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  1. can anyone offer some advice as to what would be a quality tracking dive briefing for small or large groups, novices, ect. Any other tips would also be very helpful.
  2. thanks for the input. Cheers
  3. can anyone offer a good track dive briefing, small and large group? Any other tips or advice would be valuable too.
  4. 22 responses and nobody even attempted to answer the question before them. I'm starting to think that on S.C. a right winger is someone who critisizes a left wingers posts and a left winger is one who critisizes a right wingers post. perhaps I need only rephrase my question and try again. If you care about Iraq's people or not there are other things to consider. just another example - the worlds image of the U.S. consider how that can change or the blows it has taken. I'm not asking for a discussion about national image. I want to read a candid and frank reply from the right of the spectrum. If you care about what happens in Iraq or not what would cause a supporter of the war to withdraw that support?
  5. I've been doing alot of reading about the U.S. war in Iraq. I try very hard to fill myself in on as many perspectives as I can. I think that I have a very good understanding of why these conflicts are taking place but really don't want to get into that. It is a very sensetive subject and that's not what I want to disscuss. lets all be honest here. What would need to happen for people to withdraw support for the actions in Iraq? If you do indeed support what's happening tell me at what point you'd say "I can't get behind this any longer" ie: 400,000 dead civilians?10,000 dead
  6. My 2 cents I don't think you will ever see Canada joining the coalition in Iraq. There is just too many unknowns involved for the average Canadian to endorse that war. I'm optomistic about the new GOV there was no better outcome in My oppinion and I'm far from conservative. Now lets see If our new PM can play ball with the rest of the house.
  7. Unless you work in oil exploration and more specifically in Iraq how do you know this. Geographicly speaking we are talking about a country nestled into the heart of the heaviest oil concentration in the world. furthermore this is all "low-hanging fruit" in the region, as in 15$-25$/barrel to produce. In the case of Iraq 5$-6$/barrel and far from used up. There was enogh there for the U.S. to be purchasing 2 million barrels/day through the oil for food program right up to the invasion. Who knows what capacity the industry was running at, Oil companies know but its a bit of a hot button issue so my guess is we will hear very little about it. It is insulting to suggest that crude oil is not the reason for the interest in the region. The question now is who will come out on top and control it all and what will the cost of this control be.
  8. I'm not sure if they were or not. Too busy like everone else to attend these things but in reallity I don't think this is a priority for CSPA anyway.
  9. it really pisses me off is that p.s.m. is slowly dying out and along with it one of the rarest and purest forms of the sport.
  10. CAR's- canadian air regulations. The reason is skydivers are considered passangers not cargo as they are in the U.S. therefore my club with about 20 members is an airline and now mut have an accountable member of the club board or Fall guy incase something goes wrong. Basicly Transport Canada is attempting to shed all liability and views skydiving as a royal pain in the ass that will eventually get mad and fad out. What really gets me is that glider clubs are exempt from all this and I don't see a differance between the two from an operating stand point.
  11. This sucks I am witnessing my little skydiving club be forced out of existance by the evolution of the industry. At one point the club was operated from a chequebook now we are a comercial air line and must operate as such. I have never seen such a stressed group of skydivers like I have this year.All everyone wants to do is get our knees in the breeze and jump but being absolutly bogged down and having to fight over shit that really does not apply to us is so frusterating.I'm going to have meltdown and commit myself to a mental institution shortly.
  12. I think Bettman should be forced out of his position for not fufilling his duty of attaining an new agreement with the players. As should goodenow or however you spell his name. On a posotive note next fall the Russian junior team will challenge Canada to 2 games right here in Saskatoon. After the tournament last year its will be a fine game. I'll be there with no shirt on hollering like a madman.
  13. I thought he was a good guy till I read that.If I were the rest of the players I would go to great lengths to distace myself from that self serving attitude wich he displays with such confidece. Being a hoser myself suffering from withdrawal I played nearly twice a week and watch tons of junior hockey last season. Fuck all those guys and their millions. They'll find out that there is much more to hockey than the NHL. I think they've shot themselvs in the foot and Roenick showed what he is really made of. Ehy.
  14. Does anyone think they can come up with an idea of how many skydives are made throughout the world every year?