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Everything posted by Phil1111

  1. The stories of insider dealing go back almost a decade. "The suit accuses the N.R.A. and the executives of “violating numerous state and federal laws” by enriching themselves, as well as their friends, families and allies, and taking improper actions that cost the organization $64 million over three years. "
  2. The NRA has defended gun ownership in the US since forever.It operates as a non-profit but it may be shooting blanks now. "The New York attorney general, Letitia James, filed a lawsuit Thursday seeking to dissolve the National Rifle Association, alleging that years of corruption and misspending had irreparably undermined its ability to operate as a nonprofit. The lawsuit sets up a legal confrontation that could take years to play out and will leave the 148-year-old N.R.A. — long the nation’s most influential gun-rights lobby but recently hobbled by financial woes and infighting — fighting for its survival. The attorney general’s office previously presided over the dissolution of President Trump’s scandal-marred charitable foundation, but the N.R.A., with more than five million members, is a far larger organization that is expected to put up a more prolonged fight." The NRA has a history of rewarding insiders handsomely . Its ammunition has run low because donations and membership has dropped as a result.
  3. Phil1111


    More and more Americans are giving up on getting a covid test. Long lineups to get a test as long as 12 hours. Waits of up to two weeks to get results. Is finally causing people to just give up on testing all together. Of course there is the expense of up to $2000. Virus testing in the US is dropping, even as deaths mount "U.S. testing for the coronavirus is dropping even as infections remain high and the death toll rises by more than 1,000 a day. It’s a worrisome trend that officials attribute largely to Americans getting discouraged over having to wait hours to get a test and days or weeks to find out the results. An Associated Press analysis finds that the number of tests per day slid 3.6% over the past two weeks to 750,000, with the count falling in 22 states. That includes places like Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri and Iowa where the percentage of positive tests is high and continuing to climb, an indicator that the virus is still spreading uncontrolled."
  4. A growing side effect of the pandemic: Permanent job loss "Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs in the coronavirus recession, but for many of them the news is getting even worse: Their positions are going away forever. Permanent losses have so far made up only a fraction of the jobs that have vanished since states began shutting down their economies in March, with the vast majority of unemployed workers classified as on temporary layoff. But those numbers are steadily increasing — reaching 2.9 million in June — as companies start to move from temporary layoffs to permanent cuts. The number is widely expected to rise further when the Labor Department reports July data on Friday." All just a part of trump's management of the economy.
  5. Phil1111


    "When she returned to Germany last week from a vacation in Serbia, one of the first things Snjezana Kirstein did was to stop at a pop-up coronavirus testing center at Berlin’s Tegel Aiport. Whereas such tests can be hard to find in the United States, with unpredictable costs and results two weeks in coming, Ms. Kirstein was on her way in a matter of minutes after having her nose and throat swabbed. She expected an answer in 24 to 48 hours. The test was not only swift, it was free. “I think it is super,” Ms. Kirstein said. “It was so easy to find, and best of all, it didn’t cost me a thing.” Trump: Anyone who wants virus test can get a test. "And the tests are perfect, like the letter was perfect,like the transcripts were perfect"
  6. According to GOP insiders their choice for Biden's VP is a black woman, Susan Rice. Evidently Black, a woman, one who can be folded into MAGA conspiracy theories fits right into the trump base. A "deep state" villain who could fire up his MAGA base." "On Monday night, Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host influential in Trump’s orbit, opened his show with a lengthy diatribe about Rice and her role in the 2012 Benghazi raid — strikingly similar to the attack Republicans lodged against Clinton in the 2016 race against Trump." Nothing evidently motivates the trump base, nothing can cause the old drums to be dusted off, except.....wait.....Benghazi
  7. Evidently trump can't be shown to be a liar. So he and WH staff has doubled down today on the idea that the 2700 ton bomb was an attack. "White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows defended President Donald Trump's description of a deadly explosion in Beirut as an "attack," dismissing Defense Secretary Mark Esper's earlier comments that most officials believe the incident was "an accident." "I can tell you from Secretary Esper's standpoint, he doesn't know. I had a meeting with him earlier today," Meadows said Wednesday. "I can tell you the initial reports was exactly what the president shared with all of you." Trump's initial comments on the explosion — in which he said he met with "some of our great generals," who "just seem to feel" that it was an attack using "a bomb of some kind"— sent aides scrambling to do damage control. Multiple outlets quoted senior defense officials saying there was no evidence that the incident was an attack. But hours later, Meadows sharply contradicted the defense secretary, and defended Trump's comments as "not speculation on his part." I'm sure Lebanese officials are holding their breaths in anticipation of trump's "evidence from his generals".
  8. Well Falwel had now done good according to evangelical christians. Evidently the woman in the picture with her pants undone "is a real sweetheart" and an employee of Liberty University. Falwel has now promised to “And I’ve promised my kids I’m going to try to be — I’m gonna try to be a good boy from here on out.” "Falwell described the scene leading up to the photo. “She’s pregnant so she couldn’t get her — she couldn’t get her pants up,” he said. “And I was like, trying to like — my — I had on pair of jeans that I hadn’t worn in a long time so I couldn’t get mine zipped either. And so — and so — I just put my belly — I just put my belly out like hers.” Poor woman, the pay at Liberty University is so bad pregnant employees can't afford new pants when they go partying on multi-million dollar yachts. Falwell, well being devoted to god has enormous sacrifices. He can't afford new pants either! Any other president of any other university would be gone by now. But evangelicals, well their just having "fun" and he has to be the worst liar since trump.
  9. I'd disagree on that one. IMO more of: - pretty much zero immigration. WTF would want to move there? - high abortion levels -high levels of mortality -Low Birth Rates It appears as if Russia is following the The Poland Model—Promoting ‘Family Values’ With Cash Handouts
  10. Seems to me that George Bush made a spelling mistake at a school. IMO thats why debates are useless. Reagan had some good one liners in debates. But his ability to develop rapport made him a great president.
  11. Phil1111


