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Everything posted by Andy9o8

  1. Librarians piss me off. Always shushing me.
  2. I come here to watch the chosen elite insult people with impunity, while others get sent to the gulag for nothing. I come to watch the endless parade of sock puppets Ditto for Anonymous Amazon. It's fun to watch someone who hides their identity, complain about other people who hide their identity. This is entertainment! But you don't hide your identity, Big Guy. You're just you.
  3. Way to miss the point. Oh, well; there's an audience for everyone, I guess. I think P.T. Barnum more or less alluded to that.
  4. You keep referring to yourself in the first person, and ask people to believe you. For starters, identify yourself: tell us who you are.
  5. See, if they wanted to keep the (obvious!) joke going without giving all the humorless anal retentives hard-ons, they'd just serve a special menu of stuff like baloney and American "cheese" on Wonder Bread, egg noodles with butter and Campbell tomato soup, and then call it "ethnic food". Instead, now it's A Thing. Oh, well, opportunity lost.
  6. Think Freddie Mercury.
  7. Whoa, sorry, but I need the cliff notes version. Anyhow bottom line you guys still have a king or something, right?
  8. So Texas has thousands upon thousands of morons living in the state. Quite unlike Illinois or California, which routinely deport anyone who does not qualify for Mensa. Oh, them. They get sent to Iowa.
  9. Didn't they usually usta lean to LaboUr? And wasn't that very much a factor this time?
  10. Silly boy, the joke's on you. If you're against illegal immigrants, and then legalize them, they're no longer illegal. BTW, the injuns were against illegal immigration, too. How'd that border control work out for them?
  11. You've allowed a sociopath to troll you. All is not lost. If he didn't have an outlet like this, he'd probably shoot up a school.
  12. You were almost there, until the last sentence. Public defender trial attorneys are highly trained in the specialty of criminal trial defense, and tend to practice at the very highest level of proficiency. It is exceedingly rare that a PD is assigned to try a serious case until he has considerable experience and has demonstrated very high levels of skill. Notwithstanding the erroneous public perception of PDs, bolstered by the silly, unfounded near-slander of them spread by others in the legal system, particularly DAs and cops, PDs tend to be among the best criminal defense attorneys in the country. 9 out of 10 of private criminal defense attorneys, even the good ones, without PD experience (and that includes former prosecutors), aren't as good as experienced PDs or former PDs. The public generally is not aware of this. Lots of cops try to get away with the "you get what you pay for" slander shit, but they generally back off when called out and challenged with actual facts.
  13. The Snopes article criticizes that claim, too, and notes that Zeifman apparently only started claiming that in more recent years. Apparently Zeifman's pants also smolder a bit.
  14. But it doesn't have to be fuck-giveable, you see. If the thread is about Scary Negroes, someone like regulator's elk will yell "Sharpton!! Nigras! Git em!" and then that's what the thread is about.
  15. Does it matter? He's one of Your Negroes. You get to say his name, which gives you a woodie, and he gets his name said, which keeps his name current. It's a win-win for both of you!
  16. So the blade was legal under state law, but not city law. The police had no probable cause to chase him down and detain him in the first place. But now they're evading to get civilians to shift their attention to shiny things instead of the real issues at hand. And so, now they're using the "standard" police brutality defense" tactic of demonizing the brutality victim and assassinating his character. "Ooh, he's had prior police contact. Ooh, he had a little knife in his pocket. Ooh, he was evasive when we made eye contact with him." All of which applies to what? 90+% of all black men walking around in their own poor black neighborhoods? That was the heinous offense for which they felt he merited a vehicular ass-kicking? God, that's almost as bad as selling loosies. Animals! Get them off the street! Make them fear! I respect cops, a lot, when they're actually serving and protecting. I have no respect for when they behave like an army of occupation where all of the locals are presumed to be the enemy. Fuck that.
  17. Pics like that make it hard to convince whuffos that we breathe thru our skin.
  18. Don't forget to bring your DNA sample and Jihadi membership card.
  19. It varies from state to state, but if the DZs are truly making money off the insurance premium (as opposed to being merely a 100% pass-thru), the particular state's Insurance Commission might require the DZ to apply for licensure in advance. I'm also curious: have you researched polices that would not have express exclusions (since many do) for activities such as skydiving?
  20. Name any anounced presidential canidate who did not speak to any national reporter for 25 days? Name me one lite beer that truly tastes great. For you?? Hillary Clinton
  21. Name any anounced presidential canidate who did not speak to any national reporter for 25 days? Name me one lite beer that truly tastes great.
  22. Name me one since George Washington.