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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. I didnt know that money was involved. Is that something you guys just did, or is that supposed to be everywhere doing the CPC? -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  2. Thanks aggie. I have really toned things down quite a bit. I was way to into the idea of swooping when I first started and decided I wanted to push my limits, and almost pushed them beyond my physical boundries. everyone throughout the comp made significant progress. it was pretty amazing to see the improvement in 6 jumps. not to mention it was a great time hanging with everyone in the down time. brit: you definately smoked my distance 1 round by over 100 feet, and have the smalled canopy in the comp. way to go on placing 4th! cant wait till the next one. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  3. it was so much fun...cant wait for the next one! BTW aggie: those vertical extentions are a crapper huh? But I totally give you props for vert-ing the ENTIRE course!!! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  4. YAHOOOOOOO what a great day. did some great swoops around great company. had way too much fun, even when swooping a vertical extention, but somehow managed to get first place! 1: Yoshi 2: Levin Jackson 3: Todd Spillers 4: Brittany Sanchez 5: Kat Autry 6: (and still on my hero list) Aggie Dave sorry if I spelled any of those names wrong... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  5. I was an extremely aggressive pilot as I was learning... thank all my gaurdian angels for keeping me in one piece even after a few "eventful" landings. after I had a couple really good scares (the kind that I could have been meeting my makers, but somehow came out of unscathed..other than my ego) I tuned it down emensely. I have been talking with several other pilots who hav seen the way I used to fly, and how I fly now, and I know personally I am much more safe now in my approach to it. I may not be doing/ pushing myself to my personal limit and getting the best swoops I could, but I am fairly consistant and making ground on every jump to become a better pilot. Having been one of the 300 jump wonders that was hooking it and not getting hurt on every jump I understand where people come into it thinking they are ok...it wasnt until recently that I actually have owened up to the concept of experience really does dictate what you are capable of handeling in any given situation. For those that still do go out there and tear it up at 200-300 hell even 500 jumps Im not the one that steps in and says to quit it..Im not the one that freaks out and gets on thier case, however I do step in very nicely and suggest a different plan to a successful learning curve. I think with the pilots out there and the advancement in gear it is more and more often seen that new pilots are getting into swooping much earlier than the past. I dont think that is a bad thing, I just think we (as more advanced pilots) should step in (and not tell them to take up golf) but to very calmly address the issues at hand and steer those people in a more safe way. I see people that have 300 jumps and 5000 jumps that are just learning to swoop. and with only 1500 jumps I like to tell them to take the slow approach.. and on the off occasion I get someone that is stubborn and will just do it anyway...well thats when I sit back, and watch the others land...turn my head when they are setting up...and hope for the best. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  6. I can do video. on a rodeo you dont even need a birdman suit, but I have a classic that I can use... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  7. I just talked to danny and we will both be able to make it. So...that should make it fly...aggie, me, danny, IMGR2.... thats 4... see ya there. -yoshi ps..Aggie: see I told you I would come up to aggieland sometime to visit _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  8. Ill still make it. I guess it takes about 2 hours from houston... maybe a little less. so what time exactly is registration and the mandatory meeting? I would hate to be late _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  9. how many people do you think will be at this meet? not only dz commers, but others as well??? -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  10. cant wait to compete! I am looking forward to learning more about advanced canopy flight and swooping in a course. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  11. yeah it was pretty breezy, but the we (the swoopers) were still getting plenty of penetration... and I was the only person in the swoop division without a cross braced canopy. (111 crossfire 2 loaded 1.8) it was definately a sight to see the classics and parafoils backing up the entire set up and flopping down on the tuffet. -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  12. right on... it was pretty funny all around. I was amazed that I placed first. we placed the exact opposite of experience, and of course I had to show it of to Eric a little bit and what was up with the winds??? I didnt really think it was all that windy (accept for sat morning and early afternoon) what was the cut off for the winds on the classic accuracy comp? I knew by the end of sat that some of the competitors didnt even do a single jump!... Anyways, Thanks again, and see ya next year! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  13. yeah it was all around a great week.. my bro in town... his girl here... competing... all fun fun fun. thanks again! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  14. thanks for the plug. it was an awesome event and I had a complete blast competing. just being in the presence of such landmarks as lew sanborn, sheryl sterns, and many more was great. I cant wait to compete more... and yes that was beer... my FIRST GOLD MEDAL! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  15. Yoshi


    yeah I am making the jumpsuits, and while that is a sponsor..I didnt really count it as one since Im makin them... and dont worry with our schedule Ill still have time to jump with ya here and there:) -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  16. Yoshi


    Myself, Ira Pardo, and Justin price started a freefly team called Multifarious. We have done a handfull of training jumps, and plan to go on to nationals to compete in the intermediate division this year. the really cool thing is we jsut picked up our first sponsor today! I am really excited. the company name is freefall accessories Ince, and we are getting some new alti's custom made with our team logo on it! Cant wait to get them... just thought I would share -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  17. yeah for sure... well I guess if it tech. starts on thursday then I did a jump at skyfest... wyatt will be back for his second year as well... this time now down plane with three canopies... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  18. as the plane is powering up for take off I kiss my fingertips and tap the plane. gotta give the plane some love (every load) I try to tell every person on the plane to have a good jump either with a high five or whatever. every time I get under canopy (excluding when I am doing a tandem) I say "Im a ninja!" but I think it when I am on tandems... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  19. hmmm... I might be there... beer sounds good -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  20. 21 jumps, no firss...and cant remember what the third one is... but a great weekend! -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  21. just got down from another jump... and this time trent and I were nice enough to let justin go along and watch us dance in the sky and... enough with the wife swapping stuff... she is all MINE... trent: if you stole her I am sure it would just be a political statement since you're really a man lover
  22. I just landed from a freefly jump with trent (also known as the great t-nuggit master of the southwest) doing some randoms... He personally asked me to post a message letting everyone on here know how happy he was to get a chance to jump with me... Such a sweetie pie that trenti-poo is -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  23. Yoshi

    What do you do?

    I learned static line, then mostly freefly.. out of my first 500 jumps (other then when on student status) I did about 15 or 20 belly jumps.. I have a handfull of birdan jusps, I am a tandem instructor and coach. I still like to freefly, but I have found myself doing a handfull of belly flying with low timers lately (I really enoy teaching newer people how to do different things, and its really cool to be able to see a good amount of improvement even in 1 skydive. I swoop, and have a handfull of crew jumps (high performace crew and also under big fluffy 7 cell f-11 canopies). I have done 2 speed dives with a max of 249mph (hip mounted pro track). I also fly video for tandems and have done a couple bog way video/4way videos... I really enjoy track dives and hybrids... I havent done any accuracy (other than swooping) but none with an accuracy canopy, but I would like to try it some time... I guess I ust want to be a well rounded skydiver and no matter what dropzone I go to with any type of people flying I would like to be able to get up in the air and hold my own... -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  24. Yoshi

    Brain Teaser

    doh... didnt see the "not" -yoshi _________________________________________ this space for rent.
  25. Yoshi

    Brain Teaser

    they are all numbers... and the red door... the orange is far left, then green then blue in the middle then purple then red... the freedom is next to the purple and it cant be blue since its 2 spots away from blue...so it the one on the far right being red... blah blah blah _________________________________________ this space for rent.