.. I am sure it was priceless... have fun and be safe! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  24. Yoshi

    getting out

    well...I am not sure totally yet, but I think I am ready to cash in my chips on jumping. I am selling my rig (but I do still have plenty that I can use if I want to jump). I have made just over 1800 skydives in the past few years, and I have managed to push away danger in the oddest of ways (those of you that know my stories know what I mean). I have chosen to take another path less traveled once again, and I am sure I will return to the air before all is said and done. so for what its worth...thank you. thanks for the friendships I have made, thank you for the rush I have encountered, thanks for the good times and bad, ...thanks for everything! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  25. glad to see the first meet went well. I wish that I was in to it enough to compete this year, but maybe I will be next year. I have been so down in skydiving that I have even contemplated getting out of the sport... I unpacked my stuff (from moving) and I found some certificates and medals from last year and I was able to reminise in a peaceful manner about how I used to fly.....hope to be back in the air again soon! be safe this season and good luck to all of the compeditors! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.