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Everything posted by jlmiracle

  1. i'm having computer issues. I'm not good at this. The file is too big. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  2. Do not abandon your camera at a skydiving party. NOT WORK SAFE Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  3. I always carry my helmet on the plane because I have a Z1 and Northworst Airlines already destroyed one - pretty sure they ran over it with the airplane. They refused to pay for it. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  4. jlmiracle

    cool dreams

    Oh yeah, sure, you betcha. I've read enough of your posts to make a safe assumption that you need therapy. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  5. jlmiracle

    cool dreams

    yeah, we know that. Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  6. jlmiracle

    cool dreams

    Did you get jiggie with them? Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  7. jlmiracle

    cool dreams

    I was like 10 years old when I was finally able to stop the dream - kissing it was not an option. Now, into my teenage years I had dreams about King Kong, Godzilla and Godzukie and that was too wierd to even talk about. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  8. jlmiracle

    cool dreams

    I actually used to have a recurring dream about werewolves. I used to have it in the winter when I was younger and it terrified me. I was finally able to finish or found a safe place (under the kitchen table with a blanket over it) where the werewolf couldn't get me anymore. Once I found my safe place, I stopped have the dream. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  9. jlmiracle


    huh? page can't be found. judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  10. Unfortunately he already has 3 children. I have no problem with hunting, in fact I encourage it due to the high deer population around here cause I don't want to hit one with the car. He is one of those people who thinks he is the exception to the rules - all of them. Everyone, thanks for your replys. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  11. I work on the trading desk at a brokerage firm in the bond department. We had vistors today from a bank we do business with. Our office is corp casual and one big wide open space (about 20 people in this office) so a broker goes out to his car and brings in a rotting deer head, yes, while we have visitors. Runs around the office to show everyone, smearing blood on everything it comes in contact with, mainly the doors and a few walls. After the visitors left, we told him to clean up the blood, but refused (trust fund baby) always had someone to do it for him. and of course, someone did clean it up. Our branch manager is worthless, but every time my opinion has been asked for of him, I am ususally ignored. Am I over reacting? Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  12. Sorry skydiverchick, but I too have to agree with Keith. Yeah, there are much worse criminals out there, but rules are rules, and laws are laws. Hang in there. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  13. I vote for Bob Sinclair! He is so great. He also taught Julie Newmare (spelling problem) how to skydive. Julie was Cat Woman on the old Batman series for all you young pups. Bob has hours of video of commercials and other tv shows he did. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  14. I got my rating because we didn't have enought AFF JM's in the immediate area. We were having problem getting the student graduated. I just wanted to make more skydivers so I have more people to play with. Also, more skydivers can mean bigger aircraft. I didn't get it for the money (like there is a lot to make) or the love of teaching. My reasons are kinda selfish - I want bigger aircraft. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  15. they should write a book on dz.com. the characters (i mean people), stories and fabulous quotes. I am not an avid reader, but when they have something to write, they can keep my attention. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  16. ROFL, LOL Skydivers tell bigger tales than fisherman. judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  17. I'm not a candidate, but I'll offer a thought. Those courses are partially a member benefit, -tom buchanan I have to strongly disagree with you here. This is a MEMBER Benefit, not partial, not sudo, sorta, or kinda. If this is a group membership benefit, then why don't they pitch in on the costs for the candidates? Let's face it, its not cheap getting an AFF rating. The dz makes plenty of money off the jumps and the future revenue they can make by having rated instructors. I really hate this politic stuff but I've fought this battle with the USPA on who can host, who can't, etc. etc. Yeah, we got our course, but I had to pay the course fees, pay for plane tickets to the BOD meeting, pay for a hotel at the BOD meeting, pay for a car at the BOD meeting and miss a beautiful summer weekend of jumping. Then they changed it again. judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  18. This needs to be brought to the attention of the USPA so it does not happen any more. There is a BOD meeting in January and if they know about it, they can put it on the agenda to fix this. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  19. I moved to Tennessee from Minnesota a year after I started skydiving so, I only jump at the dz I started at when I go home to visit (in the summer). I'm so bored, I may just be a post whore today. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  20. Yes, I'm working and it really sucks. I'm salaried and dont' get overtime. I'm so bored I could cry. At least that would give me something to do since I forgot to bring the stuff to make closing loops. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  21. Since when did Sun Path start making Parachutes? Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  22. yeah! I'm only a danger to society! score 161 Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  23. [reply Publications support because I'll bet Mike uses the SIM. and he pays for it too. Instructional support because I'll bet Mike uses USPA trained instructors, and all the support of the Safety and Training department that developed that program. yes, we are USPA Instructors - and WE paid for it. Mike and Larry use almost all the same services, but the numbers posted indicate that Larry pays about $400.00 for those services, and Mike pays nothing. Larry gets advertising, free copies of publications and forms. Mike pays for his. $400.00 isn't much, but at least it's something, and I can't figure out how such a small amount of money can be such a big issue to to people. These huge dropzones are turning around hundreds of thousands of dollars and should be able to kick in a few nickels. no problem, let them pay more. And, for those who don't know about these two dropzones in Arizona (and Mike has another in Tenn), the issue that keeps Mike out of the GM program isn't money. But with that said, dropzones should be willing to kick in a few dollars to support the industry that supports us. Mike only has 1 drop zone now. He flys at Coolidge in the winter but he is no longer the dzo of that dz. Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  24. Tom - If you look at the above number's I posted - you will see that Larry Hill is not paying his fair share. Once again - What is Larry Hill paying for that Mike Mullins is getting the benefit of? Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  25. This is the info I pulled off the USPA Website on Group Member DZ's. If someone has something else - lets see it. Fee's $100.00 per year for clubs and military $200.00 per year for dz's that do not operate more than 2 small aircraft $400.00 per year for the dz's that use more than 2 small aircraft or 1 or more big ones. $100.00 per year for foreign dz. There are 218 US dz's listed on the USPA website and 36 Foreign. best case senario all 218 dz's are paying $400.00 218x400 = 87,200 36 x100 = 3,600 funds received from group member dz $90,800. 2 inch ad in Parachutist is $60.00 per month. $60 x 12 = $720.00 Who is paying for the extra $320.00 worth of advertising that the GM dz's aren't? Judy Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.