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Everything posted by Andy9o8

  1. I have similar experiences. Frankly, when me and the bro's are in our best golf shirts and khakis, we look pretty badass. People give us a wide berth. "Please, Sir, by all means play through. And we'll replace YOUR divots." Yeah, I be bad. I'll bet you can guess our gang's name.
  2. I was a Packers fan back in the Lombardi days, so I've always had a soft spot for them, even though I hate harsh winter weather in places like Wisconsin. Though I do like lakes, and I love cheese.
  3. Cliff Notes synopsis, please. Lots of people are at work where they won't watch a video, plus it's 30 mins long. Oh, and re: "Christian and other patriotic Americans"... let's see if anyone bites on your hook....
  4. Here's my contribution. I recently missed hitting a teen-something kid on a skateboard riding down the middle (not the shoulder) of a busy commercial road. He just cut me off like he was a motorized vehicle making a lane change. (Come to think of it, he didn't even signal!) But for my mad skilz and my brakes, he'd have been maimed. When I beeped at him, he indignantly (of course) pointed down at his skateboard, as if saying "Dude, WTF, I've got wheels, too."
  5. Both odd and curiously interesting. Fun with raw data points. Lies, damned lies and statistics! So how many people in Maine die from choking on lobster? And what does it mean for America?
  6. It sounds like you are against c sections. Shouldn't it be her choice? I think you're probably over-simplifying her position. My impression is that she's against what she sees as over-prescription of C-sections in the US. Are you saying that the woman has no choice? I'm saying you're over-simplifying Suslique's position.
  7. can we get even more basic? just ask them to recite Pi to 5 significant digits - if they need 'significant digits' explained to them or the spelling, then they don't get to reproduce (unless they are willing to pay offsets). Oooooh, I like that idea. Like carbon offsets, they could buy extra child offsets, from Jessie Jackson and Al Gore through the Clinton foundation. You forgot to mention Sharpton and Pelosi. Your lack of diligence is troubling.
  8. It sounds like you are against c sections. Shouldn't it be her choice? I think you're probably over-simplifying her position. My impression is that she's against what she sees as over-prescription of C-sections in the US.
  9. CNN's running a new headline crawl: "Early indications are 4 of 9 bikers who died in a Texas shootout were killed by police, law enforcement source says." No details published yet. Nothing I can find on a google search of other news outlets so far.
  10. Technology is an enslaving thing, no?
  11. Littering. And creating a nuisance.
  12. What would you propose that would be constitutional?
  13. Whatever. If you'd like we can discuss Al or Jessie right here. QED.
  14. "Sharpton and Jackson." The new Godwin. Requires no thought, no real message, no advancement of discussion, no real discussion at all. Just say the names, and the dog has barked.
  15. Are you speaking to Stephie, ABC, or the liberal media in general? I'm referring, in this case, to any major league professional politician and/or professional political operative, of any party, in any of the major Western democracies. But frankly, I'm referring to any profession which is by nature adversarial - military officer, litigation attorney, sports team coach, whatever. Fuck up, and your opponents, if they're remotely competent, will hand you your head, and you'll have nobody to blame but yourself.
  16. While I don't think it's quite as nefarious as someone's (anyone's) political opponents would naturally spin it, I have little sympathy for incompetence (or arrogance) committed by professional Big Leaguers who most certainly should know better. Kind of like smoking in a combat zone at night - don't be surprised when you take fire. George and his donees painted this bullseye on their asses, let them deal with the fallout.
  17. Thus insuring that everyone will be at the same place and the same altitude often at the same time or just seconds apart. Brilliant. Yup. Hey, I'm not an instructor, just observing what wuz and what iz.
  18. Well, you have to admit, his stud-ism is impressive. This is no farm team guy. This guy's in The Show.
  19. (re-read your post)
  21. That pic really says it all. The sky's forever blue, and BB's why.
  22. Yes, it's cultural, but in part due to the evolving nature of jumping. At Cessna DZs in the 70s, especially in the pre-Otter days, half the canopies in the air were rounds, and it took 100 jumps to get to jump a square. Usually a max of 4 of us under canopy at any one time. There were no "patterns", especially for rounds, you just landed in an open spot. Even if you had a square, you spiraled wherever you wanted, and landed wherever. So, we just used our eyes, and gauging altitude under canopy was (and frankly still is) pretty easy (unless you wear an eyepatch and say "Arrrrr" a lot). Eyeballing is still an important and under-emphasized skill. But with modern emphasis on everyone flying a predictable pattern to avoid canopy collisions, and with more canopies in the air at Otter DZs, there's more emphasis taught on specific altitudes for turning onto the last legs to landing. That breeds a lot more use of altimeters under canopy than when we were pups.