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Everything posted by ViperPilot

  1. In fact I said money is not important. The point is people should be happy w/ what they have, especially if they're very well off and don't have "room" to bitch. And what's w/ the comment about me having money to stop complaining about democrats? That doesn't even make any sense. In a way, yes. Still doesn't make it cool w/ me. Dude, I'm not refering to all actors, I'm refering to the guys like Baldwin, Clooney, etc. The guys who have so much money, yet still complain about shit and think they're above everyone else. Much like Sean Penn "helping" people after Katrina...give me a fucking break, the guy was "helping" people for PR and PR alone. What a shitbag.
  2. well maybe we need a little help to get there, so you're just gonna have to ovary up and create a "bridge" if you will. P.S. Apparently I should find all this calling me gay horribly offensive, but in some weird way, I'm not a pussy, hmmm. Oh wait, I said I'm gonna get banned aren't I.
  3. No not at all, I have nothing against rich people, in fact I'm probably Captialism's biggest fan. I completely support people who work hard and make millions, I think bill Gates is awesome, etc. My parents are what you would call "rich", I've been very blessed for what I've had b/c of them, but in reality, money doesn't matter, it's doing something good; thus why I joined the military. It's not that I hate them b/c they're rich, I hate them b/c they get paid an enormous amount of money for something that the actual work effort does not deserve (same w/ pro sports). I love baseball, but arod does not deserve 50 grand a game. But mostly I hate them b/c they have all of this cash, and yet still bitch and moan. They should be elated to have this, many are not and want more. And getting paid millions does not mean you're smart...plenty of dumb people are rich (yes, bring on the Bush jokes everyone), including actors. Yeah there are, but at least they're getting paid shit to die for their country...a bit more "noble" of a job than sitting in a trailer whining about your afternoon massage.
  4. Sorry Amazon, I do know you're a woman, just spaced it...sorry dude (and yes I mean dude!)
  5. As stated above...not offended b/c I'm not so preoccupied w/ bullshit PC and have more ability than a 1st grade girl to withstand jokes.
  6. Oh come on guys, it was a fuckin joke (notice the ). Bill, can I cry and complain about his comment regarding "my boyfriend" or is there something wrong w/ me since I didn't get offended by that? Political correctness, gotta love it. I demand justice, this comment hurt my feelings! Oh wait, nevermind...I have a pair, some skin thicker than an air molecule, and can actually take a joke! What has this world come to...geez!
  7. Sure, but when it comes to the "big" actors in hollywood, the vast majority are overpaid whining snobs. They get paid millions to be pampered and act. They bitch when their bottled water isn't the right brand. But on the other hand, some lance corporal in the Marines makes 900 bucks a month and might just die so that actor can freely sit there and complain about water. Give me a break, most of the big time guys are bunch of worthless piles of flesh. Maybe in some ways, but I'd bet a good majority of people on here have real jobs that I'd think more highly of than being a bitching actor/actress. Just b/c they have the "talent" of role playing doesn't make their job any better or more important than the guy who busts his ass running a trash truck in Chicago.
  8. Yeah, I meant to say the Kurd part, but then totally spaced it. I agree w/ the whole weaking central govt and then breaking off.
  9. Sounds like you need to take a trip to Sam's and get the 50 pack of Vagisil
  10. Well just b/c he said "BUSTED" doesn't necessarily mean he served or that he's accusing you of not serving. He's just making a statement based on someone else's.
  11. Amazing how so many people in this world can't see past such stupid shit as Shi'a vs Sunni, Protestant vs Catholic, N Korean vs S Korean, etc. People really need to stop seeing themselves as a religious or ethnic group and just as Iraqis, Americans, British, etc. Oh well, there's still going to be a fucking out of control civil war in Iraq b/c of these assholes who can't comprehend 1. Iraqi, then 2. Sunni/Shi'a.
  12. God I fucking hated pickup sticks...the rage was endless.
  13. Maybe Teddy could take a nice little ride in a Saratoga through IMC. Oh the irony of that!
  14. Who cares what a bunch of bitching and whining rich assholes who don't even have real jobs say? They get paid millions to fucking act, they have no credibility, and are bunch of idealistic idiots. They're insignificant pricks who everyone should pay no attention to.
  15. Why? Because they fall out of a 17 or 130 and then do the same damn thing everyone else does on the ground?
  16. The biggest problem w/ lethal force is as mentioned above...lawsuits. In a perfect world if I could safely dissolve a bad situation by shooting an attacker in the kneecaps to stop him (i.e. he's coming at me with a bat, he's 10 ft away, and I just put a couple .40 rounds through his knees...that fucker's going down). However, guess what, that same guy can and probalby will go to court, and EASILY sue my ass for a ton of money. It doesn't fuckin matter that he was attacking me. Ever heard of the one lawsuit where some dude broke into a lady's house, he fell through the skylight into her kitchen, subsequently cutting himself on a knife laying on the counter. He sued AND WON!!!! Because of shit like that above, we are not in a perfect world, and if someone comes at me, I'm sending them 6 ft under, no questions asked. If joe blow comes at me and my wife w/ a bat, he's not getting two in the knee, he's getting two to the chest and one to the head (hopefully if I can be that good and clean!...which I am!)
  17. I hope this douche bag senator gets fuckin robbed at gunpoint on the street, then we'll see about his feelings on scum like that. Maybe for added effect the guy can shoot'd you like that one, Senator Jackass?
  18. On any given time I shit at my house, there's roughly a 95% chance I'll clog the toilet. Regardless of what kind it is, it's just big enough to not fucking flush and thusly clog the toilet. My wife keeps saying something's wrong w/ me...I say everything's obviously working just fine!
  19. They can, you just gotta force 'em real hard!
  20. You ever have like a 90/10? Where there's a 90% chance you're NOT going to make it. One time I was driving home from work, feeling fine, and then all of the sudden..BAM! It felt like 5 bowling balls were trying to escape out of my ass. I just thought "Oh fuck" and floored it...I was about 3 min from my house. I hit the gas and got there in about 1.5 min (felt like 15). I pulled up to the house, car diagonal in the driveway, threw open the door, left the door wide open, car running and sprinted through the garage into the house, all at the same time unzipping and wrestling out of my flightsuit (which is not as easy as you'd think when you're frantically squeezing your ass cheaks, while trying to run and open doors, jump over dog, etc). Wife gave me a huge WTF look as I ran into the bathroom, and it all started blasting out as my ass was about 6-9 in from the toilet seat. Needless to say, it was the most relief I've felt in a long time. Think Dumb and Dumber times 10. Then there's the ones that wrap around the toilet's gotta be longer than my leg!
  21. Dude, just hire the Mob to help you out. They'll take care of the guys threatening you...for a nominal fee ;). Unless they are the mob, then you're one defeats the Mob!
  22. Well Giulliani has done a lot of good things and has proven himself as a "good" politician and leader, even if it was only at the city level. Plus if the Dem's go on the bitching fest of him never serving in Congress, he could always play the "I'm an outsider" card. He's got a chance.