    Because they have never been to West Point and never read The Art of War. Because they received their military training from Howdy Doody.
  12. Phil1111


    In Australia city wide curfews with police checking ID's and ticketing those who have no legitimate reason to be out of their homes. Cue America the beautiful with screenshots on covid intensive care wards.
  13. “It’s our responsibility to cover stories that are critical to our viewers,” the network said. It should say that are critical to the bottom line driven by ratings and ad buys. Like FOX, NBC and other news media corporations. CNBC takes a balance of hard journalism and editorial content. Rupert Murdoch built his media empire on a mix of right wing editorial content and a sliver of news. James Murdoch, the younger son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, has resigned from the board of News Corporation citing "disagreements over editorial content". CNN is the worst of the left in America for hammering the same story to the detriment of trump. But in the end market share, ratings, etc. drive profits. News, pure news and journalism with balance must be sought by the public. Interpreted by an inquiring mind.
  14. In America the president scoffing at child sex traffickers in national interviews doesn't bear mention in the news. The president defending them, normal and permissible. On Sunday the christian news networks will have their full support for trump and the GOP on display.
  15. Congrads steely nerves and self control are necessary for such an assault on intelligence. This interview would be the result of every interview from FOX if they had real journalists. Imagine Mattis, Tillerson, etc. being subjected to such garbage every day. Its where the common denominators clown, idiot, came from.
  16. Takes part for dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence.
  17. I have scientific proof of the genius.
  18. "Officials linked the explosion to some 2,700 tonnes of confiscated ammonium nitrate that were being stored in a warehouse at the port for six years." trump weighed in with a quick lie "We have a very good relationship with the people of Lebanon and we will be there to help. It looks like a terrible attack," Trump told reporters at the White House. "I've met with some of our great generals and they just seem to feel that this was not some kind of manufacturing explosion type of an event ... They seem to think it was an attack. It was a bomb of some kind." 2,700 tonnes would take a big truck or airplane but trump is on it.
  19. The concept that a non-profit would have tax deductible expenses for items like: -food for the needy -assistance in providing council for lawful immigration representation -medical care for needy -shelter for needy -etc. That would all come off gross income, i.e. taxable income. That legitimate expenses as aforementioned would not allow Gulfstream jets, pilot salaries, yachts and yacht rentals, luxury homes, "In interviews over the past eight months, they depicted how Falwell and his wife, Becki, consolidated power at Liberty University and how Falwell presides over a culture of self-dealing, directing university resources into projects and real estate deals in which his friends and family have stood to make personal financial gains. Among the previously unreported revelations are Falwell’s decision to hire his son Trey’s company to manage a shopping center owned by the university, Falwell’s advocacy for loans given by the university to his friends, and Falwell’s awarding university contracts to businesses owned by his friends. “We’re not a school; we’re a real estate hedge fund,” said a senior university official with inside knowledge of Liberty’s finances. “We’re not educating; we’re buying real estate every year and taking students’ money to do it.” All escapes those who support evangelical fraud of US taxpayers.
  20. All apart of is "centrist" philosophy.
  21. Most don't have brains...duh! The others get the right brain, left brain short circuit thing then its all good.
  22. Lie, deny and say that "god has forgiven him". At least it doesn't involve covid, Liberty University students dying because he doesn't want to loose student revenue.
  23. The university is just a side scam to top up earnings from the televangelism rackets.Like the "fines" that would be imposed upon students for similar conduct.