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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. my cousins played one of the most crazy songs for thier first dance in my opinion... I cant remember who sings it...Click Click Boom.... and Keith (my blood cousin) bought shots for all the guys and every time the song said "Boom" we took a shot... ...What an evening... -Yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  2. ehh.. Im here.. bored as hell, but here -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  3. looks like its time to grab the surf board and head to galveston... give me some arm floaties and Ill be ffine... actually if worse comes to worst ill be headed to dallas or austin to meet up with some family... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  4. he was also a musician. you should look it up.. I have one of his jazz cds and its is some really good music. I didnt, however, know that he was an artist as well... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  5. also known as a buttery nipple... fyi -Yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  6. my only suggestion is to go to Harlemstrat street and hit the blue velvet cafe' the most chill awesome shop that I found in the few times that I have been there... the museums already spoke of are great, but also try to venture just outside the city limit where it is a little less touristy to get more of the culture side if you can see straight:) -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  7. as a bartender I have heard of many mroe drinks than I know how to make...the teq. stuntman made me laugh like hell.. matt dillon: pour whatever is in the bar mat into a shot prarie fire: tequila and tobasco urine sample: (one of the worst) tequilla and beer microwaved baboons ass: aftershock and tobasco cornhole: corn whiskey and kahlua (YUK!) little green man from mars: jager, rumple mitnz and a green chery alien nipple:butterscotch, baileys, and mirdori blueballs (another yuk): blue caraco' and coffee liq cooter cork:rasbery, aftershock, absolute grenadine gorillas fart:vodka, 151, bannana skid mark: kahlua, chocolate syrup. just to name a few.... there are thousands of them though... and each name has about 20 different ways to make it... when people ask for something I dont know what it is the best thing to do is ask what color it is and if its sweet or not, and if they say the red sweet one then I make something like that and they are usually too drunk/didnt know what they were ordering to know the difference. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  8. Yoshi

    burned out

    you crack me up man... Sorry to make you post on here... poker somtime soon... I couldnt thursday cause I was scuba diving again... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  9. Yoshi

    burned out

    things have been pretty rough. I agree that I shouldnt just make a rash decision that I may regret later. I also have the personality that leads me to jump from thing to thing and impulsively change my mind. I really want to make sure I am doing what I should and need to do before I just quit. I also agree with your other comment about trying not to burn myself out on something else. I have played guitar for like 15 years or so...I have gone months without playing and I have gone stretches of 2 years+ playing every single day... I doubt I will ever quit, but that is a valid point. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  10. Yoshi

    burned out

    well... looks like I have officially burned out on jumping. I jsut dont get the feeling anymore. I dont have the urge to jump. I have been in the sport for 8 years, have over 1700 jumps, and I am thinking of leaving the sport. Surely this could just be a fluke, but I am not sure.. I am even contemplating selling all of my gear to invest more in my other passion...music. just thought I would vent a little... a build up of working in the sport for over a year in combination with never being able to spend time with my wife, and a series of freak accidents has just pushed me to the point where I am not sure if I want to continue. I have already stopped working at the dz as an instructor/ vidiot. in la la land... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  11. glad things went well there.. maybe next year Ill be back in the competition mode... just couldnt bring myself to come to the meet... congrads to everyone else that competed -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  12. I think right about the time your avatar pic was taken I was playing a little ditty on the guitar only feet away from the "crash pillow" fun times...even though I only made 3 jumps this year at skyfest I had a fun time... the baloon jump was spectacular! so much fun... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  13. right... I would hope you would know if my cpc ranking was a hoax then I would have made it 1st... and as far as the safety record... I think I did pay the registration... and it was on the thursday, but nothing broken (other than my ego) so Ill still let you lide with the safety record -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  14. I think you might want to rephraze and zay zero serious injuries cuz I sure as hell didnt do that on purpose! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  15. well. I dont borrow gear anymore...for the most part. especially older gear for something like crew where gear is so drastically important. still kinda makes me wornder why many of the old crew dogs have some of the most worn out rigs and chutes... ohh well just my 2 cents -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  16. doubtful that you will see me dong a downplane again this year.... but my buddy Will and I have been worning on rotating and upside down backwards 2 stack (high performance freestyle crew...its the new wave) (One persone upside down with thier feet in thier lines, and the other backwards in half a line twist, then fly it into a 2 stack and switch places....) -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  17. I could always take ya on a tandem... if you really felt the need to get your knees in the breeze -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  18. ok... I have heard a few things through the grapevine and I wanted to get things cleared up. since Dallas is NOT hosting the 3rd meet I am under the impression that we will be having the next meet at gladewater. My question is this: Is the next meet at gladewater on the date that was scheduled for Dallas? I heard that there might only be 4 meets and we were going to skip the dallas meet all together (date and location). if anyone (aka levin) knows whats happening please let the rest of us know.. thanks -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  19. Yoshi

    *bEeR hYbRiD*

    and some of us play while we work -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  20. Yoshi

    *bEeR hYbRiD*

    it was a pretty sweet dive... it built extremely fast (we were all hanging in a stand by like 10 or 11 grand) it helped having a base that exited properly (thanks to gemini, rich, shari, and DUH)... we all docked quickly and held it for a while hootin and a hollarin' ! too bad my back is to the camera most of the pics -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  21. She was really fun to have at the dz. she was all smiles in the plane and didnt seem the least bit nervous... she told me that she has wanted to skydive since before skydiving ;) -yoshi Glad you liked the video.. my work is getting better _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  22. BTW: any of you that happened to be there yesterday I seem to have misplaced my helmet and neptune. I think I left it in the hangar, but I spoke with Todd a few minutes ago and he cant find it. Its a black and white N-vertigo X helmet with stickers all over it, and a green neptune. I would really really really like it back, so if anyone knows where it is I would appreciate some assistance reuniting with my stuff.. that is all -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  23. I had another great time. I am a classic example of "never give up" after the first distance round I was told I "verted" and figured I was in somewhere around 8th place or so... then I tried through the next distance round, both accuracy rounds (with no success) and the first speed round to see if I could get a good score to bump me up, and see if anyone else messed up to get me back in the running. it came down to the last speed round and I figured I was at the bottom of the totem poll in scoring so I goofed off and ended up with a "worst possible score" (10 seconds)... later I found out (after video review) that I DIDNT vert the first distance round and if I would have just kited my canopy through the gates in a decent time I could have been in the top three... ohh well I had a great time and I cant complain with a 4th place! see ya at the next one! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  24. I am pretty sure I know where I came in.... but I dont know the "official" scores yet.. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  25. 1500+ jumps, curerntly fly crossfire 2 111 sq/ft 2 pretty bad crashes under my crossfire(s) but no broken bones (tappity tap tap on wood) I have also flown a xaos, vx, fx, and velo, but dont own one, so dont jump them too often. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.