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Everything posted by SkyDekker

  1. Blue skies to both of you... May you fly forever.... BSBD
  2. Rocky and Blackie send their luckiest vibes....and me too off course
  3. SkyDekker


    Kristen I love your signature it carefully and it will give you the answer......
  4. congrats to you and your fiance rhino...this is great
  5. Hey pop, congratulations..... and since she is loaded......remember the time when I let you use my rig because you had a cutaway and wanted to make one more jump
  6. Hey Tom, No wonder you guys scored 0/20 I have no clue what the Capitol of Canada is. Now the Capital is a different story BTW, you Canada bashers, take a good look at the attachment......
  7. Service, selection and a willingness to ship it in a fashion that helps me at the border....if you know what I mean
  8. Hey Remi, Welcome back to Canada, even though you are moving to the wrong part of it I love Montreal though, great party city... Good luck on your move....I know how much work it is.
  9. With a last name like Saykiewitz, how are you 100% native American? I won't even discuss your opinions on expanding. It's a free country and you are entitled to your opinions.
  10. You're kidding...right? God, I hope you are kidding. PS. You guys know that technically you are not at war...right. No war has been declared. The war against terrorism has the same standing as the war against drugs or the war against illileracy.
  11. Thanks, I know, I was mostly just, I always find it hard to really get across what I am trying to say in writing.....I think I need some lessons from Michele.....
  12. SkyDekker

    Thank you

    I 6th that. Thank you to all those serving and all those who have served, including those citizens who fought from the inside in the resistance during WWII.....
  13. I think I'll stay out of this discussion this time...I have made myself unpopular enough already
  14. I agree with you. I am not even saying that the system is broken. When a skydiver bounces, we examine and analyze what happened so the same mistake may be avoided. When a US agency kills a US citizen maybe they should look into that action as well so maybe in the future it can be avoided as well. Saying good riddence (not implying that you specifically said that) is not really a constructive way of doing that. I completely agree with the war against terrorism. Giving the US government carte blanche is just a little too much for me. And with that I am off. Time to go home, drink and maybe even get laid.....
  15. Right, just this particular american did not have a right to a fair trial? Unprovoked? I think that depends on who you are talking to.
  16. I could not agree with you more. I don't know what the CIA knows, I don't have the slightest clue. All I am saying is: I don't think it is good to just blindly believe what the CIA is telling us. I actually think it is pretty scary to that.....
  17. The scary thing is that that is the exact reasoning and justification used by al qaida once they admitted they had flown aircraft into WTC and the pentagon. Happythoughts, please explain to me, where is the line? When is due process needed and when can we just kill? Who gets to decide that and when?
  18. Congratulations on your ring Dave......
  19. That would do great for now. But time to get in my car, drive the two hours I need to get home. Spend some time with my fiancee who I havent seen at all this week. Then time for a couple of jumps tomorrow, prob the last ones before I get married in 29 days.........
  20. Sure people are allowed to make mistakes, that is why when it comes to peoples lives, we like some form of stringent control. More control than what it seems the CIA was using in this particular case.
  21. Sounds good to me. Time to find my balaclava (spelling?) and find me some cold, cold blue sky....
  22. I know, that is why I am concerned about what you guys are doing to your own citizens.
  23. Right and all I am saying is that based on the mistakes made in the past, maybe we should not blindly accept what we are being told and what is being done. Because we know your intelligence community, just like all the others, make mistakes. BIG MISTAKES. Just think of the hearings of how 9/11 could have been prevented......
  24. Right, so you go and kill another US CITIZEN on a suspicion......