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Everything posted by ViperPilot

  1. True, and thankfully once they classify the information you won't be able to accurately know how long it'll take.
  2. Isn't "come here legally or not at all" and "NO" kind of the same sentiment? Either way, illegal imigrants deserve absolutely no help, in fact, they deserve absolutely nothing while illegally in our country. They get WAY too much's sickening.
  3. Ok fine, just take out "Albanian" and replace w/ "innocent people." Either way, Milosevic was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. So I still fail to see how "most" of us think he's a hero, while only "some" (10 grand or more) thinks he's a criminal.
  4. Ah, the age old "argument" that if we get rid of all guns, the criminals won't have any to steal so there won't be any to commit crimes with...oh wait a minute, what about the thousands of weapons illegaly imported each year? Not to mention that number will go up 10 fold if guns become illegal. Good thinking, you just squashed the pro-gunners! Oh wait...
  5. Well the govt has been forced more and more to secrecy b/c of terrorism...I don't blame them for some stuff. However, yes it's ridiculous to take this off when all the info is available anyways. Standard bureaucratic move.
  6. Well considering I am a "troop", then that makes me the position of authority on this little subject...neal is right, you insult the military by calling us a bunch of civilian killers...especially when that rhetoric is FAR FAR FAR from true. Keep reading the news bill, it's always 100% dead on! Thanks for the support neal; glad for people like you. By the way, I care about Iraqi civilians, but I don't give a rats ass about those insurgent fucks shooting at marines. And it's unfair to say I don't care about Iraqis b/c I want to kill the bad guys (who by the way are filled with tons of foreigners).
  7. So for MANY of us, he was a hero? But only for SOME (approx 10,000 dead Albanians) he's a criminal. Interesting use of words there.
  8. That wasn't a sole reference to Iraq, it was a reference to everything in general the UN does. It's a forum for whining in which nothing helpful gets done 99% of the time. You obviously see Iran has them (or trying to make them at least), and claims they plan on using them. Yet how much do you want to bet there's gonna be some pussy UN resolutions before the real men get let in to do their jobs.
  9. This is a pretty interesting argument here. In an unplanned pregnancy case where both the guy and the broad didn't want a kid, it's always up to the final say of the broad what happens...kind of does seem unfair to the dude. I'm sure situations happen all the time where there's an unplanned pregnancy and the girl just decides to have the baby anyways to either hook the dad in, or at least force him to pay child support for whatever reason. I'm not saying all chicks think that way, but I'm sure it happens a decent amount in cases like which case that's bullshit and the dad should have some recourse and some say.
  10. But after verbally and directly threatening the US and Israel...the best course of action is....*drumroll*....USELESS UN INSPECTIONS AND SANCTIONS!!!!!!!!!! The UN is about as useful as the tits on a bull....I can't wait for me to get some JDAM action!...fucking JDAMs.
  11. There will be no good argument against civilian gun ownership until you can prove that criminals legally purchase guns to use in committing a crime. What % of gun related crimes occur w/ a weapon legally purchased by the criminal using that weapon in a crime? So nil it's nothing, that's how much. People against civilian gun ownership are people who don't know what they're talking about and are trying to solve a problem the most ineffective way possible.
  12. That line there wasn't the point, the point was how easy it is to say so and so does this, when the other side does it the same amount, if not more. I never said he was my hero. In my opinion, better than the other options, but so what, we don't need to agree on that, do we? Yeah, I actually do have to follow orders b/c it's part of my job. So you bet wrong pal. Some people have a higher sense of purpose than self, and doing something b/c I believe it's right or b/c my boss believes it's right is good enough for me. I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks about it. You can think it's terribly wrong, good for you. I'm still going to go out and do my job.
  13. . Remember Bill, there's two sides (or more! ) to every story. Don't think only "right wingers" play the media game. Sometimes its the other side that forces one to do so.
  14. That means we can start a "better" pullout sooner if stuff like this hold true more and more. His reaction may have been pointed at this comment: Kallend, even you should know that we can't just knee jerk out of there in a week or two. It's gonna take time as we all know (or should know). But yes, if this success continues, then we can start pulling out more. Good on some of these Iraqis for actually taking a stand.
  15. I'm military. Just b/c we're both (you're DZ guy and me) are in the military doesn't mean we'll have the same opinion. I am happy to have good men w/ me, but I don't think it's a problem to have the gay guys keep it to themselves, considering 98% of the other dudes aren't going to take kindly to living in close quarters w/ the guy. Sure there might be a very small amount who have no problem sharing a few square feet of tent w/ a guy who might find them attractive, but the vast majority do not want that and would not feel comfortable, even despite the fact that many aren't raging anti-homosexual biggots.
  16. That doesn't describe I said in my previous post, I have a few gay friends. No I don't think. It's easy for you to say when you're not in the position. Sharing a 6x8 space w/ another dude who likes dudes is the exact same as sharing your small bedroom w/ the guy. Being in that situation for 6 months can very easily affect mission ability. Not for me, maybe for some guys. But in reality, having good natured "my cock is bigger than yours" is completely different than "is that guy staring at me right now while I'm laying on my cot facing away from him?" It's true, she would. However, I would have to sustain and truthfully say that men sharing the same space w/ a woman would be probably equally as destructive to mission capability as sharing a tent w/ another dude who might want you as bad as the broad does.
  17. Or maybe they'll just die...that'd be better.
  18. This absolutely sucks...I can't believe this happened at 45. Guess it could happen anytime, but you just never think that young. Thoughts to his family, friends, and fans.
  19. Even for those who aren't prejudice against gays, it still would be detrimental to the mission if you had to share a small ass tent w/ another dude who just might want to cornhole you. I don't agree w/ homosexuality, but I'm not going to prejudice against them. In fact, I have a few friends from college who are gay, I don't have a problem w/ it besides just simply disagreeing...but I don't just not talk to them, hang out w/ them. However, if I had to spend 6 months in the desert sharing a small tent w/ a guy who might find me sexually attractive (and they would), then that would make me feel very uncomfortable, despite the fact that I don't have anything major against gays. That feeling could very well affect my ability to do the mission.
  20. Man you think it was bad 30 yrs ago (of course my knowledge of 30 yrs ago is per stories from the old guys), you should see it now. I know I don't know shit in the grand scheme of things, but for fuck's sake, this crap is ridiculous. And one more time for emphasize..F U C K!
  21. I've heard of a bunch of "competitions" in which every kid gets a meda/trophy just so they don't feel bad. Are you fucking kidding me? Anything below, say 5th, doesn't deserve shit (and that's me being generous). Same thing..WTF!!! Everyone seems to have forgotten that 2nd place is merely the first loser. If you're not first, you LOST...and of course there are degrees of losing, but nonetheless, 2nd place and lower has lost. Political Correctness has gotten so out of control! America has indeed become a bunch of pussies...and it's even rampant in the Air Force...for shame. My job is to turn bad guys and their shit into mist and rubble, but I can't say fuck or have my lower zippers even slightly unzipped on my flightsuit? Are you fucking kidding me? Our job is to kill people, but God help us if we say any word worse than please. Here's a line from one pissed off SNAP...I'M GOING TO SAY FUCK, SHIT, ASS, PUSSY, BITCH, AND WHATEVER THE HELL ELSE I WANT TO, AND I'M WEARING MY DAMN ZIPPERS HOW I WANT...unless you say I can't sir, yes sir, I understand the importance of image...give me a fucking break. (sorry for the rant).
  22. Shit no! Best time of my life! Oh wait, well maybe there are a few other things that are better..., but who am I kidding, I love those guys!