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Everything posted by SkyDekker

  1. Okay, so they are on their way out backing towards the stairs. Then the dude decides to try and disarm him and then after he disarms him, he shoots him.... Yeah, I too wonder why he got arrested
  2. It would appear that white trash doesn't only come from Eastern Europe.
  3. I don't expect them to do that. Just wish these guys would realize that they hamper the efforts by going to these areas and end up doing far more harm than good.
  4. Confiscation I would certainly call control... Registration is not the same as confiscation though.
  5. I think that is a bad act yes. I also think lieing under oath is a bad act and Kerry, well kerry is just bad to begin with
  6. Nope it certainly doesn't make it true. But like I said before, eye of the beholder. I have an uncle who considers the NRA too left.
  7. Don't really agree with that. It may lead to control, but it isn't a form of control to register all guns. If you do something with that info to control behaviour that is now free to do, then I can see it being control. How is simple registration of guns the same as gun control?
  8. Funny how standards change depending on the subject........
  9. well, if you are a communist, you would call that right
  10. I don't understand how this program constitutes gun control? They tried it, didin't work, so they scrapped it. Did the program forbid people to buy guns? Did the program prohibit the sale of certain guns?
  11. To paraphrase your words: if there is no conviction then obviously there wasn't a crime. Bush did get convicted, well we think since his documents have since gone "missing".
  12. Why do you think Russia wants to get control of their oil companies? China is on a buying spree with regards to resources. They need oil, they need it fast and they need lots of it. Russia would not be happy with one of their most profitable industries being owned by China. I have said it before and I will say it again, we better all start learning how to speak Mandarin.......
  13. Because the reason for the war had already been changed.
  14. Why do all these high ranking politicians feel that visiting disaster areas is any help? Powell & Jeb's travelling circus, Kofi, Martin etc all go for their tours. All hindering flights into the area, tying up personnel, rearranging help centres for photo ops etc etc. Why? If they want to go and help, they should actually do something. Not show up, hold up everything and smile for the cameras. I don't understand it.....
  15. Left, right ...whatever .... it is all in the eye of the beholder. My uncle recently cancelled his NRA membership because they were too left for his liking.....
  16. Where are they admitting a mistake? Admitting a mistake would be: We did not find any WMD and hence our reason for invading Iraq has turned out to be non-existent. I am sorry more than 1,000 of our troops have died, but we made a mistake. In stead they said, ohh well, we didn't find any, but those WMDs weren't really important anyways, and we would have invaded even if we had known there werent any.
  17. I am Actually, flew into Montreal but didn't stay there, so really had no opportunity to meet up. Off the plane, into rental car, on the slopes, off slopes, into rental car, back in plane kind of routine.
  18. Really?!?!?!?!?! Many charity have been asking for money for ages for AIDS relief in Africa. Ask them how much money they have gotten from the general public and governments over the last couple of years. Now compare that to the amounts given in the last month for tsunami relief. Governments and different levels of government are falling over eachother to make sur ethey are giving more than others. etc. I think it is time for a reality check. Not to take anything away from the disaster, I think the response has been disproportionate compared to some of the other issues in the world.
  19. I was there for a long weekend this past December. Bring lots of cash!!!!!!!!! On the resort, everything is roughly 3 to 4 times what you would normally expect to pay. Hence 4 coffees and a hot chocolate ended up around $15 for example.
  20. Wouldn't blame it in the US, but it is an interesting phenomenon that 150,000 die in a tsunami and billions in aid money appears within a month. Millions die of aids and we can't even bring it upon ourselves to have them pay less for the medication they need...... And Storm, you are right, good thing they didn't find any WMD. Who cares about that little invasion thingy....right?!?!?!
  21. For one, I am happy that you decided to hit the post button, since you provide a viewpoint that not many others can offer. Allows for some to get a broader view on the subject.
  22. The US did train him and provided him with funds and arms. Not blaming the US for his actions after. But when you train an animal, why would you be suprised if he turns against you? I would have hoped that people learn, unfortunately we seem to enjoy making the same mistakes over and over and over again.
  23. It's okay, it ensures the profitability of the defense industry. Arm and train a couple of guys now and 15 years from now, you'll have another country to invade.
  24. you can start here Historically done so two opposing politicians cannot attack eachother. The red lines on the floor are two sword-lengths removed from eachother. Hence, politicians on eitehr side (left and right) are not allowed to step in front of those lines.