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Everything posted by ViperPilot

  1. The problem with Iran is not this scenario, but the fact that their president has already blatenly said he's going to send nukes to Israel as soon as he can. He has not basis for doing this except that he hates Israel and the Jews. The guys a cook, obviously it's in our interest to prevent him from having nukes.
  2. Not saying they didn't have a right to kill him, they didn't have a right to do what they did after the fact (according to the rules of war). It's not wrong how they end up after the attack (e.g. what happened to them b/c of a bomb, bullets, etc), it's wrong what was done with their bodies after they were killed....according to rules of war and international law that is.
  3. A well thought out, intellectual post from someone who obviously knows nothing about international law.
  4. Well I count only a couple on that list that actually are talking about soldiers willingly causing that blunt force trauma with hope of it severely injuring or killing the person. Sounds like half of those only lead the reader to speculate what caused the death. Nonetheless, I'm not arguing assbags in the US military haven't crossed the line and done something horrible (as I read in a few of these)...they should be punished just like anyone else. However, the argument still stands that it's ludicrous to say the US military is equal, or even close to, the insurgents.
  5. What we need is some guy with a Rem 700 picking these fuckers off...just one at every other protest, that's all you need. They'll start thinking twice about protesting out in the open. And to top it off the feds can run an incredibly sub-standard investigation b/c in reality, they don't care about catching the guy. That would be such an awesome scenario.
  6. Think again on that one'd be shocked how many damn rules there are. You think we just up and left ridiculous "fair" war with the Civil War when it was men marching against men, in gentleman fashion? It may not be that bad...but war is still pretty damn "fair play" when fought by the rules.
  7. I'll get the wife to make some peanut butter ones...they're good! We were talking about a bunch of "hill billies" as you called them, being happy that some enemy died. I'm not saying the other side isn't entitled to being happy when they kill their enemy, but that doesn't give them the right to do the things they do. Talking about how awesome of a shot someone made is apples and oranges to setting bodies on fire and parading them through the street.
  8. I'm not moaning that they're not playing by the rules, I'm just expressing my disdain for how they treat other human beings. Just like I think rapist and wife beaters are pieces of shit...should they have to agree with what I think...according to you, apparently not. It's not about rules, it's about certain rights EVERY living/dead person has. Well in reality they should really follow the rules of war...and yes, there ARE rules of war, plenty of them. Too bad the last guys to do that were the Nazis...surprisingly enough.
  9. I must have missed that one...we're not thinking of the same one then...I didn't post in there. There's nothing wrong with being glad you shot the shitbag who just killed one of your buddies, but yes, it can get out of hand and in a way, morally wrong...I'll take your word on it that it crossed the line. Good one...want a cookie?
  10. Firstly, not our call if were there or me, I'd rather be in balad then at home playing golf and being with my wife....right...although I do enjoy flying, don't get me wrong. Secondly, this isn't moaning about how someone treats us, it's a discussion about the immoral practices of others, regardless of where it takes place, when it takes place, who does it against who, etc.
  11. You have proof that this stuff happens all the time, or even more than one or two isolated cases? And again, what's your source? And no, that's not the argument I'm getting into.
  12. All good points...the only problem is, how many Iraqis has the US military tortured to death? I'm sure accidents have happened, but honest-to-God tortured to death Iraqis, how many? Not "oh he got sick while be interrogated, thus they tortured him to death" bs. How many bill, and what's the source you're getting this from? In reality, if this really was occuring as much as I think you're going to say it is, there'd be massive international shitstorm...but there's not, thus I find it highly unlikely that a major problem exists. But if you know something I don't, by all means share.
  13. Don't know what thread you're talking about...if it's the one about that really far shot, then you're just blowing smoke up your own butt. I said nice shot, that was it....and it was a nice shot. Both sides do what?...... Hang charred bodies from bridges and rally around them and cheer? Light bodies on fire and drag them through the streets in triumph? Calmly walk into a hospital and detonate a bomb, knowing full well they're killing women, children and medical soldiers? Walk into a school room, drag 5 or so teachers out in the street and execute them? Slice children's heads off with machetes because they cooperated with the "infadels"? Take countless civilian hostages, slicing heads off of many of them...boobytrapping several of the bodies in the process? (mind you these are aid workers related 0% to the military). Ok there's a small fraction of what one side has done (I'll leave it to you to figure out which)...what's the other done? Taken inappropriate pictures Verbal harassment Sleep deprivation put the other side in jail ....funny, the "bad" things that happen to the other side are similar things that happen to military personnel in training. Oh my God, someone yelled at them...oh my God, they were kept awake! Say it aint so.... please, get off your humanitarian soap box, it's disgusting.
  14. HAHAHAHAHA...oh man, that was a joke right?
  15. And exactly when have US troops lit dead bodies on fire and paraded them around the streets like trophys?
  16. Good for you, you found a minute percentage of the military who are pieces of shit like this. Everyone, not just you Bill, needs to stop kidding themselves and saying the immoral behavior is equal on both sides. Yeah there are fucking idiots in the US military, but overall, we're not even close to be in the same immoral league as the piece of shit insurgents.
  17. He's a great pilot and a lot of fun to watch...glad he got out.
  18. ...and foolish, and that makes you...dangerous!
  19. Dude, the guy traded Sosa to the Cubs...awesome move!...until lately that is. He's downhill fast, but I'll never forget what Sammy has done!
  20. oh man...gotta love the humor idiots bring into our lives!
  21. wow...that's all I can say to that. When you really just want something to be true bad enough, you'll do anything, right?
  22. Can't skydive before the wedding? Sucks...
  23. So that's how easy those helo guys have it! All this time I thought it was just the earth repelling the shear ugliness of the bastards, but it's all really done with a mouse click. No way!