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Everything posted by ViperPilot

  1. Well I haven't read the bible cover to cover, so I'm no expert. But you do have to take into account when the bible was written. Back then, it was completely fine to expect women to be housewives and nothing else. There was no such thing as the career woman. Maybe in today's standards that's a bad attitude, but back then, it was completely normal. I don't think it's a normal thing for most christians to follow that message. The bible also may say to help others become christian, preach to them, etc...but I don't think it advocates pure murder of those who aren't christians solely for not being christians...the koran does (if you're not Muslim, aka a believer, you'd better fear for your life).
  2. I suppose that's true to an extent, but in reality, how can one be a heroic freedom fighter when they indiscriminately kill? Killing tons of people, regardless of who they are, just to incite fear, chance, etc. is nothing more than an act of a scum-sucking terrorist. In the movie, "V" took revenge on those who screwed him and those who were obvious scum/evil (the dictator dude et al). He didn't just blow up a crowded train station of innocent people to incite fear. That's the difference b/w freedom fighter and terrorists...not how one side views the other.
  3. How? Besides the far right wing psychos, how does Christinaity do so? I've never really seen anything like least in modern times.
  4. Now you've done it...Amazon's gonna force worms and other shit down your throat...and while she's at it, how bout drinking some nasty ass ditch water Don't mess with her man!
  5. As unreliable as news can be, the internet is by far the WORST source of them all. No editors, any joe blow can write whatever the hell he wants on the internet. Not so much in print media.
  6. Well now that you mention it...
  7. Well there's mulitple pictures of parts of landing gear, engines, body, etc. Plus after reading all about the structural integrity of that building, why is it so surprising that the wings didn't do that much damage? With the speed the a/c was traveling at, a lot is going to be gone. It's not like in a crash like this, the a/c's just gonna fall apart like legos being smashed and you'll have a wing there, an engine laying here, etc. That's not going to happen in an incident like this.
  8. Fine, why don't you just kick me in the nuts while you're at it! You win...geez!
  9. Uhhh no woman, but here's a cookie for trying. Just b/c someone supports Bush generally does not mean I take everything the govt says for 100% truth. And just b/c I follow orders doesn't mean I ALWAYS think it's the best thing to do...come on, you should understand that. We're not talking about believe govt "lies" as you call it, we're talking about believing whether 9/11 happened as it said it did (i.e. planes crashing into WTC and Pentagon). I believe that b/c of what was said above, not b/c of who's in office. Stop trying to twist things around and make shit up that's not even been talked go make me a sandwich, you probably owe me it for something.
  10. A statement that is wrecklessly utterted w/o any regard for your personal wellbeing. Don't worry you'll snap out of it...and to help, here's some Jack!!!! (ok so I can't give it to you, so I'll just drink it for you).
  11. So now everyone in TX can only get shitfaced at home? WTF! This world really is going to hell in a handbasket!
  12. Actually you didn't fix anything Amazon. I agree with what 99% of the population thinks happened on Sep 11th based on factual evidence - in video format, expert testiment, sheer obviousness/common sense and countless eye witness accounts. Please tell me how planes didn't hit the WTC. Guess the thousands of people who saw it with their own eyes are lying I presume?
  13. You can't even count on both hands how many times people claimed we'd totally run out of oil by the 70s, then 2000, then 2010, now we're up to 2050 or something. Can't believe any of that crap. People are idiots.
  14. Same logic was used to condemn Israel's attack on the Osirak reactor in 81. Israel claimed the facility was going to be used to create nuclear weapons to use against Israel. Everyone said bullshit, there's no proof of that, Iraq wouldn't do that, you're acting unilaterally and irrationally, blah blah blah. What happened 10 yrs later? Oh yeah, the IAEA conceded that there was in fact direct evidence that that particular facility WAS being used to manufacture weapons and would have likely been used against Israel. We'll probably see the same thing happen in 10 yrs down the road regarding Iraq, when info is declassified. Don't jump on the bandwagon too quick people.
  15. Here's a good site w/ all the irrefutable evidence you want to show an airliner did smash into the Pentagon. Lets not forget the other part of 9/11. Some people just want to believe anything that goes against someone or something they despise/disagree with. Oh well, guess some people really were born with half a brain.
  16. Yeah I know. It's just frustrating that shit like this happens.
  17. We helped free elections occur, we did not set how the govt would run, what the laws were, etc.
  18. It's an ally, but doesn't mean it's one of our STRONG allies. Yes we want to support them as best we can to help win this war, but that still doesn't mean killing some dude for being a christian is right, nor does it mean we should just throw them out and receive no help and possibly recreate an enemy.
  19. This isn't about who's done what over the long run. The christian dudes back in that time were equally as bad pieces of shit as these dudes are.
  20. Wow, so you have no problem w/ them killing this dude soley b/c he's not part of the mainstream religion? Just b/c it's their way of life doesn't make it right...and I mean that in the everyone has some "God-given rights" matter where they live. It's barbaric and wrong.
  21. This teacher can just go fuck herself. Tell her it's blatantly obvious your kid is doing nothing wrong and she is just overcome with PC idiocy. I'd tell her to shut the hell up or you're gonna make her life even more of a living hell than it already is. When you start complaining to the principle constantly about how she's being grossly unfair, he'll fall back on his PC bullshit and probably do something idiotic and rash against her...then everyone wins!
  22. I suppose. But for everyone who complains about how terrible Bush is and how bad America is, blah blah blah, fucking feel lucky you can be whatever religion you want here. I just hate it when people bitch b/c they just have no idea how good they have it here compared to other countries...regardless of what kind of policy ANY WH administration is pumping out.