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Everything posted by j0nes

  1. j0nes

    Friggin' mice!!

    maybe you're allergic to mice....
  2. holy crap!!! i'd be so worried about flipping through the lines.
  3. j0nes

    Friggin' mice!!

    when i moved into my new palce, it turns out i had some rodent roomies too. i ended up trapping 3 of them. at first i wasn't sure i had mice, so i put out a glue trap. that's something i would never do again. the glue just immobilizes them and then YOU have to either kill the mouse or let it starve to death (i killed mine). i got the other two with spring traps and peanut butter. i still don't know how they got in my house, but i haven't seen any in more than a year. guess i'm just cleaner than the previous occupants?
  4. I am referring to the abbreviation of skydive. example: Skydive Chicago is "SDC"? why?
  5. congratulations. I look forawrd to seeing th pics / video
  6. please see attachment to see how torn up I am about that. kthx
  7. Here's another question then: How would you suggest an experienced C\C++ programmer go about getting a .Net job without certs?
  8. and you guys call ME a troll.
  9. according to the story, the guy ran away from NPS before and was concerned about that being on his record.
  10. with 10 years experience, does having 2 majors make a difference? (i'm not trying to be a smart ass)
  11. j0nes

    BASE curious - query

    in my newb days at Hinckley, I remember mainfest asking him to drop by a time or two... but I haven't heard that name all season so he may have moved on....
  12. j0nes

    BASE curious - query

    I never put personal information out for the entire world to see. IMO putting your full name, address etc on a forum where illegal activites are discussed and planned (aka conspiring) is a poor idea. My interest is in falling off of fixed objects and I have a little more than 400 jumps. I hope that's not the case. I hope some of those people might understand my hesitancy to post personal information on the "information superhighway".
  13. j0nes

    BASE curious - query

    my interest IS sincere and not a passing whim. i have no idea how to prove this or my experience level if you're willing / able to help me out in my newbiehood. i'm available via PM
  14. j0nes

    BASE curious - query

    I've read some FAQs on the net (bridgeday, blinc) regarding BASE and to be honest, I got a little adrenaline just sitting here by my computer thinking about it. I live in a fairly flat area and I'm hesitant to toss myself off the nearest high building without a little guidance / mentoring. If you live in the Chicago area and might consider helping, please PM me. I'd be happy to discuss my experience and aspirations with those who PM me.
  15. j0nes

    George Takei

    he's got to be promoting something
  16. i decided to use the google video tool to look up some ferris bueller clips. finding nothing under "ferris bueller", i tried just "bueller". i stopped after the first 10 seconds of the video.... i think it was about to become NSFW.
  17. j0nes

    Texas Chick

    the one on the left is actually from Alaska.
  18. i was waiting for the guy in the back (porn guy?) to bust in singing too... how sad is it that porn guy didn't turn around to see why two grown men were listening to BSB?
  19. why post someone else's personal information on this website? even if you looked it up somewhere else on the internet, why would you post it here?
  20. your analogy is flawed in that diamond aren't burned. industrial grade diamonds are dirt cheap... after all they are just really hard rocks. gasoline burned in automobiles accoutns for less than 10% of the oil consumed in the U.S. Even if every personal automobile stopped TODAY, we'd still be using 90% of the same oil tomorrow. Plastics, AV gas, diesel, natural gas and heating oil account for the rest of it. first of all, it's CAPITALISM. the capitol is where the White House is. secondly, your BEBE jeans example is laughable as there is no designer gasoline. if you want to pay a premium for higher acotane, you are literally burning your money for NO reason. your disjointed mish-mash of thoughts here is confusing. is there a point in there somewhere? let me try the same thing here: vegetables are cool and carrots have vitamin A. apples aren't vegetables but the squirrels are HAPPY!
  21. one that citizen also happens to be the country's leader AND is in charge of the army AND is trying to develop nukes.... it's time to hold the country responsible.
  22. You really have to love a country that seems to be trying to break the nuclear NPT and then goes around saying that Israel should be "wiped off the map". (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4382594.stm)
  23. don't they have a counselor there to help you out